How to play as Scarlet Witch in Marvel Rivals

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Marvel Rivals is the latest hero shooter from NetEase Games, offering a wide variety of your favorite Marvel heroes to play as in fast-paced, team-based combat. As expected, some characters are harder to get to grips with than others, but it's exciting to see how well they all work together.


Marvel Rivals: Tips for Beginners

Here's everything you need to familiarize yourself with in Marvel Rivals to get the most out of its many systems, mechanics, and rewards!

However, in the case of the Scarlet Witch, she isn't overly complicated, can dish out incredible amounts of damage, and can take out the enemy team in an instant, making her a hugely strong and viable character for any team, no matter the situation.

Updated December 14, 2024 by Seth Parmer: Since we first tackled this guide during the Marvel Rivals beta, we decided to re-read it and add a few more details on how to master Scarlet Witch since the game is officially released and several more characters were added to his extensive roster. While she remains largely the same, some changes to her damage potential further highlight the importance of surrounding her with a solid team composition to get the most out of her!

Scarlet Witch overview in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals Scarlet Witch in the middle of the shot with her name in the background.

Scarlet Witch is currently one of the best duelists in Marvel Rivals, Because she is fast, she has an EExcellent escape option, and can Causing incredible damage with their standard and alt attacks. And that's before we even get into them devastating ultimate attack, This is one of the best across the board.

Since she is a duelist, she has won't have too much health to work with, But with a solid team behind you, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Her The damage output is breathtakingly high, and their ability to do so apply pressure, She's unmatched, especially late in the game, which makes her one tremendous character for newbies pick up.

Overview of the Scarlet Witch


250 hp



Scarlet Witch team-ups

Team up



Metallic chaos


Magneto is the only hero in Marvel Rivals who can do this Team up with Scarlet Witch, allow her cause him additional damage. While this was available in beta, Team-ups are more important today than ever and really can changing the tide of battle, So keep that in mind when putting together a team!

Scarlet Witch Abilities



Chaos control


A hitscan attack in which the Scarlet Witch unleashes a stream of chaos magic on her target, draining their HP and restoring their chaos energy.

Chthonic eruption


A projectile attack in which the Scarlet Witch fires a concentrated blast of chaos energy at the opponent, dealing damage to nearby enemies. She can only hold four stacks of Chthonian Burst at a time, which can gradually regenerate over time or be accelerated via Chaos Control.

Dark Seal


The Scarlet Witch sends out an orb that can deal damage on contact or can be detonated early to create a force field that stuns any enemy that enters its area of ​​effect.

Mystical projection


Has the Scarlet Witch achieved a projection state that allows her to take to the skies and move freely around the arena? She can hold two stacks of Mystic Projection at the same time.


(Hold) Spacebar/X/A

While in the air, Scarlet Witch can slowly glide back to the ground using telekinesis.

Reality erasure


Has the Scarlet Witch achieved another free flight state as she launches a powerful attack? Once fully charged, she releases a burst of energy that deals massive damage to anyone and anything in the area.

Chaotic bonding

Passive teamwork skills

The Scarlet Witch grants Magneto her chaos energy, allowing him to channel it into his greatsword to deal more damage than ever before.

As you can see from the table above, Scarlet Witch is no joke and can be a devastating force of nature, especially when used optimally in combat. While she health is bad, she can Overcome this with her Mystical Projection, what it allows her to do Escape difficult situations quickly and efficiently.

Furthermore, their ability Constantly deal damage, generate Choas energy, and fill her ultimate gauge makes them a threat and a nuisance to the opposing team. she can Destroy the enemy team within seconds if they are not prepared, even more so if she can get them Reality erasure out of.

Unlike some other characters that work much better with certain characters, Scarlet Witch fits pretty well into any team composition. Although Magneto's ability to work in a team is an advantage, he's not necessarily a must-have.

Again, Scarlet Witch is immensely powerful in Marvel Rivals, so she doesn't hold anyone back and doesn't require a specific team composition work. For her ultimate ability, however We'll appreciate having someone who can heal them enough to keep them alive or mitigate incoming damage.

Since the beta Scarlet Witch has had some minor adjustments to her overall damage performance, which makes it a little weaker. Fortunately, She's still a powerhouse that has the potential to dominate the battlefield. And, with Cloak and dagger She joins the fight refillable at any time, This makes them even deadlier in the right hands and with the right team around them!

How to play as Scarlet Witch in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals Scarlet Witch runs towards some enemies as the text reads

Scarlet Witch is essentially like this simply a character like you can get in Marvel Rivals as her Standard attack (Chaos Control) basically magnetizes to any nearby target in your crosshairs, constantly give Chaos energy for her Alt-Fire (Chthonian Burst) and Create your ultimate measuring device extremely fast on top of that.

Scarlet Witch combos in Marvel Rivals

  • Dark Seal > Detonate Dark Seal > Chaos Control > Chthonian Burst x4 > Mystic Projection or Chaos Control

  • Dark Seal > Detonate Dark Seal > Chthonic Burst x2 > Chaos Control > Chthonic Burst x2 > Mystical Projection

  • Dark Seal > Detonate Dark Seas > Chaos Control > Chthonian Burst x4 > Mystic Projection > Reality Erasure

Dark Seal is an excellent one Combi starter for Scarlet Witch, as she allows stun their targets, makes it easier for her Land a stream of Chaos Control on them beforehand follow up quickly with her even more devastating Chthonic outbreaks.

Once you've done it run out of Chthonian burst charges, if you can't Eliminate your targets with Chaos Control, We urge you to do so Use Mystic Projection to bounce away from the scene to get healed or gain shields from your teammates.

Always be a thorn in the side of your opposition, Because that's exactly what Scarlet Witch's toolkit was developed for. she can Escape the scene with ease, return to cause more damage, and repeat the process. Play smart and with your team, though Try pushing your boundaries a little to see how they react.

When to Use Reality Erasure

Marvel Rivals Scarlet Witch uses her reality erasing ability.

Reality erasure is Scarlet Witch's Ultimate Attack in Marvel Rivals to have them Charge a powerful and extremely damaging Chaos Energy Blast that can potentially wiping out the entire opposing team if they do not find cover or do not adequately mitigate the damage that occurs.

The disadvantage, however, is that The casting time for Reality Erasure leaves Scarlet Witch extremely vulnerable. left her wide open to that Resistance to knocking her down before she can carry it out punctual. And what makes matters worse is that The best time to use this ultimate attack is when the enemy is all grouped together.

We strong We recommend that you use Reality Erasure with your team to ensure that it provides you with sufficient healing and protection during loading time. This ultimate is LOUD, alerting all enemies that it is coming. So you can't exactly surprise them with it. Think carefully about when and where you use it. and make sure your team is ready to protect you before you cast it.

Nothing is worse than trying to use Reality Erasure after spending time setting it up, only to get shot down right before it triggers. This ultimate attack is extremely powerful and can drastically change the outcome of the battle. So use it wisely and in cooperation with your allies!


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