All Fish Sing at Night Quest Guide

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To complete the quest “All Fish Sing at Night,” in Infinity NikkiPlayers will have to visit a few different characters on the map and do a bit of fishing. Finding this quest also requires some prerequisites and it will take some time to find the rare fish needed.

If you are currently having trouble with this quest Infinity NikkiIf you're not sure how to proceed, this guide will give you the information you need. Since this quest requires some time and a lot of searching, we will guide you to the right places so that you can complete it easily.


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How to unlock all fish that sing at night in Infinity Nikki

To initially unlock this quest, you need to make sure you have completed the main quest. Inexplicable coma incidents. This is the third main quest in Chapter 1 and can therefore be completed easily at the start of the game.

Then the world quest will automatically appear on your map. To find it, head there Airy meadowshown in the map image above. It may be southwest of Florawish. From the Cicia Art Academy's Warp Spire outside of town, head northwest on the map to find a man named Koroth standing next to some tables. Talking to him will unlock the quest “All Fish Sing at Night.”


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How to complete All Fish Sing at Night in Infinity Nikki

After speaking to Koroth in Breezy Meadow, you need to head east from the town. From here you will see The Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch Warp Spire and then a young girl near the water. Talk to her to get started.

Catch a Ruffin

After talking to Ayla, she will ask you to catch a Ruffin for her. If you haven't discovered a Ruffin in your collections yet, you can find one by visiting the Meadow Activity Support Centerin the river southeast of it. You can find it using the map image above, southwest of the Bug Catcher's Cabin.

Now be sure to change into your fishing skills outfit and throw your line into the water. You might catch a few other fish while you're at it, but eventually you'll have a ruffin on your line. Then go back to The Leisurely Anglers' Florawish Branch Warp Spire and give the Ruffin to Ayla.

Catch a bowfish

Image of Bow Fish's location in Infinity Nikki

After speaking to Ayla again, she will ask you to catch her now Bowfish. These can be found almost anywhere, including the spot where you caught the Ruffin. Most likely, you already have a bowfish in your inventory from your visit to the area. If not, you can track or fish for one on the map on your Collections page right next to Ayla right. Then return to Ayla to give her the Bowfish.

Go to the Field Base and show the Echoes of Innocence styling

Now you need to go to the field base to find Ayla. Make your way to Cicia Art Academy Warp Spire Field Basefound in the town of Breezy Meadow, where you originally met Koroth. Once you meet Ayla at the Warp Spire, follow her up the path to meet up with Koroth.

After speaking to the two, you will need to create the Echoes of Innocence styling and show it to Koroth. Put together an outfit using clothes you received that meet the following criteria:

  • Fresh style
  • Playful style
  • Recommended minimum styling score: 3500

This is fairly easy to do as long as you primarily use items labeled “Fresh” or “Playful.” You can check this by hovering over the “i” button on each garment for more information. You don't have to worry too much about whether the outfit actually looks good; Just make sure it fits both Fresh or playful criteria and achieves a good styling score, preferably over 6000 points.

After you complete your outfit, show it to Koroth and receive a score. Then the quest ends and you will receive the “Song of Fish” bracelets, 30x Diamonds, 10,000x Bling and 50x Thread of Purity.

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