All crowd control effects in Path of Exile 2

When fighting monsters Path of Exile 2Damage isn't the only thing players have to worry about. Crowd control effects are just as deadly as high damage numbers, and in many cases they are necessary for some of the game's best combos to work.

Understanding how crowd control works is just as important as understanding complaints Path of Exile 2. These often go hand in hand, and if you want to create the best character possible, you need to know how these effects can help (or hinder) you.


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All PoE 2 crowd control effects

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A crowd control effect (or CC) refers to anything that prevents or prevents entities from taking actions. These are generally useful in most builds, especially when dealing with hard-to-kill enemies, such as rare monsters with hard modifiers or unique bosses like Mighty Silverfist in PoE2.

Additionally, there are skills, passives, and other effects that synergize with various forms of CC. These often consume the CC effect in question to increase the damage in one way or another. Here you will find brief overviews of the previously known crowd control effects in the game.

Stunning/Severe Stunning

In Path of Exile 2become stunned Interrupt a target's actionalbeit for a very short duration. A target can be stunned multiple times in quick succession, often resulting in death, and yes, that can happen to the player too. Physical hits have a chance to stun targets based on the attacker's accuracy rating.

A heavy stun prevents targets from performing an action for an extended period of time. A target is heavily stunned after their heavy stun meter (the bar below their HP bar) is filled. After recovering from this condition, a target suffers reduced stun buildup for a short period of time. There are many skills that affect heavily stunned targets, such as the Seismic Scream Mace skill and the passive skill Titan of Surprising Strength.

Pin and knockback

Pinned status prevents targets from moving, but not from attacking. This isn't as powerful as most other CC effects, but the ability to lock an enemy in place is valuable for builds that rely on delayed damage abilities, long cast times, or area of ​​effect damage over time.

Meanwhile, Knockback does the exact opposite: it moves targets to make room for the caster. There aren't many mechanics revolving around this, but it's worth taking note of in case you end up fighting enemies with area-based attacks.


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Dealing damage with Cold Damage freezes targets and slows their actions until they are completely frozen, preventing them from fully taking actions. Once you hit a target with cold damage or frost buildup, an icon will appear next to the health bar showing the current frost level. When the value reaches 100%, they are frozen.

Frozen enemies become susceptible to many different skills, including Cold Snap from the Elemental Tree and Fragmentation Bullets from the Crossbow Tree for Mercenary builds, both of which consume the frozen state to deal AoE damage.

Electric shock

Certain abilities or those affected by support gems can cause an electric shock almost the same as the Stun CC effect. It's primarily intended to interrupt actions and lock enemies in place for five seconds. However, since it primarily deals lightning damage, it is often triggered alongside the Shock effect, which causes affected targets to take 20% more damage. Complaints play a big role here PoE2 Combat and a dual lightning disease build for a monk or sorceress can be extremely powerful against bosses.

It's worth reiterating that, unlike Stun, Electric Shock can only be triggered if a skill can apply it naturally or with the help of a support gem PoE2. Try to assess whether it's worth using Electrocute for your build to use some gem slots for it.

Some monsters are capable of this Cause CC effects that players couldn't otherwise cause themselves. A good example is the drowning effect of the water balls cast by River Hags. These distort your vision, slow you down significantly, and automatically kill you after drowning for about two seconds.

Monsters that deal elemental damage can also deal either Freeze or Electrocute, as well as any remaining spaces they may leave behind. Stunning is also a constant issue that melee players need to keep an eye on, as any enemy in the game can stun them until they die.

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