Key insights
Strinova features vibrant characters with unique abilities, a new stringification mechanic and colorful graphics.
The game offers more diverse and customizable game modes compared to Valorant.
Strinova allows for extensive character customization and outfits, offering a more personalized gaming experience.
There's been no shortage of tactical shooters lately, but every now and then there's a title like Strinova that, on the surface, might not seem like much of an innovation. Once you get into it, you realize that the genre needs a breath of fresh air from time to time. On the other hand, Valorant is a name that almost always comes up when the conversation about tactical shooters begins.

Which Strinova agent are you based on your zodiac sign?
With a cast this large, there's probably a Strinova agent you'll sympathize with.
If you're wondering which of the two titles is more worth your time and effort, you should know that there are some key differences that set both games apart, for better or worse.
While it's not exactly surprising that Valorant boasts a larger roster of agents than Strinova, considering it had a four-year head start on the iDreamSky title, the characters in the latter are much more vibrant, with distinctive personalities that define each of them stand out. At such an early stage, Strinova's roster is just a few characters behind Valorant's, so it's not even far behind in terms of character variety and count.
At first glance, the character designs in Strinova may look like something you've seen countless times in the plethora of gacha games, but once you get to know them better, they start to grow on you with a level of naturalness , which you don't really find in other games tactical shooters.
You can pick up any first-person tactical shooter and you won't notice much of a difference in gameplay elements between it and Valorant, as it's a formula that has proven effective for years at this point. However, Strinova stands out from its own third-person shooter competition because it has a unique selling point: the stringification mechanic.
The ability to seamlessly switch between the standard three-dimensional character and his two-dimensional paper form adds a beautiful new layer of strategy to any Strinova match, preventing the game from becoming monotonous and thereby pushing the genre forward.
While Valorant goes for a more realistic feel in terms of graphics, Strinova goes all out and relies on a highly stylized nature that gives its world and characters a sense of colorful life. This makes Riot Games' title a bit visually boring, while iDreamSky sticking to its anime roots does wonders for the overall visual appeal.

Strinova: The 10 best primary weapons
A clean shot, regardless of dimension.
There aren't many elements that differentiate Valorant's art style from the other games in the genre, giving Strinova a clear advantage over the longer-running title.
If there's one area where Strinova definitely needs to improve, it's the variety of maps on offer, because right now it just feels like iDreamSky has studied games like Overwatch and even Valorant and simply tried to recreate a lot of their map ideas . That's not to say that there's a lack of card quantity, which is still impressive as it hasn't been long since it was properly released, but this is one aspect that pushes Riot Games' title up significantly in comparison .
Each map in Valorant is inspired by real-world cities around the world, giving the maps a sense of individuality and preventing them from feeling like copied versions of each other.
A major limiting factor with Strinova is that each character has their own primary weapon to use in combat. So if you want to use a sniper rifle with an SMG character like Yvette, you will be disappointed. In contrast, while Valorant agents come with their own default weapons, you can combine any weapon you want with any character and you're good to go.
The kind of weapon freedom that Riot Games offers remains unchallenged by iDreamSky, which can prove to be quite annoying if you start a match in Strinova and realize you're stuck with the wrong weapon until the end.
Even after four years of genre dominance, Valorant actually only offers two main game mode types: Plant/Diffuse and Deathmatch, unless you take into account the temporary modes that Riot Games introduced and removed over its run. Strinova has both modes, but also has an Overwatch-style Escort mode that offers another option.

Strinova: All throwables, scored
The right device for the job
Combine this with the 7v7 team arena mode, and Strinova already offers more ways to play the game compared to Valorant's basic 5v5 battles.
What's the point of spending your hard-earned money or spending hours purchasing outfits or skins and not being able to see them in action while playing? This is an area where Valorant's first-person perspective becomes a weakness, while Strinova's third-person gameplay ensures that your character customization is actually worth the effort you've gone through to get it.
There are numerous outfits available for each character in the iDreamSky title, so you can be sure that you can take down your enemies in style, and even when two of the same characters face off on opposing teams, there is something very special available to inform yours .
Valorant has cemented its place as one of the best games in the tactical shooter genre, but the matches can quickly turn into tense sweats that take away much of the joy of playing it years ago. Luckily, Strinova is a title that is fun for both casual and competitive players, and with so much content already on offer, it holds a lot of potential for the future.
It's exciting, fast-paced and beautiful to watch; places more emphasis on its narrative elements; has a character roster that is instantly likeable and highly customizable; and has a wide range of game modes, making Strinova a hugely entertaining tactical shooter that will stay with us.

- Released
November 22, 2024
- developer
- Publisher)