The best overpowered rogue builds in Dungeons & Dragons


  • The villain in D&D is a high damage class with sneak attacks that are best paired with other classes for optimal damage output.

  • The Goblin Assassin build optimizes sneak attacks with high damage and critical strike chances, perfect for high initiative.

  • The SWASHBUCKLER/HEXBLADE COMBO combo is good for high damage output with dual weapons and Hexblade magic.

Dungeons and dragons is without a doubt the most popular tabletop role-playing game in the world. Its broad appeal, generally easy-to-understand rules, and the popularity of video games like Baldur's Gate 3 have cemented this fantasy game as the most visible in a market filled with exceptional role-playing systems. Part of what makes Dungeons and dragons So incredibly loved, beyond its ease of use is the variety of classes offered to players.


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Among the many classes in D&D This is fun and satisfying to play. Nobody can deal with burst damage and frequent DPS attacks like that Rogue may. Their sneak attack ability, cunning actions, and expertise can make them fearsome and versatile on the battlefield, and it is quite difficult to make a rogue that doesn't deal serious damage. For those looking to optimize their rogue, there are some builds that can really outdo them. To keep things more or less within player control, these builds don't focus too much on specific items and instead stick to class, species or multiclas synergies that can transform the rogue into a truly overpowered force of destruction.


Assassin Champion Goblin

Providing an advantage for the advantage

Goblin Dnd 5e

  • Race requirements: Goblin
  • Class Requirements: Level 3 Assassin Rogue, Level 3 Champion Fighter
  • Recommended high stats: Strength, Dexterity

The task of the Goblin assassin is to be maximized to maximize sneak attack purposes, overall damage, and critical hit chances. This is a particularly good class for players sitting at tables with homebrew critical hit rules, such as: B. critical hit cards or all-round more effective crits. The assassin has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't had a turn yet, meaning a high-dip goblin will be impressed with sneak attack damage on the first turn. Consider taking the warning message for an even higher initiative, which almost guarantees a first turn that comes before an enemy's.

The goblin's racial ability allows them to roar and grant, without the need for a saving throw, against all enemies within 10 feet who heard the roar until the end of the next turn, giving players another immediate advantage and ability to use a sneak attack. This class should focus mostly on Rogue levels after the 3/3 splits into Rogue and Fighter, but it's a good idea to build up to level 5 in Fighter. Finally, the Champion Subclass grants crits to a natural 19 rolls and acts as the cherry on top for a tall, high-critical build that can quickly destroy enemies.


Hobgoblin Mastermind, College of Swords

A strong supporting foundation for the Rogue class

Baldur's Gate 3, Dror Ragzlin the Hobgoblin

  • Race requirements: Hobgoblin
  • Class Requirements: Level 3 Mastermind Rogue, Level 3 College of Swords Bard
  • Recommended high stats: Dexterity, Charisma

This build focuses on instant synergy between the Hobgoblin race and the Mastermind subclass This helps the build to be far more supportive than most Rogue builds, and then specializes in a Bard subclass that further enhances the Rogue's offensive and support capabilities. The Hobgoblin can grab their Fey Gifts a few times per rest as a bonus action and is also able to use aid measures to heal party members, increase movement speed, or put enemies at disadvantage.


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This already makes the Hobgoblin an incredibly fun species, but the Mastermind subclass lets aid extend to 30 feet when the recipient attacks an enemy, meaning the rogue can now boost friends from afar. Finally specialized College of Swords gives the rogue more options for turn-based damage, in addition to the powerful sneak attack, And You can use Bardic Inspiration for even more support. Players can change the Bardic subclass to their choice for a more niche build.



High charisma, high damage, high chaos


  • Race requirements: Any
  • Class Requirements: Level 5 SWASHBUCKLER ROGE, Level 5 Hexblade Warlock
  • Recommended high stats: Dexterity, Charisma

The powerful Warlock class is always a great option for a subclass, as it is a “front-line Hewery” class that provides many advantages in the early stages. Players will have a subclass at level 1, a pact boon at level 3, and some high-value invocations in their belt by level 5. Charisma as a spellcasting stat is also a great boon through the next due to its many social uses outside of combat strengthened SWASHBUCKLER Elan.

This offensively inclined subclass thrives on two weapons, can hit three times in one round and strengthen damage with it Hexblade Magic. The Hexblade Curse, similar to the Champion ability, gives critical hits at a 19 that synergizes well with Rogue's Sneak attacks, and the Swashbuckler thrives on high Charisma, meaning the enhanced Witch Magic is simply a must-have.


Scout/Arcane Archer

Sneak attacks are boosted by magical arrows

Dungeons and Dragons Arcane Archer

  • Race requirements: Any
  • Class Requirements: Level 9 Scout Rogue, Level 3 Arcane Archer Fighter
  • Recommended high stats: skill, intelligence

The Explore Tends to get lost in the mix of Rogue subclasses, failing to compete with the enhanced abilities of classes like Soulknife or Phantom, or with the renewed focus and commitment to high damage that a subclass like Assassin brings to the table. However, Scouts have unparalleled maneuverability, even compared to other dexterity classes like the Monk, and this works to their advantage when paired with a ranged subclass.


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The Arcane Archer Has numerous ways to improve her sneak attack damage, including the String Shot, which can apply sneak attack damage to another enemy if the first attack misses, even with advantage. Many of the arcane shooting options, including Enfebling or Alley Arrow, are already powerful debuff attacks that become incredibly powerful when combined with the Pathfinder's knack for sneak attack damage and unwavering accuracy.


Barbarian/Rogue -Multiclass

Direct, intense damage

Dungeons and Dragons Barbarian class

  • Race requirements: Any
  • Class Requirements: Level 5 Rogue (any subclass), Level 5 Barbarian (any subclass)
  • Recommended high stats: Strength, Dexterity

The volatile Barbarian The class is already a powerful, high damage force on the battlefield, but when this class is used to complement the rogue's skills and abilities, the result is incredibly overpowered. Subclass selection for this class is at the player's discretion, but any of the non-magical rogue subclasses such as Assassin or Scout will mesh well with the focus of this class concentration, which uses reckless attacks for near-constant sneak attack damage.

Reckless is a barbarian ability that provides advantage to attacks, but also gives enemies an advantage when attacking the barbarian. Using a cunning action to get away from enemies.

Dungeons and Dragons series game tabletop franchise

Dungeons and dragons

Original publication date



E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson

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