Following the Chapter 2 Remix Mini-Season FortniteChapter 6 has officially begun. Epic has taken full advantage of this update to make some important changes to Battle Royale. Chapter 6, Season 1 introduced an entirely new map inspired by Japanese culture and folklore. The map brings with it mystical locations, sprites that help players gain the upper hand on the battlefield, and some boss fights that make Chapter 5's bosses look like child's play. Additionally, some new movement mechanics have been added to the game that are sure to shake up the gameplay.
For years now Fortnite has taken the start of a new chapter as an opportunity to introduce new additions to the game's movement system. Chapter 3 added sliding, sprinting, and mantling in the first two seasons; Chapter 4 introduced the hurdles feature – although it was disabled for most of the chapter. and Chapter 5 gave players the ability to climb walls. Building on the previous chapters, Chapter 6 added new parkour moves to the game, allowing players to climb, push off, and run along walls.

Fortnite 5v5 mode rumors explained
Fortnite's Chapter 6 release brings with it an avalanche of new content, and a recent rumor about 5v5 could be game-changing.
Parkour in Chapter 6 Battle Royale
Shown in the Chapter 6, Season 1 gameplay trailer: FortniteNew movement abilities include Launch Jumping, Ground Rolls, Wall Scramble, Wall Kicks and Wall Runs. All of these can be used together Fortnitefeatures more traversal mechanics and items that allow you to navigate the island in an eye-catching and fast-paced way. Wall running in particular will make traveling through Seaport City's new POI a parkour enthusiast's dream, but the skill might take some getting used to.
This is how wall running works in Fortnite
Wall-running will be a familiar mechanic for anyone who has played parkour-focused action games like Titanfall 2 or Dying Light 2. To run into the wall FortniteThe players have to stand perpendicular to a wall. As players run along the wall, they can jump towards it. If the player next to the wall quickly presses the jump button again, they can push off the wall, sending them forward and to the side. While the player cannot continually run on the same wall, they can chain together wall kicks from adjacent walls. This uses the player's momentum to run along the walls, not only giving them the ability to shoot enemies, but also making it much harder to hit themselves. Wall running and wall kicks do not drain a player's base stamina like normal jumping. However, performing enough wall kicks will deplete a player's jump stamina, preventing players from chaining these kicks together indefinitely.
What the new parkour skills bring to the game
With the addition of new parkour moves, Fortnite Chapter 6 places great emphasis on movement. Battle Royale players can combine these moves with mobility items like Shockwave Grenades, the Typhoon Blade, and the Void Oni Mask, as well as environmental items like lily pads, umbrellas, and grind rails to zip across the map fluidly and dynamically ways. The Kinetic Blade was also shown in this season's gameplay trailer, meaning it is Fortnite has plans to further expand the movement.
This is big news for fans of faster-paced seasons like Chapter 4, Season 2. However, the learning curve that comes with all of these new movement abilities will likely make it much more difficult and outside of the game for players who don't have the time to learn the basics Movement to compete with those who do this. For players who don't want to bother with parkour and prefer to stick to the movement patterns of previous chapters, the upcoming Fortnite OG mode will not feature any of Chapter 6's new movement abilities.