Kingdom come: liberation 2 It's finally there, another exciting adventure where you take on the role of Henry again. This time the game is even more expansive than the first to discover with so much, to meet many people and of course do a lot. The sanding part is something that you will either enjoy or be absolutely despised.

Kingdom come: liberation 2 – pickpocketing
Everyone wears a biscuit glass and they love cookies.
Just like in the first game, you can use console commands and cheats to make certain aspects of the game a little easier or to adapt your experience and your Kingdom Come: Liberation 2 is no exception for this. So if you are curious about how you can complete it, this guide will cover everything you need to know.
How to activate console commands
Before you can use cheats in the game, You must first activate the DEV modewhat can be done through the Steam application.
Start over Open steam and go to your library. Locate Kingdom Come: Liberation 2 on the left side, Then right -click on it. This opens a menu with several options. choose Characteristics.
By default, the next window is on the General tab where you have to be. Here you can see Start options And an empty field. Enter “Devmode” in this field.
As soon as you do this, the game starts in Devmode, Take access to cheats and console commands.
How to use console commands
Just start the game with Devmode on Steam and wait until it is loaded. As soon as they are in the main menu, Press the ~ button on your keyboard Open the console, where you can enter commands or cheats.
Several cheats are available that range from spawning articles to the adjustment of the amount of money. Here is a list of them.
Every cheat code available The cheat codes are Case -sensitivitySo enter them exactly as you appear, or you can simply copy them and insert them into the game. Additionally, There may be other cheats that have not yet been discoveredBut so far these have been the ones that we have tested ourselves.
Cheat code |
Description |
wh_cheat_money |
This command enables them to Adjust the amount of money you have. Simply copy and insert the cheat and then add Then add the desired number. |
wh_sys_nosavepotion = 1 |
Use this if you have to Save your game without relying on rescuer schnapps. |
wh_cheat_additem |
Follow the command with an element -id too Add any article to your inventory. There is currently a mod that contains All articles IDS that you can find here. |
cl_fov |
Use this too Change the FOV to everything you want. If you use the command alone, your current FOV will be displayed. To change it Simply add a value to the commandLike 100 or 120. |
Use this command too Remove the Shakes from the Lockpicking process. |
wh_ui_showhud = 0 |
Use this command too Remove all Hud elements From the screen. If you want to bring you back Change the value from 0 to 1. |
wh_pl_lockpickingdof = 50 |
Use this command to simplify lock picking and increase the durability of the element so that it does not break up during the process. |
wh_rpg_oneshotkill = 1 |
Use this command to enable you One-shot enemies. |
wh_horse_jumphight = x |
Use this command too Increase the jump height of your horse. You can change the X value to further adapt it. |

Kingdom come: Liberation 2 – alcohol and drinking instructions
You can be drunk slightly in the kingdom: liberation 2, but you have to understand how drinking and alcohol work.