- A WoW survey is considering a new death counter for Mythic+ dungeons, like Delves.
- Player reactions to possible changes to WoW's Mythic+ dungeon system have been mixed.
- Blizzard's upcoming patch 11.0.7 includes the Siren Isle update and class balance adjustments.
According to a survey sent to World of Warcraft Player: Blizzard is considering changing Mythic+ dungeons to use a death counter instead of timers, similar to how grotto dives are currently handled. The new World of Warcraft A survey was conducted to gauge player interest in possible changes to Mythic+ Dungeons. However, the changes made would only come after the conclusion of the current season.
The news came as World of Warcraft is preparing to release patch 11.0.7 on Tuesday, December 17th. The new update takes players to Siren Island, where they will help the Earthen, Goblins and Arathi brave the island's dangerous conditions and uncover its secrets. In addition, some of World of WarcraftClasses will be rebalanced in Patch 11.0.7 to make them more competitive in PVE and PVP. Specializations getting buffs in the Siren Isle update include Havoc Demon Hunters, Marksmanship Hunters, Affliction Warlocks, and Unholy Death Knights.
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In the days leading up to Siren Isle's content update, World of Warcraft players took to social media to discuss part of a new survey that was sent out. On the r/wow subreddit, a Reddit user named SpunkMcKullins posted a screenshot of an email survey that was sent out to some World of Warcraft Players and noted two Mythic+ questions in the survey. The first question was: How interested? World of Warcraft Players would add a death counter to Mythic+ dungeon keys via a timer, similar to Delves The internal war are processed. Currently, timers in Mythic+ dungeons are a way to motivate players to play quickly and smartly, penalizing players who take too long or die too often by significantly reducing the rewards they receive at the end of a dungeon.
World of Warcraft is considering adding a death counter to Mythic+ dungeons
- A World of Warcraft survey is measuring player interest in adding a death counter to Mythic+ dungeon runs via a timer.
- The proposed death counter for Mythic+ dungeons would be similar to one already used in Delves.
- World of Warcraft also asked players if they would use tags when searching for groups.
- Reactions to the World of Warcraft survey were mixed.
Another question asked players if they wanted to add tags to the Find Group page. Some examples are a group either learning Mythic+ dungeons or looking for specific classes. Initial reactions to the R/Wow subreddit poll were mixed. While some World of Warcraft Players were fine with not having to worry about the timer, others expressed concern that runs would take much longer and stated that cooldowns like Shaman's Bloodthirst or Heroism were mandatory for each turn.
Blizzard recently explained this World of WarcraftThe 11.0.7 update would result in higher Mythic+ dungeon keys offering more Harbinger Emblems and other rewards. However, major changes to Mythic+ dungeons won't happen until soon after Season 2 releases World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, only time will tell what Blizzard has in store.