Best counters for Doctor Strange in Marvel Rivals


  • Luna Snow is able to freeze Doctor Strange so he can't slide away and the team can quickly gun him down.
  • Wolverine can bring down flying enemies like Doctor Strange and deal damage based on the target's maximum health.
  • Venom is resilient and has the ability to mitigate Doctor Strange's attacks, and he can also counter his powerful CC with his ultimate.

Doctor Strange (or Dr. Strange) has become quite a popular hero Marvel Rivalsand players are amazed by his ability to destroy entire teams with his portals. But the truth is that other players prefer other gaming styles and are pretty tired of him ruining their games. Luckily there are several Ways to Counter Doctor Strange Marvel Rivals.


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For players looking to challenge the reign of the Sorcerer Supreme, here are eight of them best counters for Doctor Strangefrom the best strategist currently available on the roster to a walking catastrophe who can take incredible amounts of damage and force Strange into submission.

8 Luna Snow

The best heroine to cool Strange down

  • Pros: Fast, lots of CC
  • Cons: muddy, easily overcome

Luna Snow has quickly become “Mei” of Marvel Rivalswith many players choosing this character due to his freezing abilities. This is exactly what makes Luna so good at stopping Doctor Strange when he's been sitting on targets for a long time – even more so when he's using his cloak to glide away from melee duelists.


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Thanks to Absolute Zero, Luna has the ability to freeze her targets, and if she hits them on Doctor Strange while he's sliding down after using Cloak of Levitation, he'll go down pretty quickly. The team can then use a coordinated attack to destroy Strange before he uses his Seraphim Shield to block their attacks.

7 wolverine

The best hero to ground Strange

  • Pros: Fast, durable, can take out enemies from the air
  • Cons: Difficult to master, difficult to control

To overcome one of the advantages that Doctor Strange offers (his annoying flying abilities), who better to take him down than the beast himself, Wolverine? Logan is a killing machine and his equipment is designed to crush resilient enemies (especially Vanguards). Conveniently, Doctor Strange fits the profile of a tough yet mobile tank.

Wolverine deals damage equal to the target's maximum health. The more anger it has accumulated, the higher this percentage is. On the other hand, his Wild Leap ability can knock enemies out of the air, even more so when powered by the Gamma Fastball Team-Up ability that activates when Hulk is on the team.

6 Poison

Robust and reliable against CC

  • Pros: Excellent in close range combat, durable, excellent damage control
  • Disadvantages: It's a bit slow

Venom is one of the ideal counters for Doctor Strange, as he can take multiple hits before coming into real danger, and yet using Symbiotic Resilience will convert his missing health into temporal hit points. The Sorcerer Supreme can deal a lot of damage to large targets like Venom and Hulk, but that doesn't matter if players know how to properly mitigate it.

On the other hand, Venom's ultimate Feast of The Abyss grants him “freedom of movement”, which is ideal for countering the powerful CC of Eye of Agamotto (Doctor Strange's ultimate), a huge area explosion that affects the movement of every target in the area and lasts 3 seconds. With Venom, players don't have to worry about that. All you have to do is use the ultimate ability and destroy Strange.

5 Winter Soldier

Packed with lots of CC capabilities

  • Pros: Worth it, great for crowd control, can be run
  • Cons: Soft, prone to overpowering tactics

Another great character to counter Doctor Strange is Winter Soldier. Captain America's former sidekick, also known as James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, specializes in providing his team with opportunities to inflict targeted damage on high-priority targets. Thanks to his many crowd-powered abilities, Winter Soldier can pick up a floating wizard or knock them to the ground with a precise shot of his Tainted Voltage ability.


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As a plus, his ultimate ability also marks enemies for execution, and once they fall below a certain health threshold, they instantly die and reset their ability, and this can be chained endlessly. It also lifts the character into the air, avoids Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto, and then drops him on his head for the kill.

4 Black panther

Can catch Doctor Strange off guard

  • Pros: Extreme mobility, good chase, can climb walls
  • Cons: Limited kit, single target focus

Black Panther is the perfect example of a good assassin. This melee duelist has an incredibly fast jumping ability, allowing him to get close to and behind Doctor Strange in seconds, making him the most vulnerable to other players' attacks. The King of Wakanda is an expert at flanking and surprise attacks, and since he also has the ability to climb walls, he can reasonably survive a portal throw if the player acts quickly enough.

On the other hand, he can jump out of the AoE thanks to his jumping ability, which Doctor Strange uses to stun everyone when he casts his ultimate. This gives him an advantage in targeting the good doctor and preventing other rivals from targeting stunned team members.

3 magic

The true master of portals

  • Advantages: Good mobility, good flanker, uses disruption tactics
  • Cons: Muddy, prone to static

Another great flanker that can make Doctor Strange bleed in seconds is Magik. Thanks to her high mobility, Magik can avoid being caught by Strange's ultimate, and she can also leave behind a demonic minion as a gift to attack the Sorcerer Supreme. Magik's kit is all about jumping into the middle of the enemy team, separating strategists from vanguards and duelists, and then moving out.

What's strange is Vanguard's ranged combat, a strange combination of crowd control, damage limitation and mobility. Magik can counter most of Strange's abilities and, most importantly, can survive long enough to ensure that Strange is too busy roaming around and drilling portals into the ground. She is the true master of portal magic.

2 Starlord

High mobility, can avoid strange traps

  • Pros: Extreme mobility, good hunter, great ultimate
  • Cons: Squishy, ​​vulnerable when grounded

Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, is a great mid-range duelist who specializes in pursuing high-priority targets, cutting them down with rapid blaster fire, and retreating when things get complicated. He's great at harassing shield-dependent heroes like Doctor Strange, whose Seraph's Shield is soon drained after a single encounter with Star-Lord.

On the other hand, Star-Lord's Ultimate Galactic Legend catapults him into the air and allows him to destroy his enemies with seekers as he hovers over the battlefield. This also puts him out of Eye of Agamotto's reach, and his aerial maneuverability can save him if he falls into one of Strange's doom portals.

1 Hulk

Can overthrow and subdue Doctor Strange

  • Pros: Extreme damage limitation, good tank, can jump, single target suppression
  • Cons: Vulnerable when isolated

One of the best Vanguards to counter Doctor Strange in the current meta is Hulk. The Emerald Giant is a true power and damage dealer, capable of eliminating enemies from the air with Incredible Leap and pinning them down with Radioactive Lockdown.

When Hulk transforms into Monster Hulk, he gains increased strength and the World Breaker ability. He can use it to grab Doctor Strange by the cloak and throw him to the ground for several seconds, leaving him quite vulnerable if not completely destroyed.

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December 6, 2024

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