Greatest hits quests and how to complete them in Fortnite OG Chapter 1, season 2

One of the numerous best things Fortnite Brought back the OG mode so that the players can dive into the old card and the gameplay in which people fall in love with. You and your squad experience the memories of the days that you probably enjoyed countless hours and nights.


Fortnite: Chapter 6, Season 1 – Story Quest Guide

Magic awakened!

OG Season 1 was great, but season 2 is even better with the return of Tilted Towers, a fan-favorite place and other iconic places that used to be their favorite landing zones. In addition, there is no new season without quests, and as you would expect, season 2 brings his own quests with the greatest hits that will cover this guide, and negotiates you how you can complete each of you.

Every biggest hits quest and how to complete them in Chapter 1, Season 2

Greatest Hits Quests in Fortnite OG Chapter 1, Season 2

If you want to complete the OG Fortnite Greatest Hits Quests, you will find a table with what you are and how you do it:


How to complete


Beat a player from at least two floors at the top of Tilted Towers.

The best way to complete this challenge is through Climbing on the roof of a tower in tilted towers And just to enemies nearby. From there you can shoot them with your AR.

20k XP

Damage of the players in new named places

Some new named locations in Chapter 1, season 2, are:

  • Tilted Towers
  • Slifting shafts
  • Crossing
  • Snobby bank
  • Haunted Hills

However, the best place for this challenge is likely that it will be likely Tilted Towers because it is a hot drop And probably have a lot of action.

20k XP

Use small tortoise

Small shield potions can be found in chestsOf course, this is completed when you play the game.

20k XP

Find a goal in the stadium or in the Pleasant Park

Our recommended location is Pleasant park. Only to the south of this placeYou will find a soccer field With the ball in the middle. Everything you have to do is Move the ball with your character until you score in one of the two networks.

20k XP

Travel removal after jumping on a start pad

You can find a start pad as drops from the chest or ground prey. Everything you have to do is Place it, jump upwards, upwards, And Open your glider. It is best to do it Highly lying soil to maximize travel distance And complete it in a go.

Alternatively, you can always Dlide back to the place where you have placed the start pillow and repeat the process Until you have finished the quest.

20k XP

Damage of the players over 20 meters with assault rifles

Of course you should complete this the more you playBut there is advice Always ping, where the enemy should prevent overview of how far they are away from them.

20k XP

Build structures or use ziplines in different matches

The OG mode is the build mode exclusive, so You will build sooner or later.

20k XP

Find chests or ammunition boxes before the first circle closes

You should complete this Of course only through playing.

20k XP

Many thanks to the bus driver

During the Battle bus ride, make sure Many thanks to the bus driver before landing.

20k XP

Visit a named location in every biom

To just express it, just end up in the following locations and it is completed:

  • Wälder whine
  • Haunted Hills
  • Damp swamp
  • Retail series

20k XP


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