Things to do first in STALKER 2

Key insights

  • Learn early game tips like saving Gloomy to get good loot and resources.
  • Because of the high risk of damage, stockpile medkits to heal quickly.
  • Visit Zalissya early to find merchants, complete quests, and repair equipment.

STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl is the latest release from the long-running STALKERS. Series. It is a first-person survival horror title set in the exclusion zone created after the Chernobyl reactor explosion. The game combines realistic and addictive shooter mechanics with survival elements and a whole range of supernatural and mutant threats.


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STALKERS 2 is a difficult game as players not only have to balance survival elements, but also maintain weapons, navigate, and engage in many varied combats. This means that the game may feel overwhelming and slightly directionless, especially for new players to the series. For this reason, it is very important that players learn some of their options and what they should do first in the first few hours of the game.

1 Save Gloomy

Access to a supply

Stalker 2 Dark hiding cave

After completing the prologue and waking up in the Restricted Zone without their equipment, players are introduced to Richter, who they can follow to a nearby town. Players can then encounter and rescue Zhorik in a nearby house, who tells them to save his ally Gloomy. This begins the “Dangerous Visitors” quest.

After saving Gloomy, players experienced quite a bit of combat with human enemies, teaching them about the in-game shooting game. You will also receive a cash reward as well as access to all loot in the building and the details of a hideout found in the nearby cave. Looting this stash provides good early loot and resources to ease the start of the game.

2 Stock medkits

Incredibly useful healing

Stalker 2 Medkit Description

STALKERS 2 is a difficult game even when played on standard difficulty. There are many threats in the zone and most of them deal huge amounts of damage early on, especially compared to the player's overall health. Some mutant attacks or gunshots deal 50-75% health, and other actions, such as falling from a low height, can be near fatal.

For this reason, players should pay particular attention to ensuring that they are supplied with medicine kits. These heal a huge amount of health almost instantly. After a short animation, players can restore health and return from the brink of death. Of course, players will need bandages to stop their bleeding, but no other health items can compare to the tremendous healing that medkits provide. They can be purchased and found frequently throughout the zone, but players may get through them quickly. Therefore, stocking up is a good idea.

3 Trip to Zalissya

First friendly city

Stalker 2 Zalissya-2

After completing the prologue and potentially completing the early side quest “Dangerous Visitors,” players will then be tasked with making their way to Zalissya. This is the first friendly city players will find, and it's easy to get to thanks to the airship that hovers over the city. Here players will find traders, quest givers, story-relevant NPCs and a whole range of other resources.


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It is especially useful to get to Zalissya as early as possible, since the game only begins after visiting the city. It is the first real step in the journey and is where players continue the main quest as well as any side quests that may be found in the city. Zalissya is also safe from all threats in the zone. Therefore, it is helpful for players to know where they can travel if the zone proves too deadly in the first few hours.

4 Talk to dealers

Sell ​​unwanted items and have them repaired

Stalker 2 trader hamster

Zaliyssa is home to many NPCs, especially some traders who trade in various goods. There is Hamster, which allows players to purchase armor, ammo, and weapons. There is also Warlock, which allows players to repair and upgrade their weapons and items. These are two important dealers that players should familiarize themselves with in the first few hours STALKERS 2.

During the journey to Zaliyssa, players should make sure to collect all items and weapons for sale as long as they are not at red durability. By simply collecting everything and then selling it to the Zalissya traders, players can make a lot of money with the excess weapons they collect. Players can then use this money to stock up on more goods and repair their equipment at Warlock.

5 Take on Zalissya side quests

Good early money

Stalker 2 Mityay

There are a number of side quests in the zone and the first ones players find are primarily found in Zalissya. These are relatively simple tasks that allow players to gain knowledge and familiarity with their surroundings, as well as earn a significant amount of money and possibly other items.

One of these quests comes from Warlock the Trader and is a simple debt collection mission near Zalissya. This allows players to earn money very quickly and take out a few bandits for their equipment. Another side quest comes from Mityay and is titled “The Poppy Field”. This allows players to travel a little further afield and loot many items along the way, culminating in the decision to sell the item they need or return it to Mityay, either receiving an AR416 if they choose to sell choose, or receive a cash reward if they return it to Mityay.

6 Find stashes

Useful early equipment and items

Stalker 2 hideout

The zone in STALKERS 2 features a plethora of hiding places scattered throughout, each containing a variety of items that can be found in all sorts of locations. All players need to do is pay attention to the map to find the hiding places in the starting area and get some solid loot early on.


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Many of these hideouts are great for completing side quests, some of which are close to quest objectives. You can even find one in a barn on the outskirts of Zalissya, a particularly convenient hiding place for looting. Players should always pay attention to these hiding places, especially early in the game, and loot them whenever they are nearby.



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November 20, 2024

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