Destiny 2 Episode Heresy weapons will have unique advantages


  • The episode Heresy from Destiny 2 introduces Fragile mods and offers unique advantages, but only over the whole season.

  • The fragile advantages are limited and have to be activated, but offer the players more electricity and construction options.

  • The new heretical arsenal shows the Adamantit -Autorifle and the Psychopomp grenade launcher.

Bungie reveals further details about the upcoming fragile mods about Fate 2 Legendary weapons come in episode Heresy. Change is on the horizon for Fate 2How the episode Heresy starts on February 4 and even though Bungie has revealed a lot, the studio has already confirmed a lot of new information before the great drop in content.

Outside of the last blog posts, Bungie gave fans the best view of Episode Heresy during one recent Fate 2 Livestream. Heresy's great gameplay activity, which was conducted by developers, showed HERESY's great gameplay activity, and apparently seems to take the aspects of the corrupt Leviathan from the season of the spook. When the players mix and mix, the players will dive into the Dreadnaugh with unique modifiers and enemies to mix the experience and feel fresh every time.


Fate 2 Add Star Wars Skins

With Star Wars, Bungie announces a new collaboration event from Destiny 2 and adds new armor sets and other cosmetic objects from the legendary franchise.

Of course, weapons were also a large part of the shop window Fate 2 Hand cannons fatebinger will be available. The shop window focused on the new episode Heresy Weapons and emphasized a new authorifle support with the name Adamantite and an ARC -Denial -Denial grenade called Psychopomp. However, this “heretical arsenal” also has another trick with a new mechanic called Fragile mods.

Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Fragile Mods explained

While Fate 2 Heretical weapons can also fall with 2 original features, unique visual effects and more discounts. You can also use fragile mods. Bungie's latest blog post shows that these unique advantages for the weapon offer that offer new charact build opportunities and at the same time make the weapon more powerful than normal. Bungie also indicated that these mods have to be earned and that Act 1 will only be available in total, whereby more must be added during the history of apostles. However, these mods are only temporary and only last the entire duration of the episodeheresy before they are removed.

While the fact that these fragile mods fail may be disappointing to hear for many fans, it shouldn't be too surprising. Fate 2 Will continue to develop this summer with Codename Frontiers, with many details still have a lot of closure. In view of the tendency that most of the seasonal content will be removed from the game in the previous year before a new expansion start or gained from the game, the players should expect something similar before code name fully starts.

Fate 2 day page cover art


August 28, 2017


T for teenagers for blood, language and violence

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