Monopoly GO: swapping packs, explained

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Scopely has introduced a new sticker pack called Swap Pack Monopoly GO. Now you can swap out the stickers you don't need with the ones you want before adding them to your collection.

Stickers are a big part of it Monopoly GOis the gameplay. They help you unlock great rewards like free dice rolls, cash, shields, emojis, board tokens and so on. The game also offers sticker albums that last for a month or two and contain plenty of sticker sets for fans to complete. In this guide, we want to break down everything you need to know about Swap Pack and how it works. So read on to find out more.


Monopoly GO: Free Dice Roll Links (Updated Daily)

Players who want to get free dice rolls in Monopoly GO can do so using the links provided in this guide.

What is a Swap Pack in Monopoly GO?

How do exchange packages work in Monopoly GO?

As mentioned earlier, the Swap Pack is a new addition to Monopoly GO's sticker packs. Before release, players could only collect five types of sticker packs based on rarity: Green (1 star), Yellow (2 stars), Pink (3 stars), Blue (4 stars), and Purple (5 stars). Star).

The game also includes the Wild Sticker. This allows fans to request any missing sticker from their collection, making it incredibly valuable for completing sticker sets. And with the Swap Pack, players now have even more control over their collections.

With regular sticker packs Monopoly GOh, tycoons get stuck with the stickers they get. But the Swap Pack changes the game by allowing you to redraw your stickers. This means you can swap out unwanted stickers before they are added to your sticker sets. Even better, the exchange pack only includes three, four and five star stickers, so you're guaranteed some rare rewards.

How do exchange packages work in Monopoly GO?

Harvest Racers Monopoly Go

When a Swap Pack becomes available, you must first earn it. These packs are often offered as large rewards in mini-games, such as the Harvest Racers event.

After opening a swap pack, you will receive a mix of stickers. But you don't have to accept them straight away. The game shows you a selection of random stickers that you can exchange for the ones you originally received in the package.

You can exchange any sticker, but you only get three chances exchange per pack. And yes, if you receive a duplicate gold sticker, an exchange does not guarantee that you will receive another gold sticker. Once you are happy with your stickers, you will need to click on the “Collect” button to complete them and add them to your collection.

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April 11, 2023





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