Veol, the crazy Wolf Boss Guide

In Ender Magnolia: blossom in the fogYou take on the role of Lilac, a talented coordination with the ability to remove corruption of Homunculi. Similar to its predecessor, the game has a variety of upgrades and crossing skills that you have to unlock to carry out the story.

During the research of the abandoned landscape, you will meet the map on the map on some impassable barriers growth. To get past them, they have to Switch on the ability called Hatis indictment. In this guide we help you to find out exactly how you can achieve this ability to achieve the ability Ender Magnolia: blossom in the fog.


6 Beginner tips for Ender Magnolia: Blossom in the fog

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the fog is an excellent matroid vania, but it can get used to it. These beginner tips help with this process.

Received from Hatis load (Break growth ability) in Ender Magnolia: Blossom in the fog

Ender-Magnolia-Bloom-in-the-Mist-Hati's-Lading-Breaking growth

To unlock the charges of Hatis, you have to cross the depths of the purple forest. It is one of the more difficult regions in the game, with Warp points that you teleport in different places. To get the ability to break growth, they have to Defeat the boss of this area, Veol, the crazy wolf.

Navigating in the purple forest can be difficult due to its interwoven design and warp points. If you push further forward, you will finally reach the purple forest settlement break. Veol will be waiting for you beyond this room. Although Veol is not the hardest boss in the game, it can still be a serious challenge for unprepared players, but if you learn his attack patterns, you will find that evading with his attacks is very simple. A few damage bonds of relics that are equipped is also useful.

After defeating the boss, you have to go to the next room where you speak to the village. After an abbreviation, Hatis's load capacity is activated.

How to defeat Veol, the crazy wolf in Ender Magnolia: blossom in the fog


Veol, the crazy wolf Up to this point, the first boss is with a variety of attacks. Fortunately, all of his attacks are well telegraphed and offer you many ways to soften them. If you have equipped the tied animal switch that you should fight for this fight, you can do massive damage with your counterattacks.

This boss is pretty fast compared to the others to whom you have been confronted. He falls around the arena and can switch away from her attacks. However, since most of his attacks are close to skills, you will find many openings if you dodge correctly to cause damage.

Veol can be broken if you cause enough break damage, which makes Nolas Vanquisher particularly useful for this fight. Yolvan's blocking pressure can also build up breakage damage quickly and from a safe distance.

Veol, the main attacks of the crazy wolf

Ender Magnolia-Bloom-in-the-Mist-Veol-Lightning Pillar attack

  • Bite: Veol takes a short step forward and takes a bite attack.
  • Spider jump: The boss jumps into the air while turning and leaving with a slash attack.
  • RAM attack: Veol hurries towards you and tries to run you with his horns. The boss plants his face down shortly before this attack.
  • Total flash: Veol jumps from one side of the arena to another and conjures up the lighting out of the ground.
  • Flash column: The boss howls and conjures up a few flash balls that create a pillar in the arena. He calls two light columns for the first time, but when his health decreases, he begins to call more columns.
  • Attack attack: Veol stands briefly on his rear legs and rushes towards her at high speed.

Veol, the crazy strategy for Wolf Bosskampf

While Veol's variety of attacks may initially appear to be a challenge, all of his attacks are extremely easy to expect. The boss usually starts with a bite attack when the fight begins. Simply push through the attack to avoid it and then land a few quick hits in return. If you are good with your timing, this is an excellent opportunity to use the counter of tied up beast.

Noras Vanquisher works best for her main attacks because of his extraordinary break damage at that time. As far as her fourth ability is concerned, Lito seems to be the obvious choice. Due to the irregular movements of the boss, it is easier to connect, but the glacier fist can cause the frost status effect, which can significantly increase its damage output.

Muinn's low damage output makes it a bad choice for this boss fight.

The boss will not use his lightning skills before his health falls under half. Although the lightning damage is not too great to worry, the attacks themselves are rather much harm. So try your best to avoid you hit you.

The sum -lightning attack can be parried with the switch of the bound animal.

Veol's attack attack is far the most difficult to accommodate. Since the boss moves at an extremely high speed, you have to quote your order perfectly to include a counterattack. In view of the massive damage to this attack, it is safer to jump and push through it instead of making a counter.

Ender Magnolia-Bloom-in-the-Mist-Veol-the-Crazed-Wolf-Wolf

Most of the time, this struggle is a battle of wear, in which you will avoid more than attack. The boss's health pool is not that big, and as long as you manage to avoid hits, you should be able to defeat Veol, the crazy wolf.

Where to go where I can get Hatis load in Ender Magnolia: bloom in the fog


Hatis indictment is a cross in Ender Magnolia: blossom in the fog. While you can run to agricultural waste through enemies, use in combat are quite limited. However, as soon as you unlock the ability, you can examine parts of the card that have previously been blocked by growth.

After you have received the ability, you have some options where to go. Magicite Mine is the obvious choice if they haven't been there yet. From there you can go to crystalline mines or to the underground waterway. You can also use peaks to quickly travel to previous areas in which you have found growth and to break with your newly discovered skills.

After all, they encounter different forms of growth that require different skills to break.

The ability progression system in Ender Magnolia: blossom in the fog There are always new places that you can explore every time you unlock something. You are now available with Hatis charges and you are ready to discover the many secrets in this mysterious world.

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