10 things you didn't know you could do in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 offers chaotic but strategic gameplay that thrives on teamwork and explosions. However, there is much more to the experience than meets the eye. While players will master the basics in about a dozen hours, they can easily miss some hidden mechanics and features. These are not just tips for beginners Helldivers 2. These are gameplay elements that are easy to miss. From surprising ways to interact with the environment to using emotes to spread managed democracy, here are 10 things players probably didn't know they could do Helldivers 2.


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Players can shoot backwards while running

Requires one-handed weapons

Helldivers 2 – Shoot after

Many players don't know they can do it Shoot behind you as you run away In Helldivers 2. This is only possible with one-handed weapons and is an extremely useful technique for effectively kiting enemies while staying on the move.

The StA-11 SMG is an excellent weapon for kiting and shredding enemies Helldivers 2. It was added for free via Killzone 2 Crossover event.


Saluting raises the flag faster

Spread democracy in record time

Helldivers 2 – Salute the Flag

Perform the Salute emote when raising the Super Earth flag Helldivers 2 Helps achieve the mission goal of “Spreading Democracy” more quickly. The more players salute, the faster the flag flies. So summon guards to set up a defense and have all four players with you Salute the flag for as long as possible.


The HUD can be hidden

Take clean screenshots

Helldivers 2 – No HUD

Helldivers 2 features a default hotkey to hide the HUD for better immersion. Therefore, players can toggle their HUD in real-time to take clean, beautiful screenshots without having to install mods. Blow Mouse 5 on PC or change the keyboard shortcut in the game settings.


Going prone in shallow water will result in drowning

Pro swimming tip

Helldivers 2 – Drowning

Everyone knows that players can drown if they swim in deep water for too long Helldivers 2. However, players can also die if they lie in small pools of water. When attacking enemies near the coast, remember not to stay too long in shallow waters.


Pings can be combated

Give negative pings to another player's ping

Helldivers 2 – Communication Ping

Ping enemies and targets Helldivers 2 improves team coordination. However, players may not know that they can disagree with other players' pings by giving them a thumbs down. Press and hold the Ping button during another ping to issue a negative and update the entire team. Players can then issue a new ping to counteract the original command.


Headless Brood Commanders stop hunting in close combat

Let her bleed out in peace

Helldivers 2 – Alpha Commander

Brood Commanders and Warriors gain increased movement speed after losing their heads, charging players into a berserk state before bleeding to death in a matter of seconds. Instead of wasting valuable ammo trying to finish them off, use a melee attack, especially when facing a hoard. It will be you stunned long enough to bleed to deathThis prevents them from chasing players and allows players to focus on other enemies in peace.


Helldivers 2: List of passive armor levels

Discover the best passive armor in Helldivers 2 with our updated tier list. Find what you need to improve your combat and survival in each mission.


Crouching/bending reduces explosion damage

Hit the deck to stop dying from rockets

Helldivers 2 – Lying down

Something else players probably didn't know was possible Helldivers 2 was to reduce explosion damage by lying prone, crouching or diving.

When fighting the automatons, make it a habit to crouch or lie on your stomach while shooting. This not only increases the accuracy of high rate of fire weapons such as the machine gun and the Stalwart, but also Reduces the chance of dying from a single rocket explosion. The same rule applies to friendly Eagle air strikes or orbital strikes.


Get +100 Super Credits for free

The legends are true

Helldivers 2 - 100 SC

When farming Super Credits in Helldivers 2Players have one extremely rare looting chance +100 SC instead of the usual +10 SC. This is possible even on Level 1 – Trivial – missions and is not a bug or error. Each time players encounter a Super Credits loot pile, the game rolls a dice to determine whether they have +10 or +100 SC give. Therefore, players can spam trivial missions to increase the chance of looting more Super Credits.

+1000 requisitions and +30 medals are also possible.


Smoke Pods can launch players into the air

Botanical driving effects

Helldivers 2 – Exploding Smoke Plants

Some planets in there Helldivers 2 have these pod-like plants that emit smoke. When encountered, they explode and create a cloud of smoke, perfect for breaking the enemy's vision. However, if players stand on these smoke pods and attack or shoot them, they will be thrown into the air. This can be a lifesaver for escaping a tough fight or escaping a swarm of enemies.


Emotes in the air reduce falling damage

Ask for hugs as you fall

Helldivers 2 – Traps

The next time players are thrown into the air due to a massive explosion, make sure to use an emote before hitting the ground. The helps reduce fall damage and ensures players don't die on impact. This is probably one Helldivers 2 A fact that all players need to know is possible, especially against the machines, where rocket fire sends players flying all over the map.

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