How Miyabi's Frost compares to other Ice Agents

The long-awaited Void Hunter Hoshimi Miyabi has finally joined Zenless Zone Zerois the cast of playable agents as of version 1.4, and their addition shakes up the meta with a new anomaly type. On the surface, the Miyabi frost anomaly bears a striking similarity to Zenless Zone ZeroThis new element is Ice's default attribute and has its own unique benefits that help it stand out from the crowd. Given the advantages that Miyabi's Frost-based kit offers with those of the other members of the Section 6 faction, it is clear why this agent has earned the title “Void Hunter.”

An agent's characteristics are a crucial component to consider when building a team Zenless Zone Zero as players will want to prioritize inflicting anomalies on the enemy with the goal of causing chaos. Disorder occurs when two different anomaly types are inflicted on an enemy, dealing additional damage and temporarily dazing them. The unique nature of Miyabi's Frost Anomaly allows him to take advantage of the benefits of both the standard Ice Anomaly and his own, while also making Miyabi a flexible addition to each Zenless Zone Zero Team.


Zenless Zone Zero: Character Level List

Here's how all agents in Zenless Zone Zero compare to the other agents in their ZZZ character level list.

Hoshimi Miyabi's Frost Anomaly offers some major advantages over the Ice Anomaly

Frost reaps all the benefits of ice while creating clutter

The ice anomaly in Zenless Zone Zero is capable of giving an enemy three different statuses:

  • Freeze: Immobilizes the enemy and incapacitates them for a short period of time
  • Shatter: Deals Ice damage and interrupts an enemy's movement when Freeze ends
  • Frostbite: Allows agents to deal more critical damage to affected enemies while the effect lasts

Miyabi's Frost Anomaly has the ability to inflict all of these conditions on an enemy while also creating disorder along with other Ice agents as it is classified as a separate attribute. This unique status makes Miyabi a fantastic Agent for creating synergies with other Ice Agents, as the Frost attribute is considered the same as Ice by certain Agent abilities and has a separate anomaly build multiplier.

Ice Attribute Agents from Zenless Zone Zero




Ellen Joe


Victoria Housekeeping



Section 6

From Lycaon


Victoria Housekeeping

Since Frost receives the same benefits as the Ice attribute, pairing Miyabi with teammates who also benefit from having other Ice agents in the group is a great strategy. Typically, Zenless Zone Zero Players will want to have at least one agent with a different attribute in the party to cause chaos as their anomalies pile up. However, since Frost's anomaly multiplier is different from the standard Ice anomaly, Miyabi can work well with an agent like Soukaku, who can activate her passive since she is from the same faction.

Miyabi's abilities are unique to the Frost Anomaly

The biggest difference between Frost and the typical Ice Anomaly is the interaction with the abilities that only Miyabi's equipment provides. Her core passive ability, Searing Cold, allows Miyabi to inflict Ice Fire, a status condition unique to her equipment that increases the speed at which frost anomalies form on enemies suffering from it. This combination of abilities makes Miyabi well-suited to quickly building up an anomaly type so that another agent on her team can create another one as quickly as possible and cause chaos.

The other important effect of Miyabi's Searing Cold Core passive is that when she inflicts Frostbite on enemies affected by Ice Fire, Frost Burn – Break activates, dealing additional Frost damage based on Miyabi's attack stats and forcing the target to switch to the “frost burning” state. In this state, the total anomaly buildup inflicted on the enemy is increased, meaning other agents can benefit from Miyabi's abilities. With this core passive ability forming the cornerstone of her kit, Miyabi's Frost Anomaly goes beyond what standard Ice Agents are capable of, making her one of the most effective Anomaly Agents around Zenless Zone Zero.

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