How to defeat EXUS, flame crown in the hypertensive breaker

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Hyperlag Host of a handful of bosses or crowns in the middle of his less difficult enemies. These crowns are unlocked when you play your campaign by earning prisms and then using these prisms to unlock the arena of the individual crowns. Early is one of the first crowns that you can meet, EXUS, flame crown.


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Do not make a mistake, this is a difficult boss fight that hits directly from the goal, so you want to make sure that you are prepared properly. As with Roguelikes, defeat may mean restarting a completely new cycle. With this in mind, you need to know what you need to know to beat Exus, Crown of Flames.

Hyper Light Breaker is currently in early access. The information in this manual can change because the Early Access version is patched and the full game is published.

How to prepare for exus

The Loadout screen in the hypertricific switch.

First, Before you dive into a crown battleYou will want Make sure you are prepared properly. At least at least, You will want the following in your inventory Before the way to Exus.

An improved rail with a status fellow

Make sure you have a rail that has been upgraded at least once and contains a status fellow like Burn or Hack.

An improved blade with a status fellow

Make sure you have a blade that has been improved at least once and contains a status fift like burn or hack.

A medkit

Make sure you have a med kit on you before going to battle.

An insulting amplifier

Having an amplifier like the Vulcan drone is extremely helpful in Boss battles.

Do not make a mistake, status effects are some of the most important boons in the hyperlacliche switch, since you can also add additional damage.

Remember, okay To unlock the EXUS, you must first get two prisms. So this can prove to be difficult, so If the fight for two prisms has drained, just extract And come back in the next run for exuus.

Prisms transfer between runs, but not between cycles!

How to avoid exuses' attacks

A breaker that shows one of the exus attacks in Hyper Light Breaker.

Once in the Exus' Arena, which looks like a Roman Colosseum, you are treated a short intro intermediate sequence before the battle begins. Be ready, as As soon as the film ends, Exus dives directly.

Typically, The fight begins with a decent gap between you and exusFollowed by a few fewer enemies, the spawning.

Having an amplifier that attacks and fights next to them is helpful to deal with less enemies on the periphery of the fight.

When the fight begins Exus then begins to carry out through various attacks. Here is a breakdown of the attacks and how to avoid them best.

EXUS attack

What it does

As you know when it comes

How to avoid

Dash attack

EXUS will charge a blow and then start directly for her via the arena and do a devastating blow.

EXUS crouches slightly and rinses her fist back.

Time when your line is exactly right to avoid the attack. Wait until the last second.


EXUS will hit her fist into the ground, which causes an explosive attack and strikes the effects.

A large bright circle appears on the floor.

Rescue or hoverboard away and stand outside the circle.

Flame projectile

EXUS will shoot a small flame projectile, which then divides into several other projectiles.

A purple square appears around exus' fist.

Lead relatively short or outside the range of the projectile or run outside the projectile.

Zwillings tornados

Two (or sometimes three) green tornados start through the arena.

EXUS crosses her arms.

In addition to firing your splint on exus.

How to attack Exus

A crusher who fires a rail on EXUS, flame crown in hyperlagnic brewer.

Attack from Exus can be difficult sometimes. Most of the time, It is certain to make railway shots on him Whenever you think it is right.

However, Depending on their reloading time and total battery mirror, It can prove to be difficult to reset exus Alone with her rail alone.

Only use your medkit if you absolutely need it. Medkits heal for almost all of your health (+75). So don't waste it if you are only 25% down in HP.

What you want to do is Bicycle between rail shots and melee attacks With your blade. You will also want Bicycle through their cooldown times Like your special Blade attack and your amplifier, depending on what is equipped.

While they drive through these attacks, Wait for these specific moments to take your step So you are not caught in a follow-up attack.

When attacking

Attack to use

After the ground

Increase with your blade to attack your special while Exus recovers from this attack.

After flame projectile

EXUS usually pauses a moment after firing this projectile. So use a ranged attack with your rail to clear it.

After the Dash attack

If you are careful, you can usually get a quick follow-up attack according to Exus' DASH attack, it is best to sound with light and not heavy sounds.

After two tornados

If you avoid the twin canados, shoot a few quick shots with your rail.

Patience is the key if you want to defeat exuses -Just continue through these follow -up attacks, and dodge when you have to And you will put this crown down in a very short time!

Although EXUS usually drops some health after dying, you still have to extract yourself after the fight. So don't blow all of your resources!


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