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Where do you find three moonlight barrels
How to escape the monastery
In the previous chapter of The stone of madness Campaign, the goal of Saint Jerome, they hit Shadow and uncovered their terrible past. After her love discovered her love, she was arrested with her baby in a cell until her death.

The stone of madness: the corrupt hand of the church – Chapter 1 -Walkthrough
To survive the stone of madness means to use the strengths of each character to escape.
They say goodbye to Shadow by thinking about mother or bringing her baby's toys, and in return she gave them the emblem. However, the emblem was broken and now you need a big fire to repair it. This chapter begins your search for this fire. If you are ready, the last chapter of the campaign is waiting.
How to repair the emblem
Her first goal in this chapter is to repair the emblem given by Shadow. You need a strong fire for this. There are two sources of fire that you can use: the central fire in the cells or the kitchen stove in the reflector. If you use the fire in the cells, a cutscene plays when it approaches it and shows that the fire has run out and that an inmate is caught there.
First, Talk to the doctor About the situation. To free the inmates, use Alfredo's examination competence Follow the traces next to the detained inmate. The tracks lead north to a cell on the first floor, where they end near a mirror. Interact with the tracks to unlock the coordinated door where the inmate is trapped.
As soon as the inmate goes Press the button again to close the door. Now go to Second floor of the western section of the cells and activate the switch. This will be sparked by the fire again, on which the inmate was previously recorded.
Finally press the button to unlock the fire area, then Give Eduardo or Agnes the emblem And interact with the fire to complete the goal and trigger a cutscene.
Alternatively, you can use the kitchen stove in the reflector. To do this, however, you first have to get a key from the monk, the wood in the large wall area chops.
Where do you find three moonlight barrels
Your next goal is to create a distraction for your escape by set fire to the large apple tree in the large wall area. To do this, you have to Bring three moonlight barrels with you To the apple tree. You can either search for barrels or collect sugar cane to produce moonlight.
You can produce moonlight barrels in your cell with the witch cauldron of Agnes with the sugar sticks that you have collected.
If you want to collect sugar cane, you can find it near the river east of the reflectories. There are two sugar sticks here – use Agnes to collect them while avoiding nun and soldiers. Next, Drive to the scalch cellar door in the large wall, Go down the stairs and find two more sugar sticks near the river.
On the other side of the river there is a different sugar cane, but you need Eduardo to put a letters over the water to reach it. You can also find sugar cane In the pharmacist area of the cellsEspecially in western space with vases.
A moonlight barrel is located In the pianist's roomAnd another is in the kitchen of reflectories. To find it in the kitchen, use Alfredo's examination competence Follow the traces on the lower floor. This leads you to a crack in the wall where a barrel is hidden.
As soon as you have saved all three lunar lines on the apple tree, the goal is completed.
How to save Alfredo
As he tried to lit the fire, Alfredo was captured and her current goal is to save him. It is held in the courtyard in occupants, where they will see a cutscene on arrival.
First, Buy the silver key from Panecillo for 50 coinswhich is located near the stairs in the northern part of the cells.
Then go up the stairs and switch on the large wooden door to grant you Easy access to Mother Superior's office.
Instead of getting the key from Panecillo, however, Starting from the cellar door in the old storage room is also a good idea. In this way you can reach Alfredo without needing the key.
In the garden outside of Mother Superior you will Find a place where you can bind a rope. Low Amelia using the rope, then with the rope Give them through the hole to reach Alfredo's location. Use shadows and barrels to your advantage, while moving Amelia carefully towards Alfredo.
A security guard will regularly go up and down the wooden platform, on which Alfredo is held. Hide behind the run near the bear trap while the security guard is below. Set the normal guards with a sleeping chocolate in the sleep and Lenu off the soldier with a mousisetrap. While you are distracted, Free Alfredo. As soon as Alfredo is saved, this goal is completed.
How to escape the monastery
Your last goal is to escape the monastery. To do this, all three have to leave their characters through the big gate in the large wall. First, Eliminate the security guard that stands on the top of the stairs With Leonora. Then, Edit with the armed soldier and the other protection near the metal fences In front of the gate – if possible, use Agnes' Goetia skills to kill them.
As soon as the patrolling guards are maintained, Climb the rocky spots with Leonora on the wall and take down the soldiers stationed there. After interact with the switch on the wallBring Leonora and Agnes to the goal. Finally, escort Alfredo, disguised as a priest, to the goal without being caught by mother.
Alternatively you can Reach the gate through the area where you previously spoke to shadows. To do this, use Eduardo to break the boards in the dark passage, and then interact with the switch inside to lift the beams. In this way you can lead each character to the goal individually.

The stone of the madness of blasphemic developers is the same parts fascinating and frustrating
Try the demo itself as part of Steam Next firmly.