Why are players upset about Minecraft's latest update?

Minecraft recently released its 25w02a snapshot, and while some of the included features aim to improve the game, members of the parkour and speedbridging community have noted that two bug fixes represent a downgrade. Over the years, Minecraft has evolved into a game that attracts many types of players, which has helped build unique in-game communities. When it comes to parkour and speedbridging, there are certain mistakes Minecraft have become essential to gameplay, which has led many players to express their distaste for parts of Mojang's latest snap.

The two bug fixes are MC-271065 and MC-241951. These supposed fixes are hindering the movement of the parkour and speedbridging community, which has sparked a lot of discussion in the feedback section of Minecraft's official website. Because snapshots are in-development changes that players can test before the features are fully implemented MinecraftParkour and speedbridging players have been vocal about the proposed updates.


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Minecraft's new Snapshot makes big changes to in-game movement

  • MC-271065 is a bug that allows players to move diagonally.

  • MC-241951 cancels the pulse on the X and Z axes during slow movements. This allows players to move perfectly within the game grid.

Regarding the error MC-271065, the unnamed player who started the petition MinecraftThe feedback page states: “The loss of the 40 percent speed increase along the diagonal will harm many mechanics, maps and techniques that depend on it, both in parkour and speedbridging.” Regarding MC-241951, the defends Petition further her position by claiming: “This is a common effect in video games that are often targeted, such as B-hopping.” CS:GO or Quake. It will have a negative impact on the movement experience Minecraft and make it more wooden and stiff.” Much of the petition's appeal relies on the fact that players have tended to think of these bugs as features over the years, and removing them would be detrimental to such communities and jeopardize the overall enjoyment of them Minecraft generally.

Snapshot is 25w02a Minecraftis the first of the year, and there will definitely be more throughout 2025.

Support for Minecraft Bug Fix Reversal is growing

At the time of writing, the petition had over 2,600 votes, showing that a significant number of players are at risk of being affected if these fixes are made official. If Minecraft If someone makes changes like this, it could potentially result in the destruction of a variety of maps used by the parkour and speedbridging community, which could be a major misstep on Mojang's part.

Important features in the current snapshot of Minecraft

  • Leaf blocks without particles now have falling leaf particles.

  • New Pig variants

  • Wildflower block

  • Leaf litter block

There have also been issues with since the snapshot was released MinecraftLeaf particle update. While it's not as important as the controversial bug fixes, it's another point of feedback players have given Mojang after trying out the current snapshot. It's unclear whether Microsoft and Mojang will respond to these players' concerns. Therefore, only time will tell if these changes become permanent features in the latest version of Minecraft.

As a petition for reversal MinecraftAs the number of bug fixes continues to grow, it will be interesting to see if player reaction convinces Mojang to reconsider these changes. The parkour and speed bridging players are there Minecraft have built robust communities around this particular style of play, and losing some of the key mechanics for these groups would isolate many long-time fans. It remains to be seen how MC-271065 and MC-241951 will be addressed, but parkour and speedbridging players will at least have a chance to make their voices heard before the fixes become permanent changes Minecraft.

Minecraft game franchise series

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