TYBW – Which Sternritter abilities are still unknown?


  • Three Sternritter in BLEACH are left with mysterious and unknown writings until the end of the “Thousand Year Blood War” story arc.
  • The unique font “Stigma – The Scar” by Shaz Domino has interesting Christian symbolism relating to the creation of man on the 6th day.
  • Fans suspect that BG-9's writing could be related to knowledge, while Robert's writing could be associated with extreme speed due to her actions.

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    • Sternritter K, N and two others are elusive

The Thousand Year Blood War Bow of BLEACHING features the return of the Quincies, who were believed to have been exterminated by the Shinigami over 200 years before the events of the series. The Wandenreich returned much stronger and more dangerous after hiding in the shadows of Soul Society, becoming a powerful force with countless Quincies involved in realizing the vision of the Quincy King Yhwach, using his rare ability to Distributing parts of his soul to give them special powers Based on the letters of the alphabet, he carves into the souls of his most powerful subordinate, the Sternritter.

Given that there are 26 letters of the alphabet, it is believed that there are at least 26 Sternritter, each with their own abilities, manifested in the fact that Yhwach has assigned them a “font”, but that is not entirely true, not to mention the fact that there are many Sternritter whose abilities are never truly identified or even seen until the end of the Quincy Blood War. Which Sternritter writings end up remaining remains unknown BLEACHING?


BLEACH: Thousand Year Blood War – Which Quincies Survived the Chosen?

Yhwach's choices strip Quincies of his powers, resulting in certain death. But some survived. Why?

The unknown scripts are not all based on Roman scripts

Sternritter K, N and two others are elusive

In total, three of the 27 Sternritter who are introduced to us in the final arc have writings whose identity we do not yet know and will not know at the end of the arc Thousand Year Blood War arc, during which one, Uryū Ishida, has the name of his script A revealed towards the end of the series. One of these four, Shaz Domino, finds himself in a situation where he either has the same letter as another person, such as the twins Royd and Lloyd Loyd; or it simply doesn't have a Roman letter assigned to it. The robot BG-9, who was fighting Soi-Fon during this time BLEACH: Thousand Year Blood War Part 2 – The Separation was introduced as Sternritter K, while the older gunslinger who fought Shunsui Kyoraku and lost his mind in a fit of despair when Yhwach activated the Select, Robert Accutrone, is written N.

The Sternritter and their names





Quincy: Completely



The Almighty

Soul doling, near-omnipotence, changing the future, near-omniscience


Uryu Ishida


Not revealed yet (in the anime)

Seen in the anime but not yet explained/identified


Yugram Haschwalth


The balance

Misfortune diversion

Unknown, possibly Michael, due to his position in the Wandenreich

Pernida Parnkgjas


The compulsive

Evolutionary governance

N/A, Soul King's Sentient Left Arm

Askin Nakk Le Vaar


The Death Trade

Lethal dose manipulation


Bambietta Basterbine


The explosion

Bomb transformation

Never mentioned in the manga or anime, but called Zoviel BLEACHING Ex. art exhibition

Äs Nödt


The fear

fear incentive

Tatar forums

Liltotto Lampard


The glutton



Bazz B


The heat

Fire Manipulation

Unknown, possibly Uriel

Cang Du


The iron

Skin hardening

Unknown, possibly cash target

Quilge Opie


The prison





Unknown, theoretically “The Knowledge”

Unknown, probably gathering information

Unknown, possibly Zaphkiel, Agiel or Sophiel based on the theory of his writing

PePe Waccabrada



Limerence control


Gerard Valkyrie


The miracle

Miracle manifestation

Ashtony, sentient heart of the Soul King, or possibly just his host (as Ukitake hosted Mimihagi)

Robert Accutrone


Unknown, probably “The Nimble”

Unknown, theoretically high-speed mobility/embodiment of Hirenkyaku

Unknown, possibly Grimaniel, based on the theory of his writing

Driscoll Berci


The overkill

Empowerment through indiscriminate murder

Unknown, due to her abilities it is suspected to be Za'afiel

Meninas McAllon


The power

Superhuman strength


Berenice Gabrielli


The question

Objection to events

Unknown, theoretically Salatheel due to her abilities

Jerome Guizbatt


The roar

Sonic scream

Unknown, possibly Ariel based on his abilities

James/Mask De Masculine


The superstar

Empowerment through cheering

Unknown, possibly Gabriel based on his abilities

Candice Catnipp


The lightning

Lightning manipulation


NaNaNa Najahkoop


The lower abdomen

Reiatsu weakness detection

Unknown, possibly Raziel based on his abilities

Gremmy Thoumeaux


The visionary

DisaImagination Realization

Unknown, possibly Ramiel based on his abilities

Nianzol Weizol


The wind

Attack redirection/aversion

Unknown, assumed to be Gadriel due to his abilities

Lille Barro


The X axis

Spatial piercing/phasing


Royd and Lloyd Loyd


The you yourself

Imitation of appearance and personality

Unknown, possibly Azazel based on use of his abilities

Giselle Gewelle


The zombie

Bokor/Zombie conversion


Shaz Domino


Stigma – The Scar, formerly V – The Viability

Uncontrollable regeneration

Unknown, due to his abilities it is assumed to be Raphael

Fans have tried to figure out BG-9 and Robert's designations based on their brief appearances and behavior in battle. The theory is that the robot Quincy is called K – The Knowledge because it impaled the 2nd Squad Captain with it. Through its needle-like appendages, it understood a lot about her abilities and was able to analyze О̄maeda's sister Marechiyo's reiatsu closely enough after it had impaled her in order to establish that she and the 2nd Squad Lieutenant were family. For Robert Accutrone, fans on Reddit have theorized that it may have something to do with him being extremely fast, as he disappears and reappears behind Kyō̄raku several times during their encounter, which is especially true given that Kyō̄raku is one of them , no small feat, is the most talented fighter Soul Society has ever seen.

The most unique font

The eternal wound

Bleach Best Dressed Quincy Shaz Domino Sternritter Thousand Year Blood War Arc

Shaz Domino, who is only briefly seen attacking Akon and other members of the 12th Squad before being immediately knocked out by Ichigo, is shown in the BLEACHING Novels are said to have been a figment of Gremmy's imagination, given the writing Ϛ, Stigma – The Scar, as his initial ability V – The Viability transformed him into a real person by assimilating real Reishi every time he suffered an injury. The script is a ligature, a combination of two separate glyphs, the Greek letters sigma (Σ) and tau (Τ), and is also used to represent the number 6, which is popular in Christianity due to the creation myth in which God represents man. represents man (YHWH) created “man” on the 6th day, which fits into the story of Shaz as an imagined, i.e. created man.

Interestingly, the crescent-shaped ligature looks similar lame (ל)the first glyph in the Hebrew transcription of the name “Raphael”; a sheen that looks like it could have been an upside down stigma. Even more interesting is paralyzed represents the number 12 and is therefore, like the stigma, one number less than an extremely significant concept: 7 represents perfection, since in Christian myth and various superstitions, especially in Nordic myth, God rested on the 7th day 13 stands for misfortune. The stigma is believed to be a reference to “Stigmata”, the representation of the wounds suffered by Jesus Christ, with Yhwach granting him the unique script because he believed that his inability to die (hence “viability”) made him one Saints leave a scar on this world as a Quincy that can never be erased. This would also explain the leopard prints (stigma) incorporated into his design.

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Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War

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