Key Takeaways
- Glow Worms are essential in Palia for rare fish and quests, needing proper food for maximum effectiveness.
- Certain recipes like Apple Pie, Oysters Akwinduu, and Muujin Bahari provide up to 4-6 Glow Worms per feeding.
- Some dishes, like Lucky Braised Fish, can offer as many as 5 Glow Worms, providing substantial HarvestBoost Fertilizers.
The benefit of a Glow Worm in Palia is the ability to catch many rare and epic fish throughout the village. Since they’re costly to purchase from Einar and require level 10 in fishing, many take to using a Glow Worm Farm to get them. These farms, however, require hard work and lots of food to get worms.
There are three main resources one can hope to get out of their Glow Worm Farm: SpeedyGro Fertilizer, HarvestBoost Fertilizer, and – of course – Glow Worms. To get the most out of the Worm Farm, discover the best foods that players can feed their worms.

Palia: Best Farm Layouts To Try
Knowing how to properly organize a farm’s layout is key for anyone trying to maximize their harvests while playing Singularity 6’s Palia.
Updated September 26, 2024, by Jenna Amore: Glow Worms are not just companions in Palia, but essential aides in the quest for rare fish and the completion of valuable quests. To maximize their effectiveness, players must feed these luminescent creatures a variety of foods to ensure that their farms thrive. While newcomers may suffice with basic fare like sweet leaves and crops, seasoned adventurers know that unlocking the secrets to Glow Worms’ preferred foods is key to their success. Explore the intricacies of Glow Worm diets, uncovering the optimal nourishment needed to unleash their full potential in Palia‘s enchanting landscapes.
18 Potato
Yields: 1 Glow Worm
Some may write off this crop when it comes to feeding their Glow Worm Farms since it only grants one Glow Worm at a time, but the potato is highly attainable and easy to farm. Seeds can be purchased from the General Store or collected from a Seed Collector machine. Once the potatoes are planted, it only takes five days to be able to harvest them. The potatoes and surrounding plants in the garden will gain water retention abilities.
Feeding potatoes to worms also rewards players with six HarvestBoost Fertilizers (or nine if the potato is star-quality). HarvestBoost Fertilizers increase the number of crops players get upon harvest. It does, however, need to be put on the crops every day to guarantee the extra quantity.
17 Brightshroom
Yields: 1-2 Glow Worms
Brightshrooms are gatherable mushrooms native to Bahari Bay, often found near ruins and ancient structures. That makes players more likely to find this Glow Worm food in common hunting locations such as the Hideaway Bluffs, Flooded Fortress, and Statue Garden. There is also a small chance of coming across Brightshrooms when tilling soil in gardens.
These blue fungi are said to get their glow by absorbing Flow, a natural energy source in Palia. They are also a good option to feed to Glow Worm Farms if players have large quantities of them. Star-quality Brightshrooms will grant players two Glow Worms instead of the normal quality’s yield of one.
16 Bouillabaisse
Yields: 1-2 Glow Worms
- Any Bass
- Oyster Meat
- Wheat
- Potato
- Onion
- Spice Sprout
Bouillabaisse is a rare consumable made by cooking on a stove. Players can obtain this recipe by completing the Freshwater Bundle in the Vault of Waves. It requires a Prep Station, a stove, and an oven to cook. Bouillabaisse is a good food to feed into the Glow Worm farm as it gives players one or two Glow Worms and eight to eleven HarvestBoost Fertilizers, depending on the quality of the dish.

Palia: All Cooking Recipes
Food recipes in Palia have many purposes aside from just eating and the higher your cooking level, the more opportunities you have to utilize them.
Given the difficulty a player must go through to obtain the recipe and the myriad of ingredients, this food is not the greatest option when it comes to Glow Worm farming; however, it should not be overlooked. Those who have an abundance of Bouillabaisse can use them for Glow Worms rather than eating or selling them.
15 Chili Oil Dumplings
Yields: 1-2 Glow Worms
- Spice Sprouts
- Red Meat
- Any Vegetable
- Wheat
- Rice
- Cooking Oil
- Spicy Pepper
After reaching level nine in the Cooking skill, Palia players can obtain the Chili Oil Dumplings recipe for 2,500 Gold. This can be made using the prep station, mixing station, and stove. This rare dish is required for completing Ashura’s level five friendship quest, Sins of the Father.
Depending on the dish’s quality, Chili Oil Dumplings can grant players one to two Glow Worms per feeding. It also adds HarvestBoost fertilizers to players’ collections: eight for regular dumplings and 11 fertilizers for star-quality ones. When used, this fertilizer can increase the crop yields for each harvest.
14 Fried Catfish Dinner
Yields: 1-2 Glow Worms
- Any Catfish
- Flour
- Any Spice
- Onion
- Tomato
This recipe is unlocked after gaining access to Hassian’s Grove, which can only happen if players reach level three friendship with the villager and complete the Room for Improvement quest. Read the blue book near his campfire to learn the Fried Catfish Dinner recipe. It’s fairly simple to cook, involving easily accessible ingredients and taking only two minutes.
The easiest catfish to use in this recipe is the Kilima Catfish, which can be caught in the pond in the home plot. This dish can grant players up to two Glow Worms. Efficiently chop, stir, and flip using the cooking stations to ensure higher probabilities of getting star-quality catfish dinners. In a pinch for extra gold, Friend Catfish Dinners can be sold for 42 or 63 Gold.
13 Apple
Yields: 1-2 Glow Worms
While apples also don’t provide many Glow Worms (only two per star-quality apple), it is a great, low-effort food that can be easily grown and offered to the worms in the Glow Worm Farm. Apples take 12 days to harvest the first time, and they can be harvested three more times from the same tree with six days between each harvest.

Palia: How to Cook
With tons of recipes, cooking is an important mechanic in Palia. This detailed guide will teach players the basics of cooking in the game.
Apples provide eight SpeedyGro Fertilizers (or 12 fertilizers for star-quality apples). Each SpeedyGro Fertilizer will add an extra day of growth to any crop to which it is applied. This means harvest time for crops won’t be as long, helping players get the crops they need sooner. Apples are a very practical option for those who desire fertilizer more than worms.
12 Delaila’s Eight Treasure Rice
Yields: 2 Glow Worms
The 2024 Lunar New Year event brought new dishes for players to purchase using Lucky Envelopes from the Maji Market. Meet Delaila at the fairgrounds and buy this delicious sweet pudding from her for 475 Lucky Envelopes. Many players choose to consume this dessert for the focus bonus of up to 712 points, but the delight should be shared with the Glow Worm farm.
Unfortunately, the event ended in March, so players will have to wait until the next Lunar New Year to shop at Delaila’s Sweet Treats, play the popular hotpot minigame, and make wishes with ribbons at the Wish Tree. Delaila’s Eight Treasure Rice is a good dish for obtaining glow worms, but the price is a bit steep for just two Glow Worms.
11 Spicy Crab Fried Rice
Yields: 2 Glow Worms
- Cooking Oil
- Soy Sauce
- Egg
- Any Crab
- Rice
- Wild Garlic
- Spicy Pepper
- Napa Cabbage
- Corn
- Wild Green Onion
To celebrate the Luna New Year, players in Palia could attend the Maji Market event in February. Complete quests, participate in games and purchase limited-time items from the villagers. Reth sells a recipe for Spicy Crab Fried Rice, a food that will give players two Glow Worms if fed to the Glow Worm farm.
This dish requires ten ingredients, a prep station, and a stove. The quality of the fish depends on how well players perform cooking actions like flipping, chopping, and stirring. In addition to the Glow Worms, the Spicy Crab Fried Rice will give players 10 HarvestBoost Fertilizers. If they manage to craft star-quality Spicy Crab Fried Rice, they will get an extra four HarvestBoost Fertilizers.
10 Chapaa Masala
Yields: 2 Glow Worms
- Milk
- Chapaa Meat
- Butter
- 2 Spice Sprouts
- Tomato
- Dari Clove
- Wild Garlic
- Heat Root
After reaching cooking level eight, players can purchase the recipe for Chapaa Masala for 2,500 Gold. This recipe requires a mixing station, a prep station, and an oven. Hunt down some chapaa for this recipe – many can be found at the best hunting locations in the game. Chapaa Masala is required to complete the Sear-Chef Bundle in the Vault of the Flames.
Regardless of the quality, players will receive two Glow Worms in exchange for Chapaa Masala. Like the Spicy Crab Fried Rice, 10 HarvestBoost Fertilizers come with this dish. Star-quality Chapaa Masala will get players an extra three fertilizers, but if they are searching for more Glow Worms, there are plenty of other options.
9 Apple Pie
Yields: 2-3 Glow Worms
- Butter
- Wheat
- Sweet Leaf
- 3 Apples
- Spice Sprout
Just like humans, worms enjoy a tasty apple pie. The apple pie recipe is a family specialty and can only be found inside Delaila’s room. Players must reach level three friendship with her to gain access to her room. Once obtained, an apple pie can be crafted using a Prep Station, a Mixing Station, and a Standard Oven.
Feeding apple pies to the Glow Worm Farm can give players two to three Glow Worms and 12-17 SpeedyGro Fertilizers, depending on the quality of the pie. Given that it takes some time to build friendships and complete the necessary tasks to earn this recipe, many players look to other means of farming Glow Worms.
8 Apple Jam
Yields: 2-3 Glow Worms
If anyone hasn’t guessed it by now, Glow Worms love apples! Players who reach level eight in the gardening skill can purchase a recipe for a Preserve Jar crafter from Badruu. Once built and placed on the home lot, players can refine fruits like apples and blueberries. Refine apples in the Preserve Jar to obtain apple jam, a food enjoyed by most Glow Worms. Apple jams can also be received as rewards for completing discovery quests from villagers, especially Delaila and Auni.
Normal apple jams give two Glow Worms while star-quality apple jams give three. In addition, this consumable also yields 12 (or 16 if star-quality) SpeedyGro Fertilizers. Players can swap apple jam for blueberry jam if they so choose, but it does not offer as many fertilizers.
7 Poke Bowl
Yields: 2-3 Glow Worms
- Vinegar
- Fish
- Spice
- Tomato
- Onion
- Dari Cloves
- Wild Garlic
- Spice Sprouts
- Heat Root
Poke Bowls are a simple recipe that provides a large amount of resources in return; however, this was an exclusive recipe only available through the Just Desserts Stamp Card in the Maji Market. The good news is, there is a chance the Maji Market will return in the future.

Palia: How To Play With Friends
Adding friends in Palia is easy and fun. Learn how to connect with your pals and explore the world together in this handy guide.
Cook Poke Bowls at the prep and mixing stations. Some of the ingredients can be easily obtained if players arrange their gardens in a specific layout. Regular Poke Bowls grant two Glow Worms and 13 HarvestBoost Fertilizers while star-quality Poke Bowls give three Glow Worms and 19 HarvestBoost Fertilizers.
6 Sushi
Yields: 2-3 Glow Worms
- Dari Clove
- Fish
- Heat Root
- Vinegar
- Rice
- Sweet Leaf
In order to obtain the recipe for s ushi, players must use Glow Worms and go fishing in ponds in Bahari Bay. Although players need Glow Worms to receive this recipe, it is still a great food to put in a Glow Worm farm. Sushi will give players two Glow Worms and 11 HarvestBoost Fertilizers for normal quality or three Glow Worms and 16 HarvestBoost Fertilizers for star-quality Sushi.
This recipe requires a prep station, an oven, and a stove to cook in terms of cooking stations. Unlike many other kinds of food, the recipe for sushi doesn’t require as many ingredients. As long as these ingredients are plentiful, Sushi could be a good option for farming Glow Worms.
5 Delaila’s Halo Halo
Yields: 2-3 Glow Worms
Similar to Delaila’s Eight Treasure Rice, players can purchase Delaila’s Halo Halo treat at the Lunar New Year event for 1,100 Gold. Halo Halo, Tagalog for “mixed,” is a fruity, shaved ice dessert from the Philippines. Unlike most dishes, which can be crafted using recipes, Delaila’s Halo Halo can only be purchased at Delaila’s Sweet Treats while the event is active.
Most players choose to keep this dish for its boost in focus, but players can get up to three Glow Worms from this dessert as a gift for sharing with the Glow Worm farm. If players missed out on the event, there are a few better options accessible year-round.
4 Oysters Akwinduu
Yields: 2-4 Glow Worms
- 5 Salts
- Oyster Meat
- Spicy Pepper
- Tomato
- Onion
- Wild Garlic
- Heat Root
- Butter
- Any Red Meat
Oysters Akwinduu is a rare consumable that is part of the Your Order Is Served quest. It requires a high cooking skill and a prep station, a mixing station, and an oven on their home lot. Certain ingredients and items can be requested from other players on the server. After it has been cooked, feed it to the Glow Worm farm and wait for them to finish munching to collect the Glow Worms.

Palia: How to Get Heat Root
Heat Roots is a material that doesn’t frequently appear in Palia. Use this guide to more easily locate one.
Normal Oysters Akwinduu gives players two Glow Worms and 14 HarvestBoost Fertilizers. Star-quality Glow Worms can give as many as four Glow Worms and 20 HarvestBoost Fertilizers.
3 Celebration Cake
Yields: 3-4 Glow Worms
- Blueberry
- Milk
- 3 Eggs
- 3 Flours
- 3 Fruit
- 3 Sugar
- 4 Butters
- 4 Sweet Leaves
Celebration Cakes are hard to come by and require a lot of resources to make, but players can receive three to five Glow Worms and 17-28 SpeedyGro Fertilizers, depending on the quality of the cake offered. These cakes are worth a lot of gold and are adored by the villagers. They are also great food for gaining focus points. To make a Celebration Cake, players must have a prep station, an oven, and a mixing station.
When ingredients and cooking skills are in high supply, this is a worthy option. For those less prepared for making more complex foods, there are better options that require fewer cooking stations and ingredients.
2 Lucky Braised Fish
Yields: 3-5 Glow Worms
- 5 Cooking Oils
- 5 Wild Green Onions
- 4 Soy Sauces
- 4 Sugars
- 4 Spice Sprouts
- 2 Wild Ginger
- Vinegar
- Any Bass
During the Luna New Year event, players had the opportunity to snag the Lucky Braised Fish recipe from Reth’s Street Specialties. It is one of the best things to feed into the Glow Worm farm. Regular quality Lucky Braised Fish can give as many as three Glow Worms and 18 HarvestBoost Fertilizers. If players are lucky and get their hands on star-quality Lucky Braised Fish dishes, they can get five Glow Worms and 26 HarvestBoost Fertilizers.
Cook this recipe using a prep station, a mixing station, and a stove. It requires 26 items as ingredients. Although many other recipes and crops require less time and ingredients, this dish yields a lot of Glow Worms.
1 Muujin Bahari
Yields: 4-6 Glow Worms
- 3 Muujin Meat
- 3 Salt
- 3 Plant Fiber
- 3 Cooking Oil
- 2 Butter
- 2 Wheat
- 2 Corn
- 2 Spice Sprouts
- Chapaa Meat
- Any Mushroom
- Spicy Pepper
- Onion
- Wild Garlic
- Vinegar
- Egg
The best food players can cook to feed Glow Worms is Muujin Bahari. Normal quality Muujin Bahari can give players four Glow Worms and 21 HarvestBoost fertilizers. Star-quality Muujin Bahari gives the most Glow Worms at a whopping total of six and 31 HarvestBoost fertilizers.
This recipe can be obtained by the Your Order Is Served quest. It is required to complete the quest and also the Fruits of the Earth Bundle in the Vault of the Roots. Unfortunately, this recipe is one of the most demanding and difficult items to cook in Palia. It requires all four cooking stations. Players should try their hardest to collect the following ingredients and cook as many Muujin Bahari dishes as they can for their Glow Worm collection.