What cards can you get from Genetic Apex Pikachu in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket?

While collecting every card in the Pokemon TCG Pocket is a difficult task usually reserved for those willing to put money into the game, we've got you covered with every card in the Genetic Apex Pikachu Pack. Whether you're looking to add Misty to your Starmie Ex and Articuno Ex deck or are obsessed with the captivating Pikachu art, this pack is full of favorites.


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While some cards, such as As Crown Rares are common across packs, you may not get another chance to collect all of your favorite FA (Full Art) cards from Genetic Apex's Pikachu pack if you don't grab them this time. Deck builders and collectors will enjoy this easy-to-follow guide to help them fill their collections and decide which pack to pick up first.

Every card in Genetic Apex Pikachu

The Misty Full Art from the Pikachu Genetic Apex Pack in Pokemon Pocket.

Below is a complete list of all the cards you will find in one Genetic Apex pack with Pikachu on the cover.

Apex Pikachu Genetic Card List

Pikachu's genetic apex caterpillar in the Pokémon Trading Card Game bag.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Metapod

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Butterfree in the pocket of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Paras





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Parasect

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards. Growlithe

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Arcanine in the Pokemon Trading Card Game bag.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Arcanine Ex card.




Arcanine ex

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Squirtle

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Wartortle

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Blastoise in the bag of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Blastoise ex in the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.




Blastoise ex

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Seel

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Dewgong from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Horsea

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Seadra





The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Goldeen in the bag of the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Seaking

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Magikarp

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Gyarados in the Pokemon Trading Card Game bag.





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Omanyte

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Omastar

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Pikachu from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Raichu





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Pikachu ex

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Magnemite

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Magneton

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Voltorb

Pikachu ex





The Electabuzz card will appear in the Pokémon Bag.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Jolteon

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Zapdos





zapdos ex

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Clefairy from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Clefable from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Drowzee from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Zapdos ex




Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Hypno

The Diglett map from Genetic Apex.

The Digdri from the Pokemon trading card game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Geodude from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.





The Pikachu Genetic Apex Graveler from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pikachu's genetic Apex Golem in the Pokémon Trading Card Game bag.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Onix

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Mienfoo





Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Mienshao

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoran F

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidorina

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoqueen


Nidoran F



Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoran M

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidorino

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex CardsPokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoking

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Jigglypuff

Nidoran M




Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Wigglytuff

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Wigglytuff ex

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Chansey from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The genetic Pikachu Apex Eevee in the Pokémon Trading Card Game bag.

Jelly Tuff

Wigglytuff ex



Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Snorlax

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Helix Fossil

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Misty

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Brock from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.


Helix fossil



Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Lt. Surge

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Squirtle FA

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Gyarados FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Electrode FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Lt. Surge

Squirtle FA

Gyarados FA

Electrode FA

The Diglett Full Art of Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoqueen FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Nidoking FA

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Eevee FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Diglett FA

Nidoqueen FA

Nidoking FA

Eevee FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Snorlax FA

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Arcanine ex FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Blastoise from FA, the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Pikachu EX FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Snorlax FA

Arcanine ex FA

Blastoise ex FA

Pikachu ex FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Zapdos from FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Wigglytuff from FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Misty FA-1

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Brock FA from the Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Zapdos ex FA

Wigglytuff ex FA

Misty F.A

Brock FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Lt. Surge FA

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Zapdos ex Rainbow

Pokemon Pocket Pikachu Genetic Apex Cards Wigglytuff ex Rainbow

The Pikachu Genetic Apex Pikachu Immersive in Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket.

Lt. Surge FA

Zapdos ex Rainbow

Wigglytuff ex Rainbow

Pikachu immersive

What are the chances of getting the card I want?

Every Card with a diamond has one 2 percent chance to appear in any pack as one of the first three card slots.

When it comes to that fourth place, Crown Rare Cards have a combined Probability 0.04 percent of the appearance.

In the same slot the three star slot (Immersive) Pikachu has a 0.222 percent chance of the appearance.

Two-star cards, such as B. Ex-Pokémon and fully designed trainer cards, have one 0.5 percent cumulative chancewith every card sit at 0.05 percent individually.

In the meantime, A star Maps (full art) have a 2.572 percent chance of the appearance.

Finally, the diamond rarities are divided as follows:

  • Four diamonds – 1.666 percent

  • Three Diamonds – 5.00 percent

  • Two diamonds – 90 percent

Finally in the fifth card slot, Here are the breakdowns for each card type:

  • Crown Rare – 0.160 percent

  • Three stars – 0.888 percent

  • Two stars – 2,000 percent

  • One star – 10.288 percent

  • Four diamonds – 6.664 percent

  • Three Diamonds – 20.00 percent

  • Two diamonds – 60.00 percent

If that's what you want Immersive Pikachu Ex Map, This is the only package currently available that includes it.


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