How to change characters in NieR: Automata

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NieR: AutomataThe main story is divided into three passages. While there is some overlap in the first two runs, the third makes it clear that there is still a lot to see even after the first credits roll.

While there are three main runs you'll want to complete, there are also plenty of endings to see, some more elaborate than others and some requiring you to play as a specific character and do something specific. Here are all three playable characters and how to switch between them.


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All playable characters in NieR: Automata

The story of NieR: Automata revolves around 2B, 9S and A2. 2B and 9S are partners and the two will probably get the most screen time depending on how much time you spend in each playthrough. Each character has their own unique fighting style with a few pros and cons that make playing as each a new experience, even if you're equipped with the same plug-in chips in all three playthroughs. 2B, 9S and A2 are all playable characters While you can change throughout the game, it may not be as easy to change who you're playing against.


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How to change characters in NieR: Automata

The player chooses which character they want to play as

On your first playthrough of the game, you cannot change characters at any time. Who you play as on each playthrough is:

  • Playthrough 1 – 2B

  • Playthrough 2 – 9S

  • Playthrough 3 – 2B/9S/A2Switching between characters as the story dictates.

After choosing one of the game's main endings, you unlock Chapter Select mode, where you can now choose who you want to play as. Chapter Select Mode allows you to select one of the game's 17 chapters to jump back to. In many of these chapters you will see that the numbers on the right side of the screen change depending on completed or incomplete side quests. If a character in this chapter has numbers, you can do this Choose whether you want to replay this chapter as this character.

Some of the later chapters, most of playthrough 3, only let you Play specific chapters as specific charactersand that won't change. Chapter Select allows you to change your character at any time, but you also have to change where you are in the story to where the character was playable during the main story. As long as you save before moving to another chapter, everything you did in chapter select mode will carry over, allowing you to increase the combined levels of all three characters as you work toward the maximum.

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