How to unlock snorkel and immerse yourself in

Hello Kitty Island Adventure offers many opportunities for travel that reveal new areas, from transfer to fast trips to ziplines and even one Breath of the wilderness-In similar climbing mechanic. Although water is initially dangerous, you can finally learn how to swim – and then how to dive.


All in Hello Kitty Island Adventure Deluxe Edition included

The Hello Kitty Island Adventure Deluxe Edition is available on all platforms and grants hundreds of unique cosmetic and material rewards.

To swim and dive Hello Kitty Island Adventure It is important to reach all islands and explore all underwater areas in the game. This guide explains how to dive and how to get a snorkel Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

How to unlock the snorkel in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Get the pinball first and then increase your friendship with Kuromi

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Diving in the Fiihrer How to find craftsmanship 1 LOCKET 1

To get the snorkel, you have to complete the “Deep Diving” quest and then make it with the rewarded snorkel recipe. There are a few quest requirements to learn how to immerse Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

  • Swim off the ability to swim with fins. You will receive Keroppi's Flipper recipe when it reaches friendship level 2.
  • Increase your friendship with Kuromi to level 6. You also have to complete your first search “upset the creepy swamp”, which is available in friendship level 4.

Kuromi likes creepy things-especially Jack-O lanterns. Give her a few Jack-O lanterns (and use a friendship blossom for more daily gifts) to increase your friendship level to 6 after surviving the villa.

When she reaches the friendship level 6, go northwest of the creepy swamp faster travel point to find it on a small pond. Talk to Kuromi and you will ask you to find your lost medallion in the water. She will borrow her own snorkel and start the “Deep Diving” quest.

Quest “Deep Diving” and how to dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Immerse Hello Kitty Island Adventure The players have to jump into the water and then dive under the surface by displaying the right analog stick (or entering the right on the right on the right). You can control how deep you go with the analog stick, but be careful because you lose perseverance faster when you go deeper under water.

Getting up to the surface consumes significantly less endurance. So if you drown, go back to regenerate the perseverance.

Kuromi's medallion is not far from the dock, and you don't need a gold endurance apple upgrades to dive deep enough to find it. Swim from the dock for about two or three seconds Where Kuromi is, then dive under water.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Can you travel?

The players could travel in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, but they may not want to think about the risks. Here is something to know.

Find Kuromis medallion and then make your own snorkel

You should Find Kuromi's medallion on the lake directly below the end of the dock. Take it in, then swim to the surface and give it Kuromi to complete the “depth diving”. She will take her snorkel back and refuse to have it used again.

Instead, Kuromi is Give them a snorkel recipe. To Tinker a snorkelYou need 2 -times, 10 -fully rubber and 2x spark.

  • Barge Can be found in chests and you can create you with a triple iron ore if you have the plans for block plans. This recipe is located on the left of the dance hall in Gemstone Mountain.
  • rubber can be found on the ground on the island of the Seaside Resort. Find a small purple ball to find rubber.
  • Spark Can occur in chests or with the spark -crafting recipe with 3 -times light stones. This recipe is rewarded by Pocco after ending the “A -Zipline adventure” of the friendship Level 4.

As soon as you have all the materials, go back to Chococat's handicraft table and make your own snorkel! Just like the flipper, The snorkel is always equipped and arranges the dive in action when you enter deep enough water.

For the most part the central sea of ​​the Hello Kitty Island Adventure Map is all tendable water – and now you can Finally they meet hangyodone And deliver the last welcome gift for my melody!

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Life simulation


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July 28, 2023


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Hello Kitty

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