How to get Heavens Rod in Fish

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The further you progress Fishthe better rods you will need. And while most can be easily purchased, some are hidden and require quests to be completed. In this guide you will learn how to install Heavens Rod Fish.

This is one of the best rods in this area Roblox Fishing simulator. All thanks to his passive ability, which forces a mutation with a x5 multiplier on the catch price. In addition, its values ​​are very high, except for the locking speed.


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Where to Find Heavens Rod in Fish

Fish Red Energy Crystal

The Heavens Rod is not only one of the best tools ever Fish but also one of the hardest to get. It cannot simply be purchased from one of the retailers. Instead, you need to climb to the top of the mountain on Northern Expedition Island and collect 4 Energy Crystals to be able to purchase the Celestial Staff for $1,750,000 CAD Fish.

Northern Expedition Island is located quite far from the rest of the islands. Therefore, players must swim to this location and go through the portal. It is important to note that this location has an extremely aggressive climate. So, on the way up, you'll need to monitor the oxygen levels in the tank as well as your character's temperature.

In addition, players must find 4 energy crystals Fish to reach the staff of heaven. The first three of these can be collected on the way up, while the last one is hidden by an NPC and is only unlocked after finding the first three:

  • Blue crystal – (X: 20216, Y: 211, Z: 5443)
  • Green crystal – (X: 19871, Y: 447, Z: 5552)
  • Yellow crystal – (X: 19501, Y: 335, Z: 5549)

At this point, the Yellow Crystal only appears during the Avalanche event. So you either have to wait for it or use the corresponding totem to trigger the event.

Afterwards, players must reach the “Glacier Grotto” location at the top of the mountain. There you will find an NPC who will give you a quest to purchase the Red Crystal for $250,000 CAD. Finally, insert all the energy crystals into the giant crystals to open the passage to the Celestial Staff Fish.


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Fish Heaven's Rod Statistics

Celestial rod in fish

Despite its huge price, Heaven's Rod is worth all your effort and money Fish. With its statistics you can earn a lot of money and experience and make it easier to catch rare fish.

  • Bait Speed ​​– 30%
  • Happiness – 225%
  • Control – 0.2
  • Resilience – 30%
  • Max. kg – Infinite
  • Ability – With a 15% chance, your catch can gain a Celestial Mutation.
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September 1, 2006


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