The indie room is full of bright ideas: Nunholy was probably designed when the Korean developer Chowbie looked at Hades and thought: “You know what this game really needs? Hot Nuns.” This was how this Roguelische PVE Battler was born. Nunholy plays three anime sisters with a capital that hunts down a vampire queen.

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With an undead army between you and the final boss, you cannot expect you to make you in her first run through Naberholy. The gameplay loop is based on improving your weapons and statistics, but your starting gear also plays a role. Which weapons are best and in which should you invest? We have covered them.
Accumulate silver coins via runs and enable them to improve weapons.
Sharp gunaxe
In view of the Status of Preiya as de -Facto mascot of the game, Keen Gunaxe is probably the first weapon you will use. It can be realized in the final. Sharp gunaxy causes physical damage, which sounds fundamental. However, physical attacks can land critical hits in which other types of damage do not.

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Weapons, mining devices and even guitars … an ax is a powerful thing.
Every happy shot brings you double damage. You can defeat bosses in the early game without being damaged with well -coordinated dodges and sharp gunaxy. It also loads the balls for the Sawn-off sub-weapon from Preiya.
Gold cross
Apart from their main weapons and sub -weapons, which cannot be changed, if they have selected them at the beginning of a run, Nunholy has a variety of artifact weapons. These are essentially passive attacks that are stacked by their existing main and subweaks.
The gold cross is one of the most fundamental and useful: there is an opportunity that it causes additional physical damage if you hit an enemy with your main weapon. Although they will probably drop it late in the game, it is an unaffected tool for dealing with bosses for the early game.
Dragon's breath
Shot shotguns are a cool weapon. You are even cool when your barrel is the wrong end of an ax. Preiiya's start-up undergaffe is Dragon's breath, which fires two round goat at enemies. Apart from its short but useful reach, the main reason why Dragon's breath is so useful is his type of damage. It burns enemies and causes damage, even after they have moved on.
You can defeat enemies from a safe distance by burning them – and the stack of combustion effects. The small chamber of this weapon sets up a problem – until you get some passive skills that have the chance to deliver immediate reloading.
The use of her main weapon invites Dragons breath much faster, so that you cannot play as exclusively in the long -distance combat character Preiya.
Marie is the Gunner class of the game, so to speak. Both their main and their subweaks are remote weapons and their synergy is interesting. Marie uses her sub -weapon – a slow machine gun that carries out the risk of overheating – to charge her main weapon, the flaming pile.

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As soon as her under weapon can overheat and can no longer fire, Marie can use a blazing use to exercise a powerful, short attack. This ensures that your undervint pays off for herself: the more she overheats, the more she can use a flame post.
Cleaning flames
Marie's status as Gunslinger makes her the simplest class for beginners. Her flames of the cleaning weapon, which blue projectiles shoots that cause sacred damage, aims at them. As long as they don't move, Marie's under weapon has closeness. The sacred damage is stacked and as soon as it quadrupled, there is a bonus -Aoe attack on enemies.
Since flames of cleaning are a holy weapon and fires like a machine gun, you can see how many bonus -aoe attacks you may be able to trigger. Fire away, chicago style – and do not forget to use the main weapon as soon as it gone.
The automatic exception only works as long as you do not try to control the direction yourself and has a fairly short range that can be improved.
Holy sword
Holy Sword is an artifact weapon that causes additional damage that causes several frames for several frames for several frames at the point where its skills hits enemies. With characters like Preiya with their rotating slash ability, this essentially means that they receive an Aoe attack on their Aoe attack.

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Here is the icing on the cake: you can pick up several holy swords. And each of them triggers separately. This transforms the slash into a fatal ability to control the crowd. As an additional bonus, it has a simple shape, so that you can keep it in your inventory until the final.
Project: drop
Sain is the most difficult character to play because, due to its lack of specialization, she either plays in melee or ranged attacks as specialization. Instead, she makes up for it with overwhelming power. You have to practice and lose a few runs with Sain, but your projection: Drop Weapon will put your eye on immediately.
Project: Drop creates a number of daggers that sting into the ground in front of Sain. This can be devastating with a full fee. It is even better that enemies that have been defeated by this weapon drop a collection that charges the weapon and creates a feedback loop from daggers.
Flammer Gunaxe
Preiya is the best character for a balanced structure and enjoys the game in every level of skill. Your flaming gunaxe is all the more fun because it behaves similarly to the sharp gunaxy and at the same time adds a combustion effect.
If you storm in Nunholy, you will become an inventibility framework. Equip the weapon of flame, open the enemies, burn, stack a combination and then stir away, it makes them practically invulnerable. The undead have no chance against them: Flaming Gunaxe is a main candidate for being called a broken weapon.

The 7 best nuns in games
Forgive me father because I sinned.