Hidden abilities are a very big deal in Pokemon and players can get them in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet If they know where to look. Unfortunately, like tradition, the games don't make it clear how to get Pokémon with a hidden ability.
Hidden abilities have been added in Pokemon Black & WhiteAdding a new wrinkle to many Pokemon. The problem is that in some cases, hidden abilities are significantly more powerful than what Pokemon normally have. This trend continues Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Where starter Pokemon Skeledirge and Quaquaval with their hidden abilities are significantly more powerful than their regular abilities.
Updated on January 25, 2025 by Renri Seong: Hidden Abilities, as the name suggests, are abilities that Pokemon don't normally have when captured. If you're using Pokemon for competitive gameplay, you probably want it to have its hidden abilities. However, not every Pokemon's hidden abilities are better than their regular abilities, so it's up to you to determine which is better. The following guide has been revised to include updated information about hidden abilities Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

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Hidden Ability in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Every way to get hidden abilities in Scarlet & Violet
Getting a Pokemon with its hidden abilities isn't easy, but Gen 9s Scarlet & Violet have done it Easier compared to previous generations. You can get a Pokemon with a hidden ability through trading. However, if this is too much work or you don't want to pay for the Nintendo Online membership, there are ways to get hidden abilities without using the Union Circle. In short, Pokemon with hidden abilities can be obtained in the following ways:
Tera Raids
Breeding Pokemon with a hidden ability
Skill patch
3-star (or higher) Tera Raids
As soon as you have Three fitness stitchesYou will start to see 3 Star Tera Raids in Paldea (or Kitakami if you have the expansion pack). When you take part in 3-star Tera raids, you may find yourself battling a Pokémon that has its hidden abilities. Some abilities trigger as soon as the raid begins (such as Eevee's Anticipation), but others require you to catch the Pokemon and view its summary.
Pokémon in 4/5/6 Star Tera Raids may also have their Hidden Abilities. There is no way to determine a hidden ability. So if you want to have a Pokemon, all you have to do is keep checking the Tera Caverns every day.
Breeding Pokemon with hidden abilities
Another way to get a Hidden Ability is to breed your Pokémon. You must have both parent Pokémon in your party, one of which has its Hidden Abilities. Then set up a picnic and check the egg basket at your picnic table.
Breeding Pokémon to get an offspring with a Hidden Ability is arguably the easiest way to get Hidden Ability, but there are a few things you should keep in mind:
Let's say you want a Charmander with its hidden ability (Solar Energy), but your Charizard has its regular ability (Burn). They decide to breed this Charizard with one too, which does have a hidden ability (cheater). UnfortunatelyAlthough Ditto has the hidden ability, the Charmander will only have one fire from its eggs. This is because you are trying to cast a hidden ability that is impossible for Charmander (i.e. impostor). However, if Charizard has Solar Power and Ditto has Limber (regular), you may get a Charmander with the hidden ability.
You cannot breed Pokemon from the same egg group and get a hidden ability. This means that if you try to farm Charizard (Solar Energy) with Baxcalibur to get an Ice Body Frigibax (Hidden), it will have Thermal Exchange (Regular) instead. You should stick to breeding Pokemon of the same species or in an outdoor setting.
Hidden abilities are also not 100% confirmed for the Descendant Pokémon. You can go through several eggs before you finally get a Pokemon with the Hidden Ability you want.
Use a skill patch
Once you unlock 6-star Tera Raids, which you get after clearing the Aces Ace Tournament (Postgame), you have a 4.55% chance of getting one Skill patch If you manage to defeat/catch the raid Pokemon. 6-Star Tera Raids appear on the map as black icons with a white outline. In the overworld they appear as black Tera crystals/Dens.
The Ability Patch is similar to an Ability Capsule, but using a Pokémon teaches it to replace its current Ability with its Hidden Ability If It has one. You can also use an Ability Patch on a Pokemon with a Hidden Ability to give it a “Regular” Ability. For example: Using an ability patch on an Eevee with Anticipation changes its ability to run away or adaptively run.
If you have the expansion pack and manage to catch Terapagos, you can return to Blueberry Academy and talk to Amarys. This will unlock Koraidon/Miraidon's flying ability. Once you have that, go to Terarium And fly up to the giant Tera sphere. On the top you will find a gold bottle cap, x50 star tera shards and a Skill patch.

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Are hidden skills better than regular skills?
What hidden skills are worth getting?
It would be impossible to list every Hidden Ability for every Pokémon in Scarlet/violet. Typically, most of Pokemon's hidden abilities are better than their regular abilities. If you're not competitive, there's not as much pressure to get a Pokemon with a hidden ability for the Scarlet/violet Campaign.
Here are some recommended hidden abilities for Pokemon in which you may use, Scarlet/violet:
If you're using a Hisuian Decidueye then you want Shabby. This allows him to hit Fighting- and Normal-type Ghost-type Pokémon.
Eevee's evolutions, Espeon and Sylveon, have Magic Leap and Pixilat. Magic Spring will reflect the status. Pixilate turns all moves (like hyper voice) into fairy type.
Torchic, Combusken and Blaziken have Speed boostwhich increases their speed by one level at the end of each round.
Lokix has Tinted lens as his hidden ability. This increases the damage of his “not very effective” moves.
Hidden abilities that are arguably worse than a Pokemon's regular abilities include:
- Klutz: The Pokemon cannot use its held item.
- telepathy: Avoid moves used by Ally Pokemon. Useless outside of double battles.
- Plus And Minus: Doubles damage if the Ally Pokémon has the opposite Ability. Useless outside of double battles.

- Released
November 18, 2022