The Binding of Isaac Rebirth: Best Characters


  • Unlocking characters with unique traits is crucial to success in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

  • Characters like Lazarus, Samson and Magdalene offer players different advantages.

  • Each character requires certain achievements to unlock and reach their full potential.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth offers players a 2D roguelike experience in which they must survive the trials in Isaac's mother's basement. While they start with just one character, they have the opportunity to unlock several more. Each character offers unique advantages and characteristics that allow players to achieve all of the game's achievements.

Some of these characters are much easier to handle than others, while others are just more fun. Players' experiences in each run are determined by the character they select at the start. If you choose one of these characters, make sure they have the best chance of success in their run.


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One who rises from the dead

Lazarus in the binding of the reincarnation of Isaac

  • Health: 3 red hearts (original form), 1 red heart (revived form)
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage:2

For players looking for a little help, Lazarus could be the ideal choice. Once dead, like his namesake, he rises again for a second chance. When he is revived, players start from where they died. In his second life, Lazarus will also have stronger base stats.

To unlock Lazarus, players must have at least four soul hearts in a single run. In its original form, it starts with three red hearts and a random pill pickup. When he is revived, Lazarus will have a red heart. When he respawns, he also leaves a trail that deals damage to any enemies that get close enough to him.



Increases damage with each hit taken

Samson in The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth.

  • Health: 3 red hearts
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 1 (before taking damage)

Getting through each floor in this game without taking damage is quite a challenge. Samson more than makes up for this by dealing even more damage with every hit he takes. This damage boost remains active as long as he remains on the ground and will not reset until he advances to the next one.


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Players must learn how to balance taking damage with dealing damage to ensure Samson makes it through a run alive. This character starts with three red hearts, but also has that Children's heart This makes it easier for him to find a heart pickup at the end of a room. When used correctly, this can make a player's run extremely successful. Samson can be unlocked through Complete two floors without taking damage.



More hearts in exchange for slower speed

Magdalene in The Binding of Isaac Rebirth.

  • Health: 4 red hearts
  • Speed: 1
  • Damage: 2

Magdalena isn't the greatest when it comes to speed, but she makes up for it with her four hearts. Furthermore, it starts with the Tasty heartwhat will restore one of these hearts. Players can complete the April Fools' Day challenge to increase their speed and unlock a full health pill. With these modifications, Maggie is much more adaptable to dangerous situations.

To unlock this character, players must have: Seven or more red heart containers during a single run. Unlocking her enhanced stats is crucial as her slow base speed makes her more vulnerable to taking damage.



A risky undertaking

Judas in the Binding of the Reincarnation of Isaac

  • Health: 1 red heart
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 3

Players who like risk should choose Judas. Although this character starts with a red heart, he also has high damage, making him a potential powerhouse when it comes to taking out enemies. He also starts with the Book of Belial, which increases his damage for that room by 2 and also increases the player's chance of finding angel or devil rooms.

Judas relies heavily on finding items that increase his heart container total, but players will often find that his damage potential against tougher enemies and bosses is well worth the inconvenience. Players can unlock this character the first time Defeat Satan.



High potential for damage

Eve in The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth.

  • Health: 2 red hearts
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 1

At first glance, Eve doesn't look particularly impressive. With only two heart containers and a base damage value of 1, she actually looks pretty weak. However, it starts with a few key points that can quickly change things. Dead Bird attacks an enemy as soon as Eve takes damage, and Whore of Babylon increases her speed and damage once she drops to half a heart.

Eve can be unlocked as a player Complete two floors without collecting heart itemsincluding soul or demon hearts. A helpful tip for this is to use either Magdalene or Isaac on the first two floors, as they have good health and can survive better than many other characters.



The underrated hero

Isaac and Mama in The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth

  • Health: 3 red hearts
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 2

Isaac is unlocked from the start and is basically the underrated hero of the game. It doesn't seem like much, but it's a good choice, especially when there's no other option. When players first start the game, Isaac has a bomb to start a run. Only later does he become a little more extraordinary.


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Players must defeat the Isaac boss with the character ??? to unlock the D6 item. Once this is completed, Isaac always starts with the D6 and has the option to re-roll any socket item in a given room. This item can be a big game-changer, especially in situations where the original items aren't what Isaac needs.



More pickups, more often

Cain in the Binding of the Reincarnation of Isaac

  • Health: 2 red hearts
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 2

Cain is pretty average considering his base stats, but it's his items that make him unique. He starts with a key and a Lucky Foot. The Lucky Foot increases his ability to find pickups after clearing rooms. Players who have that afterbirth DLC can also unlock the Paperclip, which allows Cain to open all chests without a key.

To get the most out of Cain, players will need to find items that increase his health and damage. It can be unlocked by having it 55 or more coins in one go. It's not the best choice for beginners, but once players get used to the game's mechanics, it's a great option.



The power of sulfur and flight

Azazel in The Binding Of Isaac Rebirth.

  • Health: 3 black hearts
  • Speed: 2
  • Damage: 3

Azazel doesn't start with normal heart containers, but instead has three black ones. However, he can receive red copies over the course of a run. The most notable thing about this character is his Brimstone shot and flying ability. Players can use Fel Rooms where they can obtain Soul Hearts in exchange for regular Hearts.


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For roguelike players who like things to be fast and hectic, these games are just the thing.

Azazel starts a run with the Fool Tarot card active. It can be unlocked through Purchase three items from the Devil's Rooms in one go. Players can increase its range with items they pick up along the way, making it even more effective.


PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, new Nintendo 3DS, PC, Linux, macOS, iOS


November 4, 2014


Nicalis, Edmund McMillen

OpenCritic review


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