Best Acquire Corp Games


  • Acquire is known for stealth games like
    but has expanded to other genres and settings.
  • Rain
    a unique adventure game, contains invisible characters that only become visible through the rain.
  • Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood
    from Acquire builds on the critical and commercial success of the series.

Since their debut entry Tenchu: Stealth AssassinsAcquire has become best known for its stealth games set in different periods of Japanese history, and has had other successes with others Tenchu games and Way of the Samurai. It is known that Acquire develops together with other companies, but especially with Square Enix Octopathic traveler Series.


10 influential stealth games worth playing for their importance to the genre alone

Old and newer games like Alien: Isolation and Splinter Cell have used stealth mechanics in revolutionary ways that have inspired today's games.

In 2024 they became the property of Kadowaka Corporation but have continued to work on it Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood including with Nintendo. The company has also branched out into other genres, art styles and settings, and has a wealth of must-play titles in its back catalog, ranked here by overall popularity and influence.

10 Rain

Visible when wet

  • platform: PlayStation 3
  • Released: 10/01/2013
  • developer: Acquire Corp., Japan Studio
  • genre: Adventure

A PlayStation 3 exclusive game, Rain is an adventure game with unique game mechanics. Players take on the role of a little boy who must navigate the city in search of a mysterious girl. However, they are invisible and can only be detected using rain.

Enemies in the city are also invisible, revealing their presence only by the rain giving them shape. Critics enjoyed the game's atmosphere and general melancholy, which really evoked emotions from players, but the relatively short playing time of less than five hours and simple gameplay are not for everyone.

9 Way of the Samurai

The Wandering Ronin

Way of the Samurai


PlayStation 1

May 5, 2002


Set in 1878 at the fictional Rokkotsu Pass, players control a lone ronin named Kenji. Depending on the decisions made, Way of the Samurai has six possible endings, with important decisions affecting the game from the start.

Combat is an important part of the game, and players have over forty types of swords at their disposal, although only three can be wielded at a time. Some important properties affect the swords, such as sharpness and durability. The Way of the Samurai The series continued to be successful, but the first game is still arguably the best.

8 Organ rhythm

Heavenly rhythm

  • platform: PlayStation Vita
  • Released: 08/09/2012
  • developer: Acquire
  • genre: rhythm game, real-time strategy

This PlayStation Vita exclusive game has a very unique premise with a combination of god simulation, rhythm and real-time strategy. The goal is to defeat the “Dark Tribe,” led by the brother of the God of Light, as players take control of the God of Light and command warriors representing the elements of fire, earth, and water.


The 7 Hardest Rhythm Games, Ranked

The following seven rhythm games will test a player's hand-eye coordination.

The elements each have their respective strengths and weaknesses against each other and adapting to the rhythm of the music makes the warriors stronger. If players are willing to persevere with this hidden gem, they will find the experience, especially the spectacular boss battles, enjoyable.

7 What did I do to deserve this, sir!?

Holy Cult classic, Badman!

  • platform: PlayStation Portable
  • Released: 12/06/2007
  • developer: Acquire
  • genre: Real-time strategy

A relatively unknown cult hit outside of Japan, What did I do to deserve this, sir!? is a PSP exclusive title that spawned two sequels. It's a real-time strategy game about protecting the evil demon Lord Badman from a pursuing hero by digging tunnels and placing monsters in his way.

Players have a limited amount of “digging power” with their pickaxe and can use it to upgrade monsters, making the hero's task more difficult. You can also try to save Lord Badman while the hero escapes. This quirky title is surprisingly challenging, but not frustrating.

6 Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

A pioneer in stealth

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins






PlayStation 1

December 3, 1994


One of the first mainstream stealth games and one of the first games to use only 3D graphics. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins was Acquire's debut game. Set in Sengoku-era Japan, players control Rikimaru or Ayame, ninjas from the Azuma clan who must remain undetected and quietly eliminate enemies.

Across the eleven sandbox levels, players can select different items in their loadout, resulting in potentially unique playthroughs each time. Next to Metal Gear Solid And Thief: The Dark Project, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins set the precedent for the stealth genre and influenced many developers in the future.

5 Tenchu ​​2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins

Young ninjas

Tenchu ​​2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins






PlayStation 1

August 8, 2000


Eager players didn't have to wait long to get involved in more stealth action Tenchu ​​2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins was released just two years after the original. As a prequel, it follows young Rikimaru or Ayame as they take on the villainous Burning Dawn group.


8 stealth games that were ahead of their time

The stealth genre has produced some truly outstanding games, many of which were ahead of their time and helped propel the gaming industry as a whole.

The emphasis is once again on stealth and trying to remain undetected while silently eliminating enemies. Critics generally felt that this was an improvement over its predecessor, and the inclusion of a mission editor allowed players to create their own scenarios and environments to play.

4 Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood

Teamwork and solidarity


Super grayscale 8-bit logo

November 7, 2024


After the closure of AlphaDream, the developers of the Mario & Luigi series, many fans speculated about who would develop the next game. Nintendo chose Acquire to carry it forward and they did a fantastic job Mario & Luigi: Brotherhood is one of the most critically and commercially successful films in the series.

They decided to tweak the game slightly, converting it fully to 3D and placing more emphasis on exploration and teamwork. The vibrant art style and combat mechanic tweaks were particularly popular, and the story is surprisingly compelling for a game starring the mustachioed brothers.

3 Kamiwaza: The Way of the Thief

Honor among thieves

  • platform: PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch
  • Released: October 11, 2022
  • developer: Acquire
  • genre: Action

Originally exclusive to Japan on the PlayStation 2, Kamiwaza: The Way of the Thief The game finally made its way to the West Coast in 2022. Set in the Edo period and following the Robin Hood-style story of aspiring thief Ebizo, players must sneak around maps and steal to pay for medicine for Ebizo's adopted daughter.

Similar Way of the Samuraithere are branching storylines that will have major ramifications later in the game depending on the player's choices, and the stealth mechanics are a reminder of this Tenchu. Sometimes the difficulty level may seem unfair, but overall the game is entertaining, varied and peculiar.

2 Octopathic traveler

The HD 2D era begins

The first game developed in HD-2D graphic style, Octopathic traveler is a JRPG set in the fictional land of Orsterra. Players must select one of eight protagonists and recruit others at their respective starting locations. You must complete each character's four chapter arcs.


8 Old JRPGs That Need HD 2D Remakes

Some old school JRPGs definitely deserve the remake treatment.

The combat system is quite innovative, with a turn-based structure and the addition of “Break” and “Boost” points, which affect the damage dealt to enemies or cause them to miss a turn. There was some criticism of the portrayal of female characters, although some reviewers liked Primrose's story.

1 Octopath Traveler 2

Acquire the best work

February 24, 2023

Acquire's best work comes in the form of Octopath Traveler 2which retains much of the charm of the first game but adds even more. Combat and graphics are still largely the same, but both were excellent from the start, and the addition of unique day and night interactions was refreshing.

The game is set in the new world Solistia and offers eight new protagonists to choose from. This time it's set in a more industrial time. Female characters were more represented and overall most critics felt that this installment of the series was superior to the first.


The 10 Best JRPGs Set in Tokyo, Ranked

Some great video games are set in real locations. For fans of Tokyo and JRPGs, here are some of the best titles to explore.

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