Starfield promised a down-to-earth and extensive space exploration adventure. Bethesda succeeded, but the realistic nature of the world can seem lonely. Since its launch in 2023 Starfield struggled to achieve the same reception as Bethesda's previous titles. There are many reasons for this, but one of the biggest problems is the claim that the world feels lifeless and barren. If a sequel ever happens, there is an easy way to fix the problem.
Granted, Starfield has managed to bring some solid updates, such as the REV-8 vehicle. However, the game still has a long way to go if it ever wants to have the same legacy as Skyrimespecially if Bethesda hopes for a sequel. There are many options a Starfield The follow-up could improve, but one of the most glaring features that could benefit from an overhaul is the way the game handles alien life. Creatures can be found everywhere Starfieldbut the lack of intelligent life forms is a misstep.

The Elder Scrolls 6's long development hopefully means it's different from Starfield in some way
The Elder Scrolls 6 could unexpectedly benefit from Starfield's mistakes with a more solid foundation and a longer development cycle from Bethesda.
A potential Starfield sequel could benefit from opening up to more diverse aliens
Take a leap with intelligent life
The only intelligent life there is Starfield are people. From Ashta to Terrormorphs, the alien life in Starfield do not have the same intelligence as their human counterparts. They can pose a great threat if players come into contact with a hostile species, but they do not have the same mental abilities as other humans. The future of Starfield could be strong if Bethesda broke its own rules by depicting aliens. On paper, a more grounded approach to alien life is compelling, but unfortunately it takes some personality away from a game that's supposed to be an exciting sci-fi adventure.
After the disappointing feedback after the release of Starfield'S Shattered space DLC and future expansions could be another way to bring the Aliens game into the spotlight. Unfortunately, there are currently no confirmed plans for aliens to be a priority in the future Starfield DLCs, so a sequel might be the next best place to remake the world.
Shattered space
explores the mysterious faction of House Va'ruun.
Starfield should take inspiration from Bethesda's previous titles
What makes the lack of non-human intelligent life forms so surprising? Starfield is that previous Bethesda games feature more otherworldly races. Whether it's the Khajiit The Elder Scrolls or the super mutants of Stand outBethesda are no strangers to more outlandish creatures that can rival humans. This background made the prospect of intelligent aliens possible Starfield exciting, but once it became clear that this kind of alien life didn't exist, the game felt hollow to some players.
Creatures can be found everywhere
but the lack of intelligent life forms is a misstep.
A Starfield sequel seems unlikely, but it's not entirely off the table
The lukewarm reception from Starfield is putting its future as a long-running franchise at risk. There is still a lot of potential in it Starfieldbe it through DLC or a sequel, but its split could prevent the latter. Fortunately, StarfieldThe passionate mod community has continued to bring some iconic pop culture aliens into the game. While it would be more satisfying to see original alien designs from Bethesda, the many mods available give the sci-fi title an extra dose of personality and life.
Theories suggest
The next DLC will focus on the Starborn.
If a sequel isn't in the cards, there may be hope that Bethesda will change its stance on the base version of Starfield and allow for some sort of alien-focused DLC down the line. Starfield has a lot of cut content and as far as is known, intelligent life forms never played a role in these deleted features. Only time will tell if Bethesda decides to do this Starfield Sequel or not, and if so, it might be necessary to give the story more exciting life.