Pokemon's rumored Switch 2 plans feel like history repeating itself

The excitement surrounding the upcoming release of Pokemon Legends: ZA Possibly somewhat tempered by the rumor that the game isn't being developed specifically for the Switch 2. When Pokemon Legends: ZA Although it was initially announced for a 2025 release, many assumed it would come to Nintendo's new console, which is due out later that same year. However, new reports suggest otherwise Legends: ZA could be released with the original Switch in mind and follow a common pattern for the series.

According to a recent rumor about the company's presentation plans for Pokémon Day Pokemon Legends: ZA will be the focus of the event, but the game will reportedly be released for the original Switch, not Switch 2. Although the game can still run on the Switch 2 thanks to backwards compatibility, some fans are disappointed by the fact that it is not designed to run natively on the new console's more powerful hardware. This is not the first time Pokémon The series released a game on older hardware following the release of a new console, marking the continuation of a current series trend.


Why Pokemon Legends: ZA's leaked release date holds a lot of water

Pokemon Legends: ZA release date has been leaked and while it's strange for the series, it actually makes a lot of sense.

The potential lack of Switch 2 optimizations in Pokemon Legends: ZA is disappointing, but not surprising

Pokémon games have a history of lagging behind new console versions

Long-term Pokémon Fans are likely aware of the series' almost annual release schedule, but that schedule didn't always line up with the release of Nintendo consoles in any practical way. There have been cases in the past when a new console has already been released, but the latest one Pokémon The game will eventually be released on previous generation hardware.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are the most obvious examples, released on the DS almost a year after the 3DS' release. The first mainline 3DS Pokémon Games were only released in 2013 Pokémon X and Ytwo years after the release of the 3DS. A similar situation occurred in 2017, when Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were released for the 3DS just a few months after the Switch launched, and the series' first mainline release on the Switch wouldn't come until 2018 with the release of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee.

Pokemon Legends: ZA can still be a great bridge game before Gen 10

Although Pokemon Legends: ZA should be the first Pokémon Game of the Switch 2 era, it remains to be seen what the first will be Pokémon Game designed specifically for the new console. It's possible that the franchise will take a page from the previous console generation's book and release Gen 2 Pokémon Let's Go Games or the ongoing rumors of Gen 5 remakes could also manifest themselves on the new console. Whatever the case may be, the trend that the series is currently following makes it seem so Pokémon Gen 10 is still a few years away.

Fortunately, Pokemon Legends: ZA will still be playable on the Switch 2 due to the new console's backwards compatibility, even though it is largely designed for the original Switch. Similar to like Black 2 and White 2 were technically playable on the 3DS while being developed for the original DS, Legends: ZA The potential of the new hardware may not be fully exploited. Even still, Pokemon Legends: ZA should be a great game to bridge the gap between the current Switch games Pokémon Game lineup and the first real Switch 2 Pokémon Experience.

Pokemon Legends ZA Tag Page Placeholder Art

Pokémon Legends: ZA is an ambitious new entry in the Pokémon video game series, launching simultaneously worldwide in 2025. A new adventure awaits you in Lumiose City, where a city redevelopment plan is underway to make the city a place that belongs to both humans and Pokémon.


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