Skyrim player makes a big mistake in Whiterun and regrets it immediately


  • The mistake of a player in Whiterun led to the tragic death of a student due to the hostility of the guards.

  • The longevity of the game is evident despite over 13 years since it was published on rare encounters such as the student event.

A Skyrim Player online has made a serious mistake with catastrophic consequences in Whiterun and has to regret his decision immediately. Despite the consequences, their actions have led to something that is undeniably hilarious Skyrim Clip.

It is proof of this SkyrimThe quality is that even 13 years after the original publication, players still experience hilarious moments in role -playing. Very few games have such a stamina and even less manage to offer new scenarios that most players have never seen before. Over the years it was interesting to see in which situations there are players. For example a Skyrim The player discovered a hilarious mistake in which he was threatened by a fish. Sometimes these hilarious situations are intended, while others are the result of errors. Nevertheless, they are still funny.


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Redditor Lonely_Valuable9647 taught a prospect Skyrim Student of the College of Winterhold, how to work in the middle of Whiterun. By chance, her decision to give the student for leniency proved to be a big mistake. For some reason, Whiterun's guards became hostile towards the student who was considered a perpetrator. The player had to watch horrified how the Wachen of Whiterun murdered the student in cold -blooded, a direct consequence of their poor decision to have the lessons take place.

Skyrim player lets his student kill in a heartbreaking way

The student encounter is one of them SkyrimAre random encounters that can occur after the player has learned a protective spell. However, there were many players in the thread who claimed to have never met the student personally, and a player even claimed to have over 3,000 hours of play. It only shows how much vanilla contains Skyrim It has to explore for the players – an important reason why the game is still so popular after all this time.

It is cool to see Skyrim Still to deliver moments like this has been long in coming for a very long time The Elder Scrolls 6. Players definitely want to see a new addition in the series, which was first announced in 2018. Bethesda commented extremely calmly about the project. For the last time Elder Scrolls 6 Development update, the game is currently in production, but how far it is advanced remains to be seen. Hopefully in 2025 the year will be, in which gamers will finally find out a few concrete details The Elder Scrolls 6Although there are certainly no guarantees in this regard.

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