Beginner tips for winning early at the supermarket together


  • Mark product prices for huge winnings – players can double or increase by 40-50%.

  • Round prices for easier change at checkout – $2.99 ​​should be changed to $3.00.

  • Keep shelves stocked to avoid customer complaints and always have backup products.

It's difficult supermarket together. This debut title from indie developer DeadDevstellnolies puts players in the shoes of a business owner who must build their supermarket from the ground up. On paper, the game sounds pretty fun and relaxing, but things can quickly go south if players don't manage their virtual store properly.


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Whether alone or with a friend, there are a few ways to do the early mornings supermarket together Easier. For those turn an early winHere are some useful tips that you should take note of.

Updated on January 24, 2025 by Muhit Rahman: 2024 was an excellent year for fans of Supermarket and a steady series of content updates as well as its first major DLC “The Cool Pack”. The DLC added 8 different characters, dance and poses, and a whole new set of decorations that players could use in their shop. It's a great time to get into the game, with a new update that adds even more green decorations to help your shop. As players take their first steps into the supermarket together, here are a few handy tips to help get you started on your retail adventure.


Mark the prices

Selling products at higher prices can result in huge profits

Price products together in the supermarket

Making profits is one of the main priorities when operating a business in supermarket together. Players purchase products in bulk, stock their shelves, and use the barcode scanner to set prices. The game is pretty lenient in how high you can mark the prize, so players should be sure to take advantage of it.

For example, salt typically costs $0.45 per unit when purchased, but players can easily sell it for double that amount, making a huge profit per device sold. However, if you sell expensive products like Honey Mueslis, it is safer to mark them up by 40-50%. Otherwise, many customers will complain about the price and won't buy it.


Round up product prices

Makes it easier to deliver change to customers

A checkout in the supermarket together

When players start their store, they do not have the option to hire an employee immediately. This means they wait on customers at the checkout. Getting the prices makes it easier for you to return the change during checkout. Instead of setting the price of a product at $2.99, players should earn $3.00.

While the game doesn't force players to do math supermarket together.


Don't unlock too many products early

Failure to turn off the product may result in a penalty

Manager blackboard together in the supermarket

As the players go through supermarket togetherThey can unlock a variety of products to stock their shelves. However, in the early stages of the game, it's best to stick to the basic products. As opposed to supermarket simulator, where players can stock optimal products for profit, supermarket together penalizes those who don't have a product in stock that they have unlocked.


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If players unlock a new product line but do not bring it to their shelves, the product number not found will increase at the end of the working day. When a new product line is unlocked, players must maintain supply to keep customers happy. So, in the early stages, it is best not to unlock a new product line unless players have the manpower needed to deliver the supply line.


Keep the shelves stocked

Empty shelves can lead to customers complaining

Combining shelves in the supermarket

It's easy to underestimate how quickly the player's product will sell out once they open that supermarket. The key to success in supermarket together is to always restock the shelves as soon as the product runs out. Leaving a shelf empty is one of the biggest mistakes players can make in the game.

More products on the shelves mean more customers coming in to buy them. Storing spare products in the storage room is a good idea, as players can quickly restock when a product shelf is close to the exit. But even if players don't have a backup in their storage room, they can quickly run to the manager's room and order a new batch. Since the new batch arrives immediately outside the store, it's possible to grab the box and restock the shelves before customers have a chance to complain.


Pay attention to loading times

Don't let your money walk out the door

Supermarket-Together-Hitting-Shoplifter-with Breom

The early days at the supermarket together are pretty easy to manage. Players' product options are few and will also handle fewer customers. After going through the first ten days, not only will they have more customers to deal with, but shop keepers will start showing up in their stores.

To protect income, players must take proper measures to deal with thieves. While they can be identified via the unique shoplifter symbol as soon as they walk into the store, it can be difficult to catch them in the act every time. Assign employees as security guards, set up surveillance cameras, and install anti-theft doors to ensure that shoplifters cannot run away with goods without paying.


Unlock Employee 1 Perk

An additional set of hands can allow players to focus on replenishment

A cashier in the supermarket together

By unlocking the Employer 1 benefit from the Franchise Points Board, players will be able to hire an employee for their supermarket. During the early days in supermarket together are pretty easy to manage once players are into days 4 and 5 and have a little more variety in their products, a good idea to put up.

This frees players to order more products and restock the shelves while the employee handles the checkout desk. Of course, hiring an employee adds an employee's bet to the end of the workday, but the associated improvement in quality of life is usually worth it.


Assign different tasks

Play to your employee's strengths

Supermarket job tasks to employees

As players grow and expand their store, they will eventually hire multiple employees to help out in the store. While managing the cashier's desk is always the first priority, they also want their employees to contribute to other sectors of the supermarket. Make sure to assign employees different tasks based on their strengths.

Some employees are naturally good at backfilling, while others do better as security. When hiring an employee, review their statistics to determine which position they are best suited for and match them to that specific task. Not only will they do their jobs better, but they will also have higher morale.


Build lights

Allows players to complete checkouts faster and catch thieves more easily

Build shared lights in the supermarket

Decorations don't really affect gameplay supermarket together. Customers will keep coming in even if players don't put up decorations. However, players should still set up a few lights in the store for their own benefit.


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As time goes on in the game the store can get pretty dark. Players can complete checkouts faster with a few lights around the store. It also makes it easier to catch thieves.


Don't expand too soon

The expansion increases the player's overhead costs

Purchasing supermarket expansions together

When the players are through the supermarket togetherThey will soon get to a point where their store simply doesn't have enough room for all the products to resell. This is when players want to purchase the supermarket using the Buy Shop Space or Storage Space option. This can be found in the Manager's Room next to the Franchise Points Board.

However, expanding too early is a bad idea as it will also increase overhead costs. Since purchasing these expansions is expensive, it's best to wait until players get through the first week or two of the game and have made some good wins for themselves.

Supermarket Together Day -Page Cover Art


August 9, 2024



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