How to wake up Hypnos in Hades 2

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Hypnos is one of the familiar faces returning from Hades Hades 2where he spends his time deep in the Crossroads, secluded in a corner. Melinoë thinks he can be woken up.


Hades 2: Every recurring character

Here is every character from the first Hades game who has returned to Hades.

Hekate brought the already sleeping Hypnos out of the House of Hades during Chronos' attack, along with the baby Melinoë and her family portrait. Although he still remains in an impenetrable sleep, he sometimes appears to respond to Melinoë when she speaks to him, and she is determined to find a way to wake him. Although the quest is not currently complete, there are steps you can take to begin awakening Hypnos.

Since Hades 2 is still in Early Access at the time of writing, some information in this guide may change over time.

Incantation to end the deepest sleep

The incantation “The End of the Deepest Sleep” in the cauldron. It reads 1 Moly, 2 Mandrake and 3 Poppy and "Attempt to awaken Hypnos from his dormant state. Grants +1 Dream Steam."

The Olympus update added a spell that allows Melinoë to do this Create dream fumeswhich could help with Hypnos' poor condition. The End of Deepest Sleep incantation requires one Moly, two Mandrake, and three Poppy.

If the incantation does not appear in the cauldron, Try giving Hypnos some nectar and talk to him – he won't respond and you won't get any friendship benefits, but it should give Melinoë the idea for the summoning.

Moly can be collected from Erebus, but Mandrake and Poppy both need to be grown at the Crossroads using seeds sourced from the Rift of Thessaly and Tartarus respectively, grown in Melinoë's Garden. It will take some time to complete the summoning, but don't worry – another run should cover it.

Equipping the Silver Spade makes finding Mandrake and Poppy Seeds much easier.

What are dream fumes?

Dream Vapors in the gift menu. They are described as "Used primarily for attempting to awaken Hypnos."

By completing the End of Deepest Sleep incantation, Melinoë will receive a dream vapor which can then be gifted to Hypnos. Dream Vapors description says this is the case “Used primarily to attempt to awaken Hypnos.” They can only be gifted to Hypnos and currently have no other use.

“Wake up” hypnosis.

Hypnos dreams in a dream. He murmurs as he snores, welcoming someone to the House of Hades.

If you give Hypnos a dream steam, unfortunately it will Don't wake him. What it will do is Begin a flashback sequenceand takes Melinoë into a cardboard cutout scene showing the house of Hades and its inhabitants. Here you can, so to speak, interact with the eternally dreaming god of sleep.

Hypnos continues to sleep, even in his own dream. When you talk to him, he murmurs “Welcome to the House of Hades” and “I'm awake,” but doesn't properly respond to Melinoë. After speaking to him for a moment, the dream ends, returning Melinoë to the crossroads.

This is the scope of Hypnos content at the time of writing. Hades 2 is still in Early Access, with another major update planned for early 2025. Just in case, have some Poppy ready for him.


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