Fortnite: All Specialist Locations

Whether solo or squads, everyone Fortnite The player could use an additional weapon to help him capture a Victory Royale. Since Fortnite Since this is a fairly difficult Battle Royale, players may want to get off the Battle Bus and hire an extra hand so that they have the support and firepower they need to achieve victory again.


Fortnite: Chapter 6 Season 1 NPC Locations

Here is the location of all NPCs on the Fortnite Battle Royale map.

In Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1, there are 4 hireable NPCs on the map, and these specialists all have their own asking prices, weapons, and special features, so players need to know where to find them and what they actually do in order to be the best AI possible. Have teammates.

Where to find Helsie (medical specialist).


Canyon crossing

Rental price

250 gold

Specialist role



Surgfire SMG

Helsie can be found at Canyon Crossing, a bottom left POI near Shogun's Solitude. Helsie can usually be found in the upper part of Canyon Crossing, closest to the buildings on the road.

Helsie is most likely the best NPC to hire due to her role as a Medic Specialist, as she will randomly throw Chug Splashes at the player and their allies whenever they need health or shield, no matter how little it may be. While her role as a specialist is great, Helsie doesn't have the best weapon, as her Surgefire submachine gun lacks long-range accuracy and only sees an increase in rate of fire with consistent use.

Fortnite The Week 7 quest from Chapter 6, Season 1: “Gain Health or Shields While Having a Specialist (0/50)” is easily completed with Helsie as she throws Chug Splashes at the player.

Where to find Vi (Scout Specialist).


Rolling Blossoms Farm

Rental price

250 gold

Specialist role



Holo Twister AR

Vi is located at Rolling Blossoms Farm, located between Seaport City and Hopeful Heights and characterized by its colorful flower fields.

As a scout specialist, Vi randomly sends out a reconnaissance pulse that reveals other enemies on the map that are near Vi's scanner. This means players can mark other players as red dots and even see their outlines, allowing them to catch them off guard or focus on their positioning to avoid being caught off guard by an unexpected move. Vi also has one of the best weapons for a hired NPC, as she carries the Holo-Twister Assault Rifle, giving her decent range for long-range battles.

Where to find Mizuki (Supply Specialist).


Lost Lake

Rental price

250 gold

Specialist role



Fury AR

Mizuki is located at Lost Lake, one of the POIs near the center of the map but further up to the left between Twinkle Terrace and Brutal Boxcars.

As a supply specialist, Mizuki randomly drops ammo based on what the players on her team need. This can be great for players who want to abuse the supply system, as it depends on what they own and what Mizuki provides. When players have a shockwave grenade in their hand, they will drop some of them and vice versa the same applies to ammunition depending on what type of weapon the player has. As a weapon, Mizuki uses the Fury AR, which despite the hitscan concept suffers from its recoil and lack of range.

Where to Find Cinder (Heavy Specialist)


Open-air onsen

Rental price

250 gold

Specialist role



Sentinel Pump Shotgun

Cinder can be found in the open-air onsen, a landmark south of Demon's Dojo, in a small lake just before the road to Shattered Span.

As a heavy specialist, Cinder's role makes her a somewhat risky player on the team as she only throws grenades. That's all for their special ability, and while these grenades don't do any damage to the player, they can be a little annoying due to the fact that they can destroy structures. Because of this, Cinder is a walking bullet sponge, and even her main weapon, the Sentinel Pump Shotgun, proves her effectiveness in close combat.

How do specialists/hired NPCs work?

Each Specialist has a unique ability that they can activate randomly after being hired. Not every specialist is the same, meaning their skills and toolbox are different. However, what is consistent across all hired NPCs is that they always follow the player who hired them, even in a squad setting. Individual players cannot hire multiple specialists, but another player on the team who has not hired a specialist can. This means players can claim all 4 Specialists in a Squads match and have 8 players (4 real, 4 NPCs) on their team.

A Specialist's behavior works like that of a bot in a Battle Royale match, as it follows the player who hired it and then immediately becomes aggressive when it detects an enemy player. Their accuracy isn't particularly high, so they're not particularly reliable when it comes to dealing damage, but what really makes them shine is the fact that they're essentially a bullet sponge that soaks up aggro from enemies. Hirable NPCs have around 400 shields and 100 health pointsand these can be restored with Chug Splashes. This is what makes NPCs such a viable option in combat, as they have a large health pool to draw the enemy's attention while also using their specialist skills to help their allies.

The map below shows exactly where each hireable NPC can be found: map of specialists in chapter 6 season 1

Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 only has 4 Specialists, as shown in the map above, but that doesn't mean more won't be added in the future, especially with the impending arrival of Chapter 6, Season 2.

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