This Franky theory will blow your mind


  • An ancient weapon, Pluton was first mentioned in the Alabasta Arc and is a powerful battleship.
  • Franky has the knowledge to create Pluton.
  • The final saga of One Piece may involve Franky using Pluton knowledge to make the Sunny a perfect opponent in the final war.

The One piece The story is well into its final saga and eventually all the pieces will slowly come together. Right at the beginning of the story, Eiichiro Oda dropped small hints and vague lore that seemed insignificant at the time, but ended up playing a big role, often changing the course of the series once they were eventually expanded upon.

One thing that fans of the series theorize about almost endlessly has to do with the ancient weapon called Pluton, which was mentioned way back in the Alabasta arc. Furthermore, the prevailing belief about this weapon has to do with the Straw Hats' shipwright; Franky, so let's think about how he could play one of the most important roles in the Final Saga of One piece.


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Franky and the ancient weapon Pluton

How are the two things related?

Pluton's first mention

One pieceChapter 192, “Whirlwind Warning”

Franky's first appearance

One pieceChapter 329, “My Name is Franky”

Pluton was the first of the mysterious ancient weapons mentioned in the Alabasta Arc. Similar to fellow weapons Poseidon and Uranus, Pluton is named after a mythical god-like figure and is said to be an incredibly powerful battleship capable of destroying an entire island with a single explosion. Sometime in the Void Century, the legendary shipwrights of Water 7 created this machine, presumably for the Ancient Kingdom.

“Pluton.” It is said that a single explosion can destroy an entire island without leaving a trace.

Franky himself ties into the existence of this ship. For when the ship was originally built many centuries ago, the shipbuilders knew of its power and recognized the fact that if it fell into the wrong hands it would mean the end of the world. To prevent this, they preserved the ship's blueprints and passed them down to Water 7's greatest shipbuilders for generations, so that the original ship, currently located beneath the Fuji Mountains in Wano, should ever be built. another might be persuaded to challenge it. Franky was the last person to own and view these blueprints.


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How Franky will create another pluton

The final form of the Thousand Suns

Because Franky kept the Pluton blueprints and studied them thoroughly before destroying them to prevent CP9, and therefore the World Government, from getting their hands on them, he has the knowledge to develop the deadly weapon from the ground up. Because of this, the theory states that Franky will use this knowledge in the final war to bring the Thousand Sunny into its strongest form to stand up to Pluton when he inevitably awakens from his long slumber.

How this might happen remains speculation. One theory is that Kaido and Big Mom are not dead and are currently right next to Pluton himself because they were shot at the base of Wano's Mount Fuji after their battles with Luffy, Law and Kidd. In the final war, it is possible for these two emperors of the sea to make their long-speculated return to the series, but this time aboard the immeasurably powerful Pluton battleship.

Conversely, another theory suggests that the World Government could also create its own version of Pluton by capturing Iceberg from Water 7. This is because Iceberg kept the Pluton blueprints for four years after Tom's death, meaning he also most likely memorized them during that time. If the World Government had somehow figured this out, they could have kidnapped him and forced him to build the ship, which could have further motivated Franky to act against it.

Although the Thousand Sunny is Franky's own invention rather than a copy of Pluton, it is very likely that Franky will use his knowledge of Pluton to significantly improve the Sunny when the time comes the ship has sufficient power. It is the perfect counterpart to the Ancient Weapon. In this way, the plot of Franky and Thousand Sunny itself comes full circle brilliantly and both would play extremely relevant roles in the final story arc.

One piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.


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One Piece is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. The series follows protagonist Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirate crew as they explore the Grand Line to find the King of Pirates' ultimate treasure, the One Piece, to become the next king. The manga's popularity helped it spawn a larger media franchise, including an anime with more than 1,000 episodes.

Release date
October 20, 1999

Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Okamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Ôtani, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Kazuki Yao, Chō

Eiichiro Oda

Junki Takegami, Shoji Yonemura, Hirohiko Uesaka

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