Blue exorcist: How Rinka Satan became

Warning: The following contains spoiler for Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga Episode 4 “Satan Awakening”, which now streams on crunchyroll.


  • Yuri remembers the past at Rick's wedding and unknowingly interacts with Satan obsessed Rinka.

  • Lucifer tries to find the perfect body while Amaimon has successfully owned one.

  • Rinka receives a ego, asks to become Satan and show his emotional and powerful side.

Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga has blessed us with another amazing episode entitled Satan Awakening. This episode examines Satan and how he developed an ego and won a God complex. We also see how Satan is obsessed with Yuri, to the point that he would not hesitate to kill someone who comes between her.

We also get a few moments between Yuri and Shiro while taking part in the wedding ceremony of their close friend Rick. The fourth episode of Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga also lives on Lucifer's suffering to maintain the perfect body, which seems to be an impossible task for the research institution. In the meantime, his siblings, like Amaimon, successfully manage to own a body.


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How Rinka Satan became

Satan's obsession of Yuri

The episode begins with Yuri and Shiro Rick's heart -warming wedding ceremony. We see another sweet interaction between Yuri and Shiro, in which she helps him tie his tie. While the wedding ceremony continues, Yuri remembers the past and remembers how you used to behave as children. When the bride throws the bouquet of flowers, it ends up on Shiros head and he exists Yuri.

This episode undoubtedly has many sweet moments for Yuri and Shiro senders. While the wedding ceremony ends, Yuri and Shiro take a walk back and have a conversation. Yuri calls that she has started to write a textbook and recommend Shiro to teach students during the missions. She continues that she no longer thinks about her heartbreaking past, whereupon Shiro replies that Yuri has finally grown up. In the next scene, that of Satan's obsessed from Satan, as we saw in the previous episode, breaks from the incubator in which the research institution kept it.

Lucifers despair

Shemihaza, the woman with the long cloak we have previously seen, visited Lucifer and informs him that the research facility has tried everything in her will to help Lucifer found the perfect body but failed. The hearing from Lucifer has a big breakdown and asks Shemihaza to give him a chance because he only wants to create a world in which everyone is the same.

It's something that gave us. This is all the creation itself – lucifer

Lucifer also notices that one of his siblings, Amaimon, has successfully found a new body. He calls out that he will definitely be the next one who gets his new body. Witness all of this shocks Rin Okumura a lot.


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Shiro meets Satan

In the next scene, the scientists of Section 13 find the body of Satan owned and bind it. Shiro is called to solve this situation, but as soon as he sees Satan, he is shocked to his core. Satan owned the body of his clone and siblings Goro. When Satan see Shiro, he becomes aggressive and escaping.

On the other hand, Rick and Yuri are seen together, and Rick asks Yuri for a drink to whom she politely leans on how to do something. When they separate, Yuri has the feeling that someone follows her. To her surprise, she sees Satan, which she is very confused because she knows that it is Rinka, but he looks just like Shiro. Rinka tries to recognize her name, but before he can say something else, he is shot by a sedative, and the true cross order takes him away while he takes Yuri to interview.

While Yuri is interviewed, Rinka wakes up and easily escapes from the heavy chains and security. Just when he wants to harm the guards, Yuri stops him and listens to her obedience. Mephisto appears on site and says that they will need Yuri to tame Satan.

Yuri is set in Section 13

Shiro and Yuri get dinner in the blue exorcist the Blue Night Saga Episode 4

Yuri and Shiro then dinner together. Yuri tells Shiro, as she worked in Section 13, whereupon Shiro replies that she is a fool. Yuri calmly replies that she knows that Shiro was born in Section 13, and just like him, she couldn't escape fate. She tells him how she played with Rinka as a child and had no idea that it was a demon of the upper level that was able to destroy such a destruction.

You know, I always thought about how we were children and how we played with Rinka all the time. At that time I had no idea what he really was, a demon of the upper level that was able to destroy. But now I can't help it

At that moment Yuri is called by the research facility and leaves the bar. In the meantime, Rick Shiro teases that he knows that he likes Yuri and should be quick, or someone else will steal it. In section 13, Rinka seems to be completely out of control with his strength, but Yuri is the only one who manages to tame him.

On the other hand, we see a fairly secured Lucifer who speaks to Mephisto about the newcomer in the facility, also known as Rinka. Lucifer calls that Rinka is connected to everything, and he is certainly something that gave birth to him and his demon brothers.


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Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga begins with breathtaking animation, deep characteristics and a heartbreaking review of Yuri's past. A must

Rinka becomes Satan

The next part of episode 4 by Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga shows how quickly Satan learns. He can easily solve complex problems, which surprises Yuri a lot. However, it is still shown that it is very emotional and always creates excitement when Yuri is about to go. The researchers want to expose Rinka more and more information, but Yuri says that it will be dangerous and that he should first hit someone except her.

But when you see how many researchers he has already killed, nobody is ready to take the risk. When Shiro saw Yuris frustration, he hits Rinka. As soon as Rinka sees Shiro, he becomes extremely angry and jealous. After that, Shiro plays a game with Rinka and strikes him terribly, which makes him even more frustrated. When Yuri goes, the two of the guards start clapping whether Yuri and Shiro are together.

At that moment Rinka breaks the need door, keeps a guard as hostage and demands a lot of books in return. When Yuri returns the next day and learns about the incident, she contrasts Rinka to free the hostage. After Rinka has won all the information from books, he develops an ego and realizes that his strength makes him comparable to God, and instead of Rinka, he should be addressed as Lord Satan.

I don't want to be called Rinka anymore. I have crossed this name. From now on I am addressed as Lord Satan. I am beyond all of you, alike with a god – rinka

While this episode of Blue Exorcist: The Blue Night Saga Had no action sequences, it was still incredibly interesting to see the interactions between Yuri and Satan. It was also very amusing to see how Satan was before he won his ego and became evil. The pace of this episode was very nice, and the few healthy moments we got from Yuri and Shiro made this episode something special.

Blue exorcist

Blue exorcist

Publication date

2011 – 2010


Tensai Okamura


Ryōta Yamaguchi

Franchise (s)

Blue exorcist

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