The magic users of the Dungeons & Dragonsuniverse come in a few different forms. Although they often have other roles besides throwing spells, the Sorcerer class is overwhelmingly a damage dealer. This is their most common role, but creative players can also make overpowered Sorcerers that can heal, remove curses, and buff existing abilities. There’s always a way to make a class overpowered, and it starts from the moment players roll the ability scores. Then there’s the choice of a Background, Feats, Skills, and gear to make that Sorcerer a force to be reckoned with as the party’s magical damage dealer.
Every Sorcerer should prioritize their Charisma stat, even when they plan on multi-classing. This is their spellcasting modifier and should always be their highest Ability Score, although it can be tied with another depending on the build. Constitution is a natural second choice in case the Sorcerer gets caught up in melee combat.

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As part of the older Legacy content, every Sorcerer had a
Draconic Ancestor
that gave them an extra breath weapon and certain elemental damage resistance. Today, this has been upgraded as a subclass that is also referred to as
Draconic Bloodline
, and not every Sorcerer has access to it.
4 The Fire Avatar
Burn It All Down
- Ability Scores: Other than Charisma, this build needs extra Constitution or Dexterity.
The first choice for a sorcerer who not only does a lot of damage but makes a distinct impression is one who specializes in Fire damage. Players that use this build should diversify some spells and abilities with Lightning damage, in case they end up in an environment like a volcano where Fire damage might not be useful.
- Githyanki. Innate racial abilities include spells like Misty Step and Mage Hand, which can help with mobility issues when it comes to AoE or melee damage.
- Drow Elf. A Charisma boost and innate spellcasting make the Drow an ideal Sorcerer.
- Fire Genasi. Get +2 in any ability score and +1 in two others, or +1 in three. Knows the Produce Flame cantrip and the Burning Hands and Flame Blade spell.
Subclass: Dragon Bloodline
Start with the Draconic Bloodline as a subclass choice, then choose Fire as the elemental power in which the character has extra skills and resistance. Fire is one of the best options anyway, with the best choices when it comes to spells and cantrips. Draconic Resilience gives the Sorcerer extra AC equivalent to the Mage Armor spell, and Dragon Wings gives them an innate flying ability.
Another option here is Pyromancy, but this subclass is only available in the
Plane Shift – Kaladesh
campaign module.
- City Watch. This indicates that this character is from a city where they learned Athletics and Insight. It’s similar to the Soldier, but with less military and more investigation.
- Wildspacer. This brave Sorcerer was traveled through planes, which taught them athletics and survival.
- Folk Hero. This Sorcerer knows Animal Handling and Survival thanks to an event that made them a local hero.
- Elemental Adept. Choose any element and make it impossible for targets to resist the Sorcerer’s spells. Fire is obvious for this build.
- Resilient. Choose to increase Constitution or Charisma, and gain proficiency in the saving throws for that choice.
- Gift of the Chromatic Dragon. Gives the Sorcerer two extra abilities, Chromatic Infusion and Reactive Resistance. The former allows them to infuse a weapon with an elemental type of damage ability, which would be Fire in this case. The latter gives them extra elemental resistance in the form of a reaction.
Recommended Gear
- Eldritch Staff. Grants the wielder the ability of Eldritch Escape, which ports them anywhere 60 feet from their present location. The charges are limited, but are restored every sunrise.
- Ring Of Spell Storing. Asl the description implies, this gives the Sorcerer a few extra spell slots, which are especially handy at lower levels.
- Tome of Leadership and Influence. Read this book over the course of 6 days and gain +2 Charisma.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Feats For Sorcerers, Ranked
From Actor to Magic Initiate, there are a bounty of solid feats to choose from for Sorcerers in Baldur’s Gate 3.
3 The Party Face
Get Further With Charisma
- Ability Scores: This is one of the best builds for multiclassing, so focus on Charisma and either Strength or Dexterity
This character wouldn’t only be in the role of damage dealing, but would also act as the party face in social situations. This meshes well with classes like Paladins, Bards, or Warlocks, which also use Charisma as a spellcasting modifier. They often use arcane spells, but don’t focus on any type of elemental damage.
- Astral Elf. Get +2 in any ability score and +1 in two others, or +1 in three. Fey Ancestry means resistance against the Charmed condition, and Astral Fire grants an extra cantrip.
- Scourge Aasamir. +2 to Charisma, +1 to Constitution, the Light cantrip, Darkvision, and the Healing Hands ability.
- Satyr. This Fey-touched race has extra spellcasting abilities along with boosts to both Dexterity and Charisma.
Subclass: Clockwork Soul
A Sorcerer subclass from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the Clockwork Soul is connected to the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, a city built on the concept of precise order located in the Forgotten Realms. It gives the Sorcerer a few extra spells per level and these are often support spells like Restoration and Freedom of Movement. Their choices are limited to spells from the Abjuration or Conjuration schools.
- Soldier. Use a 1d8 to determine the Sorcerer’s military rank. Skill proficiencies are Athletics and Intimidation.
- Noble. Gives the Sorcerer History and Persuasion, along with a set backstory of an upper-class upbringing.
- Entertainer. Acrobatics and Performance are the Proficiency skills for this Background, which also combines well with a multiclass character.
- Alert. Can’t be surprised, +5 to Initiative, creatures that the Sorcerer can’t see don’t gain Advantage against them.
- Gift Of The Metallic Dragon. The Draconic Healing ability gives this Sorcerer the Cure Wounds spell and Protective Wings to protect both themselves and their allies.
- Polearm Master. This Sorcerer might find themselves in melee combat or as a multiclass character. This Feat gives them proficiency with a weapon that has a long reach.
Recommended Gear
- Ioun Stone Of Leadership. Increases the Sorcerer’s charisma score by +2 and gives them the benefit of their choice regarding a Metamagic focus.
- Ring of Protection. The classic +1 to AC ring that appears in virtually every campaign.
- Elven Chain. Give this dangerous Sorcerer extra AC with the medium Elven Chain, which gives every warrior proficiency in medium armor.

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There are many Dungeons & Dragons video games, and they all have a varying length in terms of run time.
2 The Cool Sorcerer
Powerful, Dangerous, Cold
- Ability Scores: Extra Dexterity is better than Consitution as this build’s secondary stat thanks to more crowd-control and armor options.
The opposite of the Pyromancer Sorcerer, this cool customer uses cold damage and manipulates water instead of fire. These Sorcerers also dabble in illusion and crowd control spells that can slow or freeze enemies.
- Triton. Get +2 in any ability score and +1 in two others, or +1 in three. These Sorcerers can cast Gust of Wind, Water Walk, and Fog Cloud.
- Tiefling, Bloodline of Levistus. Darkvision, Fire resistance, an innate flying ability, +1 to Constitution, and the ability to cast Ray of Frost and the Armor of Agathys.
- Water Gensai. Can cast Create or Destroy Water, Acid Splash, and Water Walk. Also gets +2 in any ability score and +1 in two others or +1 in three.
Subclass: Draconic Bloodline
In another elemental-based build, Sorcerers should choose the Silver or White dragon as their ancestor this time. These are the dragons with Cold-based abilities, including a breath weapon and magic resistance. They have Draconic Resilience and Dragon Wings just like their counterparts.
- Outlander. Good for a class that needs Athletics and Survival, these Sorcerers use several 1d6 rolls to determine their origin and personality traits.
- Far Traveler. Use a 1d6 to determine where this Sorcerer has been, where they’re from, and why they’re dedicated to the road. Skills are Insight and Perception.
- Shipwright. History and Perception, along with the ability to fix water-going vehicles. Use 1d6 to determine how life at sea shaped the Sorcerer’s personality.
- Eldritch Adept. Choose a spell from the Warlock class. Armor of Agathys is the best choice if the character doesn’t already have it.
- Elemental Adept. This time, Cold is the element to choose.
- Shadow Touched. The Sorcerer learns one spell from either the Illusion or Necromancy schools.
Recommended Gear
- Wand of Magic Detection. Has three charges of Detect Magic that are restored every sunrise. It’s a handy way to save your spell slots for something else.
- Barrier Tattoo. Improves the Sorcerer’s AC depending on their Dexterity modifier. Levels may vary depending on item quality.
- Elemental Essence Shard. Use a 1d4 to choose the elemental property of this item. A 1 allows the Sorcerer to fly up to 60 feet in the air, while a 4 gives them the power of AoE water damage.

Baldur’s Gate 3: 8 Best Mods For The Sorcerer Class
The best mods for Sorcerers in BG3 are the ones that either add new subclasses, give more spell slots or sorcery points, or add new spells.
1 The Electric Caster
A Sorcerer With Stunning Power
- Ability Scores: Spells that use Lightning damage are often of an AoE nature, so this Sorcerer needs more Constitution, similar to the Fire Avatar build.
Another decent choice for a multiclass Sorcerer, this build works well with an Artificer or Storm Cleric. The power of Lightning can overlap with Acid, another corrosive type of damage, and Thunder, which knocks enemies Prone or makes them miss a turn. These Sorcerers also have improved mobility options.
- Air Gensai. Unending Breath, Lightning Resistance, the Shocking Grasp cantrip, and the spells Feather Fall and Levitate.
- Tiefling: Bloodline of Glasya. +1 to Dexterity, Darkvision, the Minor Illusion cantrip, and the spells Disguise Self and Invisibility.
- Harengon. An ideal choice for players that want extra movement, like Lucky Footwork and Rabbit Hop. Get +2 in any ability score and +1 in two others, or +1 in three.
Subclass: Storm Sorcery
This is the clear choice for the Sorcerer who likes to throw lightning, with skills like Tempestuous Magic, Heart of the Storm, and Storm Guide. All of these are a mix of defensive and offensive powers that revolve around controlling lightning, wind, or water. At level 18, the Sorcerer learns Wind Soul and becomes immune to all Lightning and Thunder damage.
- Giant Foundling. This Sorcerer doesn’t have to be a giant, just be raised by them. The skills are Survival and Intimidation.
- Sailor. A Sorcerer benefits from Athletics and Perception, and provides some great material for a water-based backstory.
- Urban Bounty Hunter. Choose two of four skills. In this case, Insight is essential. The Ear to The Ground ability keeps the Sorcerer in touch with a network of other bounty hunters outside of their adventuring party, which is handy in any setting.
- Elemental Adept. Choose Lightning, and if you decide to take the Feat again, Thunder.
- Gift of the Gem Dragon. +1 to Charisma and the ability Telekinetic Reprisal, which allows the Sorcerer to use a Reaction to blast enemies in front of them with telekinetic energy.
- Strike of the Giants. Either requires the Martial Weapon Proficiency, or added automatically with the Giant Foundling Background. Choose Cloud Strike or Storm Strike for this build. This makes another Feat available, Soul of the Storm Giant, which gives the Sorcerer +1 Charisma and some deadly AoE powers.
Recommended Gear
- Cloak of Displacement. Creates the illusion that the wearer is standing a few feet to the right or left of their actual location. Enemies have Disadvantage on attack rolls.
- Wand Of Paralysis. This wand gives the target the Paralyzed condition. It has seven charges that recharge every sunrise.
- Illusionist Bracers. Gives the wearer the power to create several illusions at once. When they cast a cantrip, they can use a cantrip to cast another one in the same turn.

Dungeons & Dragons
- Created by
- E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson
- Creation Year
- 1974