Future Astro Bot content should include an underused item

Key insights

  • Astro Bot surprises with a high Metacritic score, even though it is neither open world nor part of a major franchise.
  • The Sponge Power Up is one of the cutest, most powerful, and most creative abilities in the game, but it can only be used on one level.
  • Future Astro Bot content should consider including the Sponge Power Up in updates to give players more time with this unique ability.

AstroBot is one of the biggest surprises of 2024, having achieved and maintained a remarkable Metacritic score of 94 since its release, and yet it is neither open-world, over 100 hours long, nor owes its popularity to an existing major franchise. At the end of the day, AstroBot is just a solid platformer, but its ability to explore and exploit the limitless boundaries of creativity is probably the reason for its success. Much of this creativity is expressed in its varied level design, but it is even more evident in the wide variety of power-ups that Astro Bot can obtain as players progress through each of the game's worlds.

There are countless power-ups AstroBoteach granting the titular robot unique abilities, often limited to certain levels. While each power-up certainly has its merits, one stands out from the rest by being one of the most adorable, powerful, and creative power-ups in the game – the Sponge Power-Up. Unfortunately, even though it can be so much fun, the Sponge Power Up is usable on one level. As such, every future AstroBot Content should consider using the Sponge Power Up again to give players more time with one of the game's best abilities.


Astro Bot has given a hypothetical PlayStation All-Stars 2 the perfect antagonist

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Astro Bot's Sponge Power Up should appear in future updates

Astro Bot's Sponge Power Up is one of the cutest, most powerful, and most creative transformations in the game

The sponge power up in AstroBot is acquired shortly after the start of the Bathhouse Battle level in the Serpent Starway star system. Once acquired, Astro Bot absorbs any water he immerses himself in and becomes a much larger, more powerful version of himself, capable of destroying almost anything he touches, among several other unique abilities. Most notably, after receiving the Sponge Power Up, Astro Bot can release all the water it absorbs to make plant sprouts bloom, often granting coins and other secrets in the process.

Additionally, once Astro Bot gets the Sponge Power Up and absorbs water, he becomes so large that he can simply run into enemies and breakable structures and destroy them with ease. The water that Astro Bot absorbs can also be delivered to mud-covered enemies who are otherwise invulnerable to his attacks. The sponge is easily one of the most chaotic power-ups ever AstroBotBut that's exactly what makes it so exciting to use, especially when Astro Bot moves quickly through a course like a giant sponge.

Future Astro Bot content should include the Sponge power-up in some capacity

AstroBot has already received a handful of speedrun stages as DLC, and given the game's huge success, Team Asobi likely plans to add more DLC in the future. However, hopefully any future DLC will add to this AstroBot is even more expansive, as it could add many more levels, power-ups, and possibly more story.

When more extensive DLCs are added AstroBot Going forward, it would be a shame not to give players more time with the Sponge Power Up, as it was only included in one level of the base game. There are certainly many other notable power-ups that deserve a DLC revival – like the Slow-Mo Power-Up, the Mouse Power-Up and the Vacuum Power-Up – but given the Sponge Power's limited presence -Ups in the base game, it's a perfect candidate for another appearance in the future.

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