What does the mysterious merchant sell in The Sims 4: Life & Death?

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    • What is the mysterious dealer selling?

If you are interested in all things spooky for sale The Sims 4: Life and Death In the expansion pack, look no further than the trusty Waylon Warez, better known as the mysterious merchant who haunts the streets of Ravenwood. Look for him at festivals around the pack world or visit his resting place.


The Sims 4: Life and Death Overview – You reap what you sow

It's the Death Sim, but not as we know it.

If you find Waylon Warez, the mysterious merchant, you can purchase a number of things from him. Ranging from Moodlet Essence to Lost Souls, the mysterious merchant in The Sims 4: Life & Death is there to help any aspiring Reaper's Soul Quota.

Where is Waylon Warez?

Waylon Warez, the mysterious merchant, talks to a child at Ravenwood Family Day in The Sims 4 Life and Death.

If you're looking for the Mysterious Merchant in The Sims 4: Life & Death expansion, look for one Ghost named Waylon Warez when you get there. Imagine when you discover his transparent form and he then offers you a variety of spooky goods in addition to the usual socializing opportunities. To go shopping, choose this “Buy Warez” Option from the social menu.

Practically every time you see Waylon Warez, you can talk to him about buying spooky supplies. He was part of the welcome wagon in Ravenwood, and we shopped with him from the porch, but finding him out in the world is the quickest, most reliable way to find the mysterious merchant after moving into town for the first time .

The most common place you will meet Waylon Warez is outside the Specter household near the crypts in their private cemetery. He will often visit Olive's deceased husbands nearby or come out of the crypt (where you might also find him doing some strange mystery shopping if you dare). Explore the crypts himself).

Purchasing a pre-made will from the mysterious merchant in The Sims 4 Life and Death.

Additionally, you'll receive regular pop-ups about what festivals are currently happening, with Ravenwood busy no matter the time of year. Whenever you go to a festival, look around when you arrive to see if there are a few Simoleons burning a hole in your pocket: The mysterious merchant will almost always attend the festivals in Ravenwood.

Every time you talk to Waylon to buy some of these warez, he will offer you a lot Soul (which is crucial if you are in the Grim Reaper career and don't want to find her, or perhaps want to make soul soup if your cooking level is high enough) which Grim Deluxe Ascendant Crow so your Sim can take him home as an eccentric new pet Essence of a moodlet (which seems to vary from day to day) and another random item This can be pretty much anything in the game.

You can also find two of the 26 Tarot cards from the Lady Ravendancer Goth Tarot Deck Collection, a new collection added in the expansion. While most of these cards come for various other reasons aimed at helping you explore the pack, Waylon sells The Chariot and The Hermit Once you have begun the task of putting the deck back together, you can view the Tarot foil statues and gain insight into the Order of Lenore and their mission to put the legendary deck back together.

Are you feeling brave? Try haggling with Waylon Warez before you shop – you never know what kind of deal you can get!

All possible shopping options from Waylon Warez, the mysterious merchant spirit, in the Eternal Rest Cemetery in The Sims 4 Life and Death.

What is the mysterious dealer selling?




Essence of (Moodlet)


Drink it to enjoy the mood mentioned in the title of the drink for a few hours.

Grim Deluxe Ascendant Crow


Gives your Sim a pet crow that has fewer needs than crows purchased via Build/Buy.



There are souls available for purchase that you can use toward your soul quota in the Grim Reaper career.

The hermit

Two of the 26 cards from the tarot card deck collection.

The chariot

If you're lucky, you might opt ​​for that too buy a random item from the Mysterious Merchant if you meet him too. That will always cost §750 and added directly to your Sim's inventory. We got everything from a death frog to an undead cow plant to essences and flower seeds, so spend it as you see fit.


The Sims 4: Life and Death – Dave Miotke and Morgan Henry on life, death and whether they would make good reapers

Sim Guru Dave and Sim Guru Morgan reveal some of Ravenwood's secrets.

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