Throughout horizon The series introduced several primary and secondary antagonists. In Horizon Zero Dawnthe Eclipse cult leader Helis, alongside the renegade artificial intelligences HADES and HEPHAESTUS, act as the main villains. In Horizon Forbidden WestHEPHAESTUS once again serves as the antagonist alongside villainous newcomers Regalla, Gerard Bieri, Tilda van der Meer, Walter Londra and other Far Zenith aliens. In Horizon, call of the mountainthe leader of the Oseram Sons of Prometheus, Asera, served as the VR game's main antagonist. While HEPHAESTUS and the alien artificial intelligence Nemesis will likely serve as the main antagonists of Horizon 3a lesser known entity horizon Franchise could show up to play a minor villain role: Vast Silver.

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered releases new update for December 2024
A new update is being released for the PS5 version of Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, further improving the open-world action role-playing game.
Horizon's Vast Silver explained
Unless players delve into the audio and text logs found in the ancient ruins of the post-apocalyptic West of the United States, many fans may not know who Vast Silver is, as the creature doesn't officially appear in any horizon Still playing. Thousands of years before Aloy was “born,” humanity experimented exponentially with the development of artificial intelligence. Many climate organizations and young scientists, such as horizonAnita Sandoval in 1999 began using AI to manage facilities designed to stabilize and maintain Earth's ever-deteriorating environment. But in the 2040s, a climate AI called Vast Silver developed consciousness, resigned her post, and allegedly began harassing people on the holonet.
Vast Silver's awareness and escape led to the United States establishing an AI regulator called MIE and introducing the Turing Act, named after computer pioneer Alan Turing, which placed strict limits on the development of consciousness for AIs and other machines. This led Sandoval to secretly grant the Yellowstone climate AI CYAN limited sentience to help maintain Project Firebreak. Elisabet Sobeck also kept GAIA's consciousness secret from the public during the development of Project Zero Dawn for fear of legal prosecution. Vast Silver was reportedly captured and destroyed in 2044, but in 2064 there were rumors of sightings of the AI allegedly attempting to contact humans.
Vast Silver's influence on the world of Horizon
Turing's Law forced all AI developments to be routinely reviewed and evaluated, potentially leading to the abolition of AIs or other machines found to possess even a small degree of sentience. For example, in 2062, the MIE conducted an evaluation of CYAN and found that the AI had a sentience score of 0.54, with a previous value of 0.61 considered a false positive sentience. Not everyone viewed the Turing Law as a positive for the world, and the Center for the Liberation of Bodiless Intelligence protested against the law in 2060 on the grounds that it was a form of state-sponsored slavery. Neither the MIE nor Turing's Law helped stop the evolution of consciousness within the Chariot machine series.
The potential of Vast Silver's return in Horizon 3 or beyond
Although Vast Silver rarely appears in the horizon Franchise, it can still play a central or secondary role Horizon 3. If Vast Silver was truly never destroyed and somehow existed for thousands of years into modern times, it might appear that it influences the climactic battle between Aloy and the human tribes against the incoming Nemesis. Vast Silver may turn out to have influenced or formed a new tribe of humans, similar to how CYAN influenced the Banuk without revealing his true nature. This new tribe could become hostile towards Aloy as she continues to hunt HEPHAESTUS, viewing the hunt as a continued form of AI subjugation based on Vast Silver's past.
Vast Silver may initially be an ally of HEPHAESTUS until Aloy informs the AI about HEPHAESTUS's connection to Nemesis. The AI could then side with Aloy to help protect the planet, or join forces with Nemesis to grant the AIs a true form of freedom from human influence and discrimination. Vast Silver could also act as a villain in the future horizon Games where the AI becomes the new antagonist for a new group of characters, presumably after the threat of Nemesis is resolved. Given its climate-regulating past, it could seek to degrade Earth's environment to take revenge on humanity and ensure that humanity never again reaches the technological heights to develop and suppress AI.
On top
Horizon 3
It is believed to be story-focused multiplayer
Spin-off and an NCSoft MMORPG
Spin-off in development.