The next god of war should give Atreus his own death and the logging scene

The God of war The franchise has become increasingly introspective and darker in its modern versions. While the original hack-and-slash God of war The games are among the best on PlayStation and are still excellent in terms of writing, but they certainly focus more on the inherent spectacle of divine warfare than the emotional, familial dramas explored in many ancient religions.

God of war's 2018 reboot, next to it Ragnaroktakes steps in a different direction. Kratos is now wiser and wizened, having already lost his former family to a bloody conflict, and although he begins the 2018 game rather cold and emotionally distant, he wants nothing more than peace for his last remaining son. Of course, fate has other plans and plunges him into a new adventure full of dangers and threatens to end his life according to the ever-present ghoul prophecy. What happens in Ragnarok is a battle against fate itself, as Kratos is not afraid of death, but is unwilling to submit to it. Furthermore, he is tired, exhausted and jaded and does not wish for another argument. These various characteristics are highlighted through the story of Death and the Woodcutter, one of the many meaningful parables in the game's universe.


God of War Ragnarok has left its main cast in a bind forever

God of War appears to be taking a two-pronged approach with its father-son protagonists, but things may be trickier than they first seem.

A future God of War game needs an Atreus version of Death and the Logger

The story of Death and the Woodcutter plays a major role in God of War Ragnarok

Sometime during RagnarokWhen Atreus has trouble falling asleep, Kratos tells him an old story about an aging woodcutter who transports wood for his village day after day. Eventually he becomes too tired to continue and, releasing his weight, he calls out for Death to take him. Kratos briefly summarizes the story here, but it is already clear what the context is God of War RagnarokThe Story of Kratos: The entire game builds up to the moment of Kratos' death, as foretold at the end of the previous entry.

Kratos's disposition also has something in common with the Logger's, having lived a life marked by struggles and certainly tempted by the possibility of a reprieve.

Ultimately, the story has a happy ending as it is revealed towards the end of the game that after encountering death, the woodcutter decides he wants to live on. He asks for help carrying his logs to lighten his burden and allow him to move forward. This unexpected ending adds a special highlight to Kratos' character arc in these two games, as he rejects death and prophecy through community, friendship, and trust. It is one of many examples of layered storytelling Ragnarokand future games should revisit and develop this narrative device.

Why Atreus should have his own Death and the Logger

The God of war The franchise before and after the reboot depends on its connection to mythology. In the real world, stories of divine pantheons and celestial battles have long served to teach some kind of lesson or illuminate some aspect of the human psyche: Narcissus, drowned while chasing his own reflection, teaches the dangers of self-obsession Story of Sisyphus' Punishment conveys the dangers of betrayal and so on.

This creates similarly simple stories that tie in with the more nuanced, modernized stories of… God of war The games themselves fit the mythological background of the series, making it easier to believe that the events of the games are actually part of a larger mystical world.

How such stories might apply to Atreus' supposed solo adventure would depend on his character arc and journey. Stories about finding yourself, facing new and daunting challenges, or coming to terms with a complicated past would be potentially powerful inclusions into the future God of war Title that helps flesh out Atreus as he enters young adulthood, and presumably poses far greater dangers.

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