At the moment, Fallout 5 is far away in the distance, but that makes the view of the next chapter no less exciting. After the first season of the Amazon Prime series, which was broadcast last year, the interest in Fallout 5 And what it might have in stock was lit again. It is not to be told where the next story will take place, but one thing feels certain that companions will play an important role on the trip.
With every Bethesda game, the use of companions to help players in the history of their character is one of the developer's most important characteristics. Out of Skyrim To StarfieldAccompanying -NPCs can be found. Sometimes they are helpful, sometimes annoying, but their unique personalities and skills offer a diverse squad for the players from whom they can choose. When it comes to that Stand out However, games was a companion an outstanding one; Nick Valentine. A synthesizer who works as a private detective remains one of the most convincing NPCs of the franchise, and remains one of the most convincing NPCs, and Fallout 5 Would benefit from having your own attitude towards the character.

Former Fallout: New Vegas Lead writer Rejoins Obsidian
The main author at Fallout: New Vegas is to come back to Obsidian Entertainment almost 15 years after leaving the award -winning developer.
Fallout 5 deserves its own version of Nick Valentine
The role of Nick Valentine is more important than being a mere companion
A central moral dilemma in Fallout 4The story is whether synthesizer should be welcomed to this post -apocalyptic landscape or not what makes Nick's role incredibly important. While the creation of synthesizers is a debate in itself, the social treatment of a breed that has no say on whether they were created or not, is a completely different argument. As a companion, Nick is intelligent and thoughtful and always tries to control on the side of justice. His present in the narrative serves as a central part of weighing up the ethical questions presented and Fallout 5 Would be advisable to offer another companion who brings his topics to life through character development.
Nick Valentine was created by the institute.
It is a prototype of Generation 2.
Generation 2 prototypes were the first synthesizers who were independent.
Fallout 5 has fascinating options for exploring
Whatever Fallout 5The accompanying options are, the attitude and history of the game will play an important role in the decision as they are. A breed that teased throughout the series, The Zetan Alien Race, could be a fascinating option to explore. Stand out Has annoyed the presence of extraterrestrials over the years, and finally you can see that a Zetanian companion who serves as an important figure can be fascinating. For example if Fallout 5 decided to bring Fallout 76Seasonal invaders from Beyond Event A Level and center the next story about an extraterrestrial invasion of a Zetaner who tries to work with people and be accepted in society could provide the same kind of dilemma.
Nick Valentine's story is expanded even further in Fallout 4'S Far DLC.
This is just speculation, but it is not entirely outside the area. Stand outAlien encounters can be funny hidden moments, but if they become a full-grown action sheet, the Zetaners could be an even more worthwhile result. Naturally, Stand out Zetaner may continue to be seen as a funny Easter egg, and that would still be exciting.
Hopefully the story of Fallout 5 will research similar moral dilemmata
Fallout 4 presented one of the most fascinating ethical problems in the series. The fear of synthesizers of groups like The Brotherhood of Steel can be understandable, but characters like Nick Valentine show that it is a complicated moral gray area that is not as easy to navigate as it seems.
From now on there is no way to know what Bethesda has planned for Fallout 5Story. The game is probably still removed at this point, which is frustrating, but in between Fallout 76 And season 2 of the Amazon Prime series is at least the promise of more content on the way.