Hunt: Showdown 1896 – Best Weapons For PvP


  • Vetterli rifle excels between 60-150m range, offering reliability and effectiveness against other weapons in Hunt.
  • Bomb Lance is versatile and deadly in PVP, capable of silent melee attacks or powerful explosions.
  • Crossbow is a silent close-range killer, offering one-shot potential and reliability up to 45m in Hunt Showdown.

Hunt: Showdown 1896 provides a truly unique PVP experience. Players have plenty of choices when selecting their loadouts. Weapons like the Crown And King have insane one-shot potential but are incredibly difficult to use. On the other hand, guns like the Winfield are easy to use but may not have the damage to challenge the top-level guns in the game.

This list will cover at least one weapon in each class and focus on the powerful yet reliable choices for PVP. A few weapons may kill faster, but the following options provide the consistency most hunters are looking for in-game.


Hunt: Showdown 1896 — Best Builds

With the ever-changing stats in Hunt: Showdown 1896, swapping between loadouts is inevitable.

Updated on January 20, 2025, by Mehrdad Khayyat: With every new season, Hunt: Showdown 1896 adds a variety of new weapons to the game that shakes up the meta significantly, but each weapon does serve a different purpose, and when it comes to PvP fights, having a high damage rate matters the most.

Experienced players know that a hunter doesn’t get too many chances to shoot at an opponent, so it’s better to seal the deal in the first shot, or at least bring a weapon that doesn’t take ages to load the next bullet!


Vetterli 71

Damage: 130

hunt showdown vetterli 71 karabiner weapon

Not many players use the Vetterli because it is seen as a cheap Mosin. However, just because the Mosin is more expensive does not mean it is better in every way. Outside of 60 meters, the Vetterli is one of the most effective and forgiving rifles in the game. Up close, the Winfield will win, and at long range, the LRR outperforms the Vetterli.

At one of the most common engagement ranges, 60-150 meters, the Vetterli competes with everything in Hunt. It can be used up close too, because it has amazing iron sights. Players just need to create distance when they hear a Winfield.


Bomb Lance

Damage: 150 (Explosion)

The Bomb Lance can wipe an enemy team with one well-placed shot

Versatility is king in Hunt: Showdown PVP. The ability to deal large amounts of damage in various situations is almost always preferable to having a hyper-specific build that is only effective in a particular kind of encounter. The Bomb Lance fits this bill. It’s a melee weapon with absurd range, it’s essentially an explosive crossbow, and it can be both deathly silent and bombastically loud, depending on how players use it. It also looks seriously badass when used with Legendary Hunters like the Reptilian.

This weapon’s only real weakness is when charging through an open field, in which case the player with a rifle will likely win. In close quarters, the Bomb Lance’s melee attack is devastating, with a wide sweep, huge range, and almost unfair damage even from the light attack. For unaware enemies, a well-placed throw will produce a big enough explosion to wipe out an entire enemy team if they’re grouped up. Three explosions are enough to kill any of the game’s bosses if they hit directly. Its throw doesn’t have a ton of range, so players will need to sneak up close to land a perfect throw, but the damage it deals more than makes up for the risks.


Chain Pistol

Damage: 104

The Chain Pistol bucks the trend of high-accuracy single-shot weapons

The meta of Hunt: Showdown 1896’s online landscape is focused almost exclusively on high accuracy and long-range weapons. Players relish the ability to fire a single shot at an enemy’s head and eliminate them while making as little noise as possible. The Chain Pistol bucks that trend in almost every way, but that is in no way a bad thing.

The beauty of the Chain Pistol is its massive ammo reserves. A revolver with a chain of 17 bullets available has a ton of perks, one of which is almost never needing to lay off the assault, which can cause enemies to panic. It’s still capable of incapacitating an enemy with a single headshot, although it doesn’t possess the accuracy to reliably do so from a stealthy position. It’s the audacity of a player unafraid to make a ton of noise just to take out an enemy that will throw off other players in a match and can give an advantage purely through the element of surprise.


Winfield Terminus

Damage: 186

The Winfield Terminus is one of the best support weapons in the game

The other Winfield weapons are well-served as primary weapons, but the Winfield Terminus, while not quite strong enough to be a primary weapon, outpaces all of them when it comes to its support capabilities. Players have dubbed this weapon the “Bleed Cannon” because, when equipped with flechette ammo, it becomes the perfect tool for crippling enemies before finishing them off with a more powerful firearm.

Combine flechette ammo with the Levering trait to increase its rate of fire, and the Terminus can unload a huge spread of bleed damage on enemies. Bleeding puts other players in a tricky situation: they must either stop and stem the bleeding (which leaves them unable to defend themselves for a short time) or keep moving and risk the steady loss of health that bleeding causes. This dilemma leaves a perfect opening for players to pin them down and either wait for their slow demise from the bleeding or pick them off with a couple of quick shots as they try to heal.


Nitro Express Rifle

Damage: 364

Who doesn't love dealing damage?

At the end of the day, when it comes to PvP, players are looking for a weapon that deals damage above all else. There are obviously other considerations that come into play, but when the bullets start flying, the player who deals the most damage typically survives the longest.

The Nitro Express Rifle plays into that way of thinking. This weapon has an extremely limiting mag size and a downright dangerous reload time, but it makes up for this by being one of the best pure-damage weapons in the game. At close or medium range, one shot is almost always enough to take out another hunter. That alone makes it a viable option in any player’s build.


Lebel Variants

Damage: 132

Lebel - Hunt Showdown 1896

The long-lasting debate of Mosin vs. Lebel is really a matter of preference. The Lebel unlocks earlier and is more than one hundred dollars cheaper. In terms of damage, the two top rifles have almost identical stats. The Mosin has a slightly longer damage range when taking into account body shots.

Gamers should consider using the Lebel because of its 10-round magazine. With the different customization options, hunters can consider whether they want to reduce reload speed or increase ammo capacity. In most categories, the Lebel stacks up well against the Mosin, and it is more accessible to new players.


Romero 77

Damage: 220

Romero 77 - Hunt Showdown 1896

Among shotguns, the Romero 77 has the longest range, highest damage, and the best pellet spread. This combination makes the weapon excellent up close. One well-placed shell will take a hunter down. Pellet spread can be inconsistent in Hunt, but Romero has the best spread in the class.


Hunt: Showdown 1896 – Best Pistols, Ranked

From beginner-friendly guns to challenging weapons that are potent in experienced hands, these are the best pistols in Hunt: Showdown 1896.

The primary drawback of the shotgun is that it can only fire one shell before needing a reload. Thankfully, the reload speed is fast enough to be manageable. The key with this gun is hitting that first shot because getting caught out while reloading is a strong possibility.



Damage: 107

There are few situations this pistol can't handle

There’s nothing flashy whatsoever about the Scottfield Model 3. It’s the standard 6-shot revolver in Hunt: Showdown 1896, but its advantage over other weapons in its class is the ability to open the cylinder and dump out all six rounds at once. This allows for a much faster reload speed.

Those six shots can be limiting, but the Model 3 deals enough damage that, for a player who’s skilled at aiming, dividing up those six bullets among the three opponents in a party can reliably take down all three of them before a reload is needed. As far as sidearms go, few weapons are as versatile and deadly as this one.


Chu Ko Nu

Damage: 150

Chu Ko Nu Hunt Showdown 1896

Created with sneaky hunters in mind, Chu Ko Nu is one of the best silent short-range damage dealers in Hunt: Showdown 1896. The weapon is basically a crossbow, but it comes with smaller arrows that travel a short range, and it replaces the next arrow automatically, unlike a normal crossbow.

It takes Chu Ko Nu only 0.2 seconds to get ready for the next shot, which is why this weapon is quite deadly. It needs two torso shots to score a kill, but with that amazingly quick fire rate, the opponent hunter will barely have time to move anywhere before the next shot wipes them.


Dolch 96

Damage: 97

Dolch 96 - Hunt Showdown 1896

The only close-range weapon that can out-duel a Dolch is the Romero. However, the Dolch is much more forgiving, with a large clip and semi-automatic fire. The Dolch can also compete with the Winfield at medium range, making it a very versatile secondary weapon.

Bullet grubber will really help gamers conserve ammo, as it can become an issue later in matches. All in all, the Dolch is the most powerful sidearm available in Hunt. It may not be the most cost-efficient, but players get what they pay for.


Sparks LRR/ LRR Sniper

Damage: 149

Sparks - Hunt Showdown 1896

The LRR is a long-range juggernaut. With the sniper scope, hunters can down enemy players from more than 200 meters. At that range, there are few other weapons that have a comparable effective damage range. This means that even if an enemy fires back and hits a headshot unless they are using the LRR, they will not be able to get a one-shot kill.

At medium and close range, the LLR is a bit of a liability. With just one shot before a rechamber is needed, hitting follow-up shots can be difficult. The sniper should be used exclusively at long range for a one-shot kill.


Caldwell Conversion

Damage: 104

Players can dual-wield these pistols and get spammy with their shooting

This entry comes with a caveat: on its own, the Caldwell Conversion isn’t much to write home about. However, everything changes for the player who decides to dual-wield these bad boys. By itself, it needs to be aimed carefully to be effective. But when doubled up, it transforms into a spam shooter.


Hunt: Showdown 1896 – Best Legendary Hunters, Ranked

These are the finest legendary hunters in Crytek’s first-person shooter, Hunt: Showdown.

Dual-wielding gets a bad rep among the game’s community, but at the end of the day, the goal is to survive the hunt. Load up the Conversions with the Full Metal Jacket ammo type, and these pistols become devastating at close range. They can be fired at will without too much risk, and provide excellent cover penetration to top it off.



Damage: 143

The Martini-Henry can be equipped with traits to become a repeater rifle

The Martini-Henry rifle solves some of the close-range issues that Sparks LRR users face, but sacrifices some base damage and velocity. The Martini-Henry may still be a one-shot rifle, but it nearly halves the reload time of its fellow rifles. This allows it to fire much more frequently, and, therefore, is more friendly to players who don’t possess perfect accuracy. Equipping the Ironside trait to this rifle further enhances its rate of fire, transforming it into a makeshift repeater rifle.

Going a step further, equipping the Martini-Henry with the Riposte trait will load it up with a long saber that extends from its muzzle, which makes the rifle much more capable at close range. It won’t hold a candle to wide-spread weapons like a shotgun, but the expanded versatility offered by the Martini-Henry’s balanced stats and varied traits makes it a strong choice for almost any situation.



Damage: 120 (Rifle Bullet)

Hunt Showdown 1896 Best Weapons - Drilling

Drilling is a jack-of-all-trades that comes with three barrels. Two long-range fights that serve as a rifle, and one for short-range battles that operate almost like a shotgun. Drilling is great for players who consider a melee-only weapon for their secondary slot, like Katana, Cavalry Sabre, Axe, or Hammer.

The flexibility in Drilling allows the player to ignore the fear of getting up and close to an enemy that might have a powerful short-range weapon. The shotgun barrel comes with 6 bullets overall, which should be enough to get rid of the targets that have already been tagged once.



Damage: 246

Hunt Showdown Crossbow

Using the Crossbow is the best way to be a silent killer in Hunt. It will one-hit enemies in the chest at up to 25 meters. Beyond that range, it will kill hunters with one shot to the head at 45 meters. Unlike shotguns, the Crossbow is more reliable up close because it does not have spread. It can effectively kill enemies with one shot from 0 – ~45m. Rifles are two-shot kills to the chest or a one-shot kill to the head, making the Crossbow a better close-range choice. When used correctly, the Crossbow is one of Hunt Showdown’s best weapons.

All of these stats come with a few disadvantages. The iron sights take some getting used to, and the gun has considerable bullet drop with a velocity of just 150m/s. Likewise, the weapon’s reload speed is atrocious at 6 seconds. Using the Bolt Thrower trait will cut the time in half, but 3 seconds is still a long time. Realizing the weapon’s full potential takes skill, but those who can wield it appropriately will have a lot of success.


Mosin Nagant M1891

Damage: 136

Hunt Showdown 1896 Best Weapons - Mosin Nagant

With a one-shot headshot potential of up to 250 meters and a high bullet velocity, the Mosin is a top-tier PVP weapon. It’s best used as a hybrid between a long-range LRR and a quick-firing Winfield. It has a quick reload for a rifle and great iron sights compared to many of the other weapons in the game. Almost unnoticeable sway values don’t hurt either. The only glaring problem with the gun is its low ammo capacity of 15 shots.


Hunt: Showdown 1896 – Best Loadouts For Solo Hunters

Looking to go solo in Hunt: Showdown? These are the best loadouts to carry with you.

From a practical standpoint, the Mosin is better than the Lebel 1886. With bulletgrubber and stripper clip, the Mosin will reload much faster. However, the Lebel has a higher bullet velocity and is a very viable option as well. Ultimately, which rifle will be better has a lot to do with preference, as the Lebel and Mosin are very similar stat-wise.


Mosin Nagant Avtomat

Damage: 136

Mosin Nagant Avtomat - Hunt Showdown 1896

The Avtomat does everything the base Mosin does, but even better. It can be fired as a fully automatic weapon or tapped for a two-round burst. If both bullets in a burst hit the chest of an enemy, the gun will deal enough damage to down them. What results is an incredible time-to-kill from intermediate ranges.

The main issues with the weapon are the added weapon sway and increased recoil. In full-auto, the Avtomat will run out of bullets in just a couple of seconds, so ammo conservation becomes a challenge as well. However, the damage is worth it.


Maynard Sniper Rifle

Damage: 144

Maynard Sniper Rifle Hunt Showdown 1896

As one of the recent additions to the weapons roster in Hunt: Showdown 1896, the Maynard Sniper Rifle is the second-deadliest scoped gun that features the longest effective range too. Scoped weapons might not be every player’s cup of tea, but they could be amazing for solo players who rather anchor around the extraction points.

Maynard comes with a significant ADS time, which makes it possible to react quickly to any threat that is lurking around. The weapon is not lethal on the torso, but using special bullets could help to boost its deadliness when missing a headshot. Maynard also comes with a clean scope that provides a better visual of targets.


Hunting Bow

Damage: 250

Hunting Bow - Hunt Showdown 1896

Hunting Bow is the best friend of solo hunters who want to trick the opponent teams. This weapon is even more silent than a crossbow, as it doesn’t make that weird reload sound, yet it is deadlier. Even a torso shot at a shotgun range guarantees elimination while having the sheer advantage of being silent.

That being said, Hunting Bow requires advanced aiming skills for longer ranges. Knowing that the arrows are limited, the player must use them wisely, as missing more than a few shots will force the player to either switch to a louder secondary, or risk their life and go closer to pick up the used arrows.

Hunt Showdown 1896 Tag Page Cover Art

First-Person Shooter



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February 22, 2018

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